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Appendix 7 – Plain Facts for Old and Young

John Harvey Kellogg

Over eating, eating between meals, hasty eating, eating indigestible articles of food, ices, late suppers, etc., react upon the sexual organs with utmost certainty.... Poor blood, filled with crude, poorly digested food, is irritating to the nervous system, and especially to those extremely delicate nerves which govern the reproductive function. Irritation provokes congestion; congestion excites sexual desire; excited passion increase the local disturbance; and thus each react upon the other, ever increasing the injury and the liability to future damage."

Page 626 - "An unstimulating, abstemious diet is the strongest of all allies of virtue."

Score - Unverified

Why 65 – Puberty (What 75)

The above foods (Why 61) bring on premature puberty.

Page 83 – “Stimulating foods, such as pepper, vinegar, mustard, spices, and condiments generally together with tea and coffee, and an excess of animal food, have a clearly appreciable influence in inducing the premature occurrence of puberty.”

Comment - It does now seem that excess meat and fat have been a major cause of the lowering of the age of puberty in females since this was written – an average of 17 years down to 12.8 years. (Time, October 30, 2000.) There has been no indication that tea, coffee or spices had a part to play.

Score – Verified

What 76 – Pork

W 33

R 11 A 121 C 35 J 60

Don’t live on pork.



Page 302 – (Don’t) live on pork



Score – Minor



What 77 – Fine flour

W 28

G 43 A 129 C 32 J 54

Don’t have white flour.



Page 302 – (Don’t) live on fine flour bread.



Score – Significant



What 78 - Fatty foods

W 40

R 12 G 58 A 133 J 61

Don’t eat fatty foods.



Page 302 – (Don’t) live on rich pies and cakes.

Score – Significant

Why 66 – Pork and Fatty Foods (What 78) Pork and fatty foods cause un-chaste thoughts.

Page 302 – “The science of physiology teaches that our very thoughts are born of what we eat. A man that lives on pork, fine-flour bread, rich pies and cakes, and condiments, drinks tea and coffee, and uses tobacco, might as well try to fly as to be chaste in thought.”

Score – Unverified

Why 67 – Nutritionally Rich Food (What 78)

Nutritionally rich foods are not fatty foods but those with many nutritional elements.

Page 624 - "It is a mistaken idea that foods made rich with fats are the most nourishing. Really "rich" foods are those which contain a large proportion of essential food elements in a condition in which they may be easily assimilated."



Appendix 7 – Plain Facts for Old and Young


John Harvey Kellogg

Score – Verified


What 79 – Best Foods

W 26 R 29 G 52 (A 105) C 29 (J 51)

Grains, fruit, milk and vegetables form the best diet. Page 303 - "....eat fruit, grains, milk, and vegetables.”

Comment – Milk has been included in this group while Ellen White handles milk separately.

Score – Significant

Why 68 – Best Diet (What 79)

Grains, fruit, milk and vegetables do not sexually excite.

Page 303 – “There is a rich variety of these kinds of food, and they are wholesome and unstimulating. Graham flour, oatmeal, and ripe fruit are the indispensable of a dietary for those who are suffering from sexual excess."

Score – Unverified

What 80 – Sugar W 49 R 13 A 128 (C 54) J 65

Do not eat freely of sugar.

Page 601 – “…. eating too freely of sweets” (is a health hazard.).

Score – Significant

Why 69 – Bilious Attacks (What 80)

Sugar, fats, condiments and over eating causes bilious attacks.

Page 601 - "It (bilious attack) is chiefly the result of overeating, eating too freely of sweets, pastry, fats, and highly seasoned dishes …. The stomach begins to fail more perceptibly in its efforts to accomplish the unnecessary and injurious labour imposed upon it. Indigestion is the result. By and by …. The poor stomach is overwhelmed and disabled culminating in a bilious attack,”

Page 625 - "A man has a bilious attack, and vomits bile, he feels sure there is something the matter with his liver; whereas, instead, he has bile enough and to spare, and all he needs is good hygiene, a proper dietary, and plenty of hot water inside and out."

Score - Unverified

What 81 – Simple Food W 25 R 40 G 45 A 132 C 31 J 53

Unprocessed foods are best.

Page 626 - "The simplest food is, as a rule, the most healthful.”

Score - Minor

What 82 – Cold Weather

Cold weather helps counter bad dietary habits.

