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Appendix 6 – Laws of Life


James Caleb Jackson

What 28 – Ventilation

W 12 R 7 G 23 A 42 C 14 K 34

Good ventilation is required for health.

1863 Vol. 6 page 1.2 – “confinement in school rooms, where the occupants are compelled for hours to sit upon benches study while the air which they breath is quite impure, (Also - Feb. 17, 1863 -

Adventist Review and Sabbath Herald.)

Score - Significant

Why 22 – Ventilation 1 (What 28) Re-breathed air is poisonous.

1862 Vol. 5 page 1.3 – “To breathe the atmosphere of a room crowded with persons, is to become poisoned thereby. If the air in the room is not kept healthy by ventilation, it soon becomes foul, and in a great many instances becomes poisonous as to affect the circulation and the nervous system of those who breathe it.”

1863 Vol. 6 page 1.3 - (Breathing poorly ventilated air) “As consequence their blood becomes less perfectly aerated or oxygenated, as it is termed. From want of aeration it becomes foul” (Also - Feb. 17, 1863 - Adventist Review and Sabbath Herald.)

Score - Verified

Why 23 – Ventilation 2 (What 28)

Poor ventilation affects the function of the bowels, kidneys and skin.

1863 Vol. 6 page 1.3 - “From want of aeration it becomes foul, its constituents being made up largely of materials which have been separated from solid tissue, and received into the blood with a view of being passed off through the various alimentary departments, which are the lungs, the bowels, the kidneys and the skin. Not being carried off as they should be, become acrid and poisonous.” (Also - Feb. 17, 1863 - Adventist Review and Sabbath Herald.)

Comment – Only the lungs are involved in gaseous excretion.

Score – Unverified

What 29 – Window Openings

A 43

There must be a high and low opening for proper ventilation.

1862 Vol. 5 page 150.1 - (For ventilation) “Open a passage at the top of the room on one side, and at the bottom on the other.”

Comment – One opening is enough.

Score – Unverified

What 30 – Loose Clothing

A 50

It is very important to have air to the skin.


1863 Vol. 6 page 18.3 – “next to taking pure air by inhalation, is the permitting it to have free access to the surface of the body”

Score - Unverified

What 31 – Air Bathing

G 21

In the morning or midday we should air bathe.

1863 Vol. 6 page19.1 – “through all seasons of the year, accustom themselves to air bathing in the morning, or at midday,”

Score - Unverified

Why 24 – Air to the Skin (What 31)

Air on the skin purifies the blood.

Don S McMahon


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