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Appendix 6 – Laws of Life


James Caleb Jackson

Score - Unverified


What 80 – Hot & Cold Drinks

W 54 R 36 G 76 A 148 C 61 K 74

Do not drink hot or cold drinks.


1862 Vol. 5 page 101.2 - (It can not be argued that the) “use of cold water, …. internally, can be practiced with impunity to physical health.

1863 Vol. 6 page107.1 – “abandon hot drinks,”

Score – Unverified

Why 70 – Hot Drinks 1 (What 80) Hot drinks dull the senses.

1862 Vol. 5 page 98.3 – “hot drinks, …. help to break down the discriminative power of smell, sight, hearing, and touch.”

Score - Unverified

Why 71 – Hot Drinks 2 (What 80) Hot drinks cause tooth decay.

1963 Vol. 6 page107.2 – “While I …. used hot drinks, my teeth decayed rapidly. Since I have abandoned the use …., the decay has been arrested.

Score – Unverified

What 81 – Bath

W 69 R 25 G 102 A 156 C 65 K 89

Bath daily.



Vol. 5 page134.2 – “The first thing that I recommend to you is personal cleanliness”


Vol. 6 page 23.1 – “Wash his body all over everyday in water.”

Score - Significant

Why 72 – Bath (What 81)

Bathing helps the excretion of carbon dioxide through the skin.

1862 Vol. 5 page 134.2 – “As the skin is one the most important of the eliminating organs, it is needful that you should keep clean.”

Page 151.2 – “The skin, .... takes at least three-fifths, (of excretion) the lungs and kidneys another fifth, and the bowels the remaining fifth.”

1863 Vol. 6 page 178.2 – “The carbonic acid which is generated in the human body by the change which its particles undergo from life to death, would, if retained within it, cause almost instantaneous death.”

Score – Unverified

What 82 – Friction Bath

R 32 K 100

Rubbing the body with the hands will substitute for a bath.

1862 Vol. 5 page 134.2 – “If you are so situated at any time that you cannot get water to wash your body in, daily dry hand-rubbing will be found to be a very useful measure.”

Score - Unverified

What 83 - Shower

Bath and not shower.

1862 Vol. 5 page 25.1 – “And so the shower bath was recommended to invalids, and feeble persons, indiscriminately,” (they are dangerous)

Score - Unverified

Don S McMahon


Appendix 6 – Laws of Life

James Caleb Jackson

Why 73 – Shower (What 83) Showers are severe and cause injury.

1862 Vol. 5 page 25.1 – “the result (of a shower) was that many were permanently injured by this most unpleasant and severe method in which a bath can be applied.”

Score – Unverified

What 84 – When to Bath

G 104 A 163 K 92

Bath at midday.



1862 Vol. 5 page 43.2

– “ten or eleven o'clock in the day is the best hours for bathing.”

1863 Vol. 6 page 19.3

– “Baths in the morning, .... should not be administered”

Score - Unverified



Why 74 – When to Bath (What 84) Bath when most vigorous.

1862 Vol. 5 page 43.2 – “Baths are always most beneficial in their effect when taken with the body at its highest point of vigor.”

Score - Unverified

What 85 – Temperature of a Bath

(R 33) (G 103) (A 162) (C 66) K 91

Never bath in cold water.


1862 Vol. 5 page101.2 – “It is my opinion that, in this particular, much injury has resulted from the use, and application of cold water to the bodies of both healthful and invalid persons: …. (It can not be argued that the) use of cold water, externally or internally, can be practiced with impunity to physical health.

1863 Vol. 6 page 19.2 – “the application of cold water externally to the body, is so unjustifiable as to amount to mal-practice.”

Page19.3 – “Never give water (bath) below a temperature of seventy-two degrees,” Page 42.2 – “take his bath in …. tepid water”

Page 107.1 – “every day taking an ablution in water at a temperature not below 85 deg.,”

Score - Unverified

Why 75 – Cold Water (What 85) Cold bathing causes prostration.

1862 Vol. 5 page 25.2 – “Cold water applied to the skin acts as a stimulant, and, like any other stimulant, causes the person to feel stronger and better immediately; but after a time, a few hours at most, the first reaction is spent and invariable there follows depression, to a degree exactly correspondent to the previous exaltation.”