Page 601 - "The cold, tonic air of the winter months antidote the bad influence of these digression in diet to some degree;

Page 635 - "The fear of cold is getting to be almost a mania. (by travelling south for winter) Cold weather is a blessing. The winter toning up is an advantage which no one can afford to miss unless absolutely compelled to forego it."

Score - Unverified

Why 70 – Cold Weather (What 82)


Appendix 7 – Plain Facts for Old and Young

John Harvey Kellogg

Warm weather strains the stomach.

Page 601 - "The cold, tonic air of the winter months antidote the bad influence of these digression in diet to some degree; but as the warm, relaxing weather of spring comes on, the stomach begins to fail more perceptibly in its efforts to accomplish the unnecessary and injurious labour imposed upon it.

Indigestion is the result….. culminating in a bilious attack,”

Score – Unverified

What 83 – Fasting

W 47 (R 10) (J 58)

Fasting for a meal or two is helpful.

Page 601 – “fasting a meal or two "

Score – Minor

Why 71 – Fasting (What 83) The stomach requires rest.

Page 601 – “a bilious attack, which is nothing more nor less than a cessation of work on the part of the stomach. The over worked organ needs rest."

601 - "A bilious attack can always be prevented by giving the stomach rest, by fasting a meal or two before the final crash comes."

634 - "The stomach requires rest as well as the brain or the muscles."

Comment – A gastritis does force a rest, but it is an infection and not due to overwork. Fasting will not prevent gastritis. The stomach does not need rest unless there is an infection or gastritis.

Score – Unverified

What 84 – Mental Activity

W 60 G 81 C 52

Do not do mental activity after a meal.


Page 624 - "Intense mental activity, …. (is unwise) soon after eating,”

Score - Unverified

Why 72 – Metal Activity (What 84)

Mental activity after a meal slows digestion.

Page 624 – (Mental activity after eating) “hinder the digestive process."

Comment - Only physical activity slows digestion, but this is not a danger.

Score – Unverified

What 85 – Fluid with Meals W 61 G 75 A 110 C 62

Do not drink large quantities of fluid with meals.

Page 624 - "Liquid of any kind, taken at meals, in large quantities, is prejudicial to digestion;"

Score - Unverified

Why 73 – Fluid with Meals (What 85)

Fluid with meals delays digestion and overtaxes absorption.

Page 624 – “because it delays the action of the gastric juices, weakens its digestive qualities, and overtaxes the absorbents."

Score – Unverified

What 86 - Tired


Appendix 7 – Plain Facts for Old and Young

John Harvey Kellogg

Do not eat if tired.

Page 626 - "Do not eat when tired.”

Score – Unverified

Why 74 – Tired and Hungry (What 86)

When tired or hungry the stomach is weak and we should not eat.

Page 626 – “The idea that by taking of food the stomach or any other part of the system will be strengthened, is a mistake."

"A tired stomach is a weak stomach. When the stomach feels "faint and tired" at night, as many people complain, What it wants is not food, but rest."

"A "gnawing" hunger is not an indication of the necessity for food, but of a diseased condition of the stomach."

Score - Unverified


What 87 – Pure Water W 66 G 93 A 151 J 75

Only drink pure water.

Page 627 - "Never use water which has a perceptible taste or smell.

Never employ water which is procured from a suspicious source, as a well in a barn-yard or near a vault or ceases-pool, or from a cistern not recently cleansed. The old supposition, that running water into which impurities have been cast, purifies itself while running twenty miles, is an error. Such water is never safe.”

Score – Significant

What 88 – Hot Water

Hot water is curative.

Page 627 - "The free use of hot water” (has curative value)

Comment – The temperature of the water is not important.

Score - Unverified

Why 75 – Hot Water (What 88)

Hot water relieves disease of the stomach.

Page 627 – “is a very excellent means of relieving various disturbances of digestion, particularly those which arise from sluggishness of the stomach, such as acidity, heart-burn, etc."

Comments – Water can give some relief of heartburn, but there is no curative worth.

Score - Unverified

Why 76 – Cold Water (What 88)

Drinking iced water causes dysentery and bowel troubles.

Page 634 - "The injudicious use of ice water in summer is a most common cause of dysentery and other bowel troubles."

Score - Unverified

What 89 – Bath

W 69 R 25 G 102 A 156 C 65 J 81

A daily bath is good for the health.



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