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Appendix 7 – Plain Facts for Old and Young

John Harvey Kellogg

Published 1888


What 1Drugs W 2 G 7 (A 2) C 2 J 2

The use of drugs is rarely needed.

Page 612 - "the essential and useful drugs are really few and their administration rarely necessary."

Score – Significant

What 2 – Health Habits W 1 G 2 A 1 C 1 J 1

Lifestyle is more important than medical treatments.

Page 625 - "The royal road to health leads not by the way of big pills or little pills, purgatives or patent medicines, but by homely road of correct habits."

Score – Significant

Why 1 - Inherited Disease (What 2) Lifestyle can influence inherited diseases.

Page 634 - "Diseases are seldom inherited, but tendencies to disease are often transmitted from parent to children. By beginning early in life, these inherited tendencies may be extinguished."

Comment – Some diseases are directly inherited while others only the tendency is inherited and the lifestyle will be an influencing factor.

Score – Unverified

What 3 - Infectious Diseases

Measures to prevent catching an infectious disease are: have a draft come from your back, don’t swallow, rinse your mouth out, blow your nose, wash your hands and face, wear a mask, be in good health.

Page 629 - "The best means to avoid the infection of a contagious disease when unavoidably exposed, are the following: Always have good ventilation in the room. Never stand between the patient and the fire, but always between him a fresh-air inlet. Never while in the room swallow any saliva; and after leaving, rinse out the mouth, blow the nose, and wash the hands and face. Keep up good general health by good food, exercise, and temperance. In addition to these recommendations, it is well to filter all the air you breathe while in the sick-room by tying a handkerchief over the mouth and nose."

Comment – Several of these measures won’t help, but washing hands, a handkerchief over the mouth and keeping up good general health are good advice.

Score – Minor

What 4 - Licentiousness

A 30 C 9

Licentiousness is dangerous.


Page 217 – “nature has appended to the sin of illicit sexual indulgence, .. penalties',”

Score – Significant

Why 2 - Licentiousness (What 4)

Licentiousness has the risk of sexually transmitted diseases

Page 217 - "Apparently as a safeguard to virtue, nature has appended to the sin of illicit sexual indulgence, as penalties', the most loathsome, deadly, and incurable diseases known to man. Some of

Appendix 7 – Plain Facts for Old and Young

John Harvey Kellogg

theses, as gonorrhea and chancroid, are local diseases...... By the far the worst form of venereal disease is syphilis."

Comment - The danger of sexually transmitted diseases still makes this a true statement.

Score – Verified

Why 3 – Inherited Sexually Transmitted Diseases (What 4)

Both mother and father can transfer sexually transmittable and many other diseases to the offspring. Page 221 - "His children, if they survive, are likely, in later years, to show the effects of their father's sin, .... Scrofula, consumption, cancer, rickets, diseases of the brain and nerves, decay of the bones....." Page 222 - "The father, as well as the mother, communicates the syphilitic virus to the children". Comment – The bacteria of syphilis can transmit from mother to child, but not father to child unless the mother becomes infected. Scrofula, consumption, cancer and rickets are not associated with congenital syphilis.

Score – Unverified

What 5 – Masturbation

J 20 C 10

Masturbation is a health hazard.


Page 231 - "selfpollution, or masturbation, ..... is the most dangerous of all sexual abuses." Comment - Masturbation is not a health hazard, but it may cause some psychological or social problems. This is parallel to the view expressed in An Appeal to Mothers (1864) written at the same time as the health chapter in Spiritual Gifts (1864).

Score - Unverified

Why 4 – Masturbation (What 5) Masturbation uses up the vital forces.

Page 341 - "(Masturbation) wastes the most precious part of the blood, uses up the vital forces, and finally leaves the poor victim a most utterly ruined and loathsome object."

Score – Unverified

Why 5 – Diseases from Masturbation (What 5)

There is a long list of the signs or indication that masturbation is occurring and the diseases it causes. Pages 249 - 261 – Signs of masturbation

“General debility, emaciation, weakness, paleness, exhaustion, consumption, early puberty, morose, cross, peevish, irritability, disobedience, lassitude, dull expression, sleeplessness, failure of mental capacity, fickleness, untrustworthy, love of solitude, bashfulness, baldness, mock piety, easily frightened, confusion, round shoulders, weak back, pain in limbs, stiff joints, paralysis, shuffling gait, sleeping on front, poor breast development, large appetite, liking of salty foods, pepper, spices, cinnamon, cloves, vinegar, eating clay, or slate pencils, dislike of simple food., smoking, pallor, acne, biting nails, sunken darkened eyes, cold hands, palpitations, hysteria, green sickness, epileptic fits, wetting the bed, absence of speech.”

Page 262 – 289 - Results of masturbation

Urithitis, urethral stricture, prostatic enlargement, bladder stones, piles, rectal prolapse, wasting of the testicles, varicoele of testicle, General debility, emaciation, weak back, stupidity, laziness, consumption, dyspepsia, heart disease, throat affections, nervous disease, epilepsy, spinal irritation, insanity, idiocy, shortened life, leucorrhoea, uterine disease, sterility, small breast, itching of genitals,


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