1863 Vol. 6 page 42.2 – “The man may feel well (after a cold bath) simply because there is an unusual excitement of the nervous force to meat the shock to which the system is subjected; but the reactionary effect of this is prostration.”

Score – Unverified

What 86 – Bathing and Food

G 105 K 95

Do not bath before or after a meal.



Vol. 5 page 43.2 – “No bath should be taken immediately after or before a meal.”

Score - Unverified


What 87 – Warm Bathroom

K 96

Bath in a warm bathroom.



Vol. 6 page 42.2 – “take his bath in a warm room,”

Don S McMahon


Appendix 6 – Laws of Life

James Caleb Jackson

Score - Unverified

What 88 - Towels

Towels should be soft.

1862 Vol. 5 page 43.2 – “A common cotton bed-sheet will answer for wiping; .... towels after a general bath being entirely unfit, and a crash towel quite out of the question. .... The fabric may be coarse and heavy, but must be soft and smooth.”

1862 Vol. Page 26.1 – “All friction applied to the body after a bath, should be soft and pliable;” Comment – There is no health danger in a rough towel only possible discomfort.

Score - Unverified

What 89 – Soap

A 157

Don’t use soap.


1962 Vol. 5 page 43.2 – “Soap should never be used except for persons who bathe very seldom, or who are very dirty.”

Score - Unverified

What 90 – Mineral Springs

Bathing in mineral springs is dangerous to health.

1862 Vol. 5 page 51.3 – “Next to the drug shops, the mineral springs of this country, and of Europe, lay the foundation of incurable disease, and premature deaths by the thousands.” (external use)

Score - Unverified

What 91 – Clean Clothes

W 71 A 165

Keep clothing clean.


1863 Vol. 6 page 20.3 – “Keep the patient's personal apparel and bed clothing clean”

Score - Significant

What 92 – Airing Clothes

A 82

Keep clothing aired.


1862 Vol. 5 page134.3 – “never lie down to sleep in the same under-clothes or over clothes, which you have worn during the day .... hang the clothing which you wear during the day up where it can be thoroughly aired.”

Score – Minor

Why 76 – Airing Clothes (What 92) Foul matter is given off by the skin.

1862 Vol. 5 page134.3 – “because these become loaded with foul matter that are constantly passing from the skin ....hang the clothing which you wear during the day up where it can be thoroughly aired.”

Score – Verified

What 93 – Temperature of Washing Water

Don’t rinse clothes in cold water.

1863 Vol. 6 page 105.1 – “is it unhealthy or not to rinse clothes in cold water after washing in warm?”

Score - Unverified

Why 77 – Temperature of Washing Water (What 93)

Cold water on the hand causes injury.

Don S McMahon


Appendix 6 – Laws of Life

James Caleb Jackson

1863 Vol. 6 page 105.1 - “the skin of the hands particularly relaxed and softened by continued immersion in warm water, and then to stand for a considerable length of time rinsing clothes in cold water, is to cause such reactions of the circulation as to cause such reaction of the circulation as to do great injury,

Score – Unverified


What 94 – Social Relationships

Have pleasant social relationships.

1963 Vol. 6 page 107.1 “surrounding himself with pleasant social relations,”

Score - Significant

What 95 – Anxiety

W 77 (A 171) C 71

Avoid nervous exhaustion.


1862 Vol. 5 page 73.2 – “fear, dread, anxiety, sorrow, - all have a depressing influence upon the body.”

1863 Vol. 6 page 168.2 – “Avoiding general nervous exhaustion”

Score - Significant

What 96 – Cheerfulness

W 76 R 47 A 170 C 70 K 102

Cheerfulness improves health.


1862 Vol. 5 page 73.3 – “A cheerful hopeful nurse is invaluable in a sick room.”

Score - Significant

What 97 – Sympathy

W 78 A 168 C 72

Sympathy improves recovery


1862 Vol. 5 page 73.3 – “There is no thing so essential to her restoration as the sympathy of her friends.”

Score – Significant

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Don S McMahon


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