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Appendix 4 - The Laws of Health

William A Alcott

but of all other processes by means of which matter is brought out of the deep interior of the body, and ejected from it. In such a work, the lungs, kidneys, and some other organs participate."

Page 64-331 - "Suppose I have taken cold. During the existence of this disease the centrifugal tendency just now mentioned is greatly diminished, and a centripetal tendency is substituted. In truth, the system is oppressed, throughout, and calls loudly for relief.”

Score – Unverified

Why 172 – Oil of the Skin (What 156) Washing does not remove the oil from the skin.

Page 310-1621 - "I once hazarded the opinion, in New Bedford, Mass., that more persons of the commercial place had circumnavigated the globe, than had ever washed themselves all over in cold water. The necessity of daily bathing has of late years been opposed, ....., on the grounds that, in washing our skin, we remove the oil ..... This is the most flimsy reasoning imaginable."

Comment – Too much washing with soap does remove oil, but it tends to do little harm in adults if not overdone.

Score – Unverified

What 157 – Soap

J 89

Water is all we need to clean our skin, soap is not needed.

Page 314-1642 - "neither soap nor warm water will be needful for the purpose of mere cleanliness. Plain cold, or at least cool, water, will be quite as efficient; and, if well managed, quite as healthful."

Comment – This is most probably true with children, but not adults.

Score – Unverified

What 158 – Dirt

If we get dirt from the garden on our hands it should be quickly removed.

Page 244-1267 - "(Soil) should be removed as soon as possible."

Comment – The dangers of soil on intact skin are in fact very low.

Score - Unverified

Why 173 – Dirt (What 158) Dirt is dangerous to our skin.

Page 244-1267 - "The notion was once very prevalent that dirt is healthy…. But this is utterly a mistake. It is unhealthy even to the skin,"

Comments – The danger of soil on intact skin is nearly nonexistent.

Score - Unverified

What 159 – People needing to Bath

Sedentary, sluggish, old people as well as females and those who eat the wrong foods have the greatest need to bath.

Page 312-1630 - "Among those who stand most in need of bathing, for the sake of cleanliness, are the studious and sedentary."

Page 313-1638 - "Those who are of sluggish temperament need it much more than those whose temperament is active and sanguine. The middle-aged require it more than the young; and aged more than either. Females, ..... need, ..... much more than males."

Page 313-1639 - "They who use exciting drinks of any kind, or highly seasoned food, or .... using drugs, .... are among the individuals who must use the bath, more or less, or perish."

Don S McMahon


Appendix 4 - The Laws of Health

William A Alcott

Comment – All need to bath.

Score – Unverified

Why 174 – Bath 1 (What 159)

The sedentary need to clean the carbolic acid off their skin.

Page 312-1632 - "Both the book worm and statue (sedentary) sit much of their time immersed in bad air. It may be bad, because deprived of oxygen .... loaded with carbolic acid. It may be worse, still, by being loaded with poisonous animal, vegetable or mineral effluvia."

Score – Unverified

Why 175 – Bath 2 (What 159)

If you don’t bath, the dirt from the skin is absorbed into the blood.

Page 309-1616 - "A healthy person will have the power of absorption much more of this filth than a sickly one; but, in all persons, the power of absorption is considerable..... in order to rid of the dust on our skins, it must be carried back again into circulation,"

Score - Unverified

What 160 – Rough Clothing

Coarse rough clothes near the skin rub the skin and keep it clean and reduce the need for a bath. Page 309-1614 - "the friction of our clothing. This natural means of cleanliness is, of course, most efficient where the material is coarse. Hence, one reason Why coarse, heavy flannel, next the skin, is productive of less evil than should be supposed."

Score – Unverified

What 161 – Cold Baths before Bed

Cold baths are injurious just before bed or if very cold.

Page 266-1385 - "Others go further, and put their feet into a tub or pail of cold water when they are going to bed, or run through a snow-drift in their undress; ..... when they wish to start the blood, as they term it. All these cold baths, general or local, do good for the time, provided a reaction follows; but they are otherwise injurious."

Comment – If done for a short time only, cold baths slightly increase the strength of the immune system. This is as long as hypothermia does not occur.

Score - Unverified

What 162 – Cold Baths

R 33 G 103 C 66 (J 85) (K 91)

A cold bath is good for the health.


Page 321-1682 - "This law is, that when, by cold bathing, we succeed in getting up a reaction in the system, (that is good)”

Comment – Alcott seems to contradict himself. As long as the temperature of the bath does not cause changes in the body temperature, a wide range of bath temperature is safe.

Score – Unverified

Why 176 – Cold Baths (What 162)

A cold bath invigorates the skin, and the skin transfers the vigor to the organs.

Page 321-1682 - "(With Cold bathing) not only is there a general good influence diffused throughout the whole domain of life, but there is a particular tendency of the invigorating and otherwise favourable influence to such parts of the system as, in any way, happen to be enfeebled or crippled. Thus, suppose I have weak lungs. .... In other and few words, they are invigorating.

Don S McMahon


Appendix 4 - The Laws of Health

William A Alcott

Or suppose the weak part is the stomach, or the bowels; In that case the excess vigor in the skin is transmitted to the lining of the stomach or the alimentary canal"

Comment – This is not a good description.

Score – Unverified

What 163 – Morning Bath

G 104 J 84 K 92

Having a bath early in the day is dangerous.


Page 318-1669 - "They who use warm bathing early in the day, and expose themselves immediately afterwards, (is dangerous)"

Score – Unverified

Why 177 – Morning Bath (What 163) Colds are caused by having a morning bath

Page 318-1669 - "(Having a morning bath) must expect to take cold, and suffer as consequence."

Score – Unverified

What 164 – Hot or Fatigued

K 93

You should not bath when hot or fatigued.


Page 318-1669 - "So must they who take the cold bath, when they are over-heated, over fatigued, or over-exhausted."

Score – Unverified

Why 178 – Hot or Fatigued (What 164)

Lameness, blindness and even death can occur if having a cold bath when hot or fatigued. Page319-1674 - "those who injure their health, perhaps for life, by going into cold water when overheated, or under other improper circumstances. I have known not only lameness, but blindness, fastened upon boys, that remain with them till death closed the scene, as the consequence of these imprudence."

Score – Unverified

What 165 – Clean Clothes

W 71 J 91

Cleanliness is important for health.


Page 365-1915 - "I know it is toilsome to give a due regard to this matter. (having clean clothes) It will - it must - take up a considerable share of human life. But .... "Cleanliness is next to godliness.""

Score – Significant

What 166 – Clean House

W 70 G 101

If a house is not clean, disease will occur.


Page 241-1256 - "The cellar..... had not been cleaned for years. It was, as it were, full of putrefying cabbage, potatoes, apples .... half putrefied flesh and fish, and animal matters still more offensive.”

Score – Significant


Having a clear conscience is good for sleep and this is good for health. Page 97-503 - "A good conscience is indispensable to sound sleep"

Don S McMahon



Appendix 4 - The Laws of Health


William A Alcott


Score – Significant



What 168 – Doing Good

W 78 C 72 J


Doing good to others and being fully occupied improves our health and life expectancy.

Page 10-55 - "It is one of the plainest inferences which can possibly be made, that, if the wicked shorten their days by their wickedness, they must, in order to secure long life, leave off their wickedness. This, then, is, in general, the first means of securing longevity in this world. But we must not only cease to do evil, we must learn to do well. The wicked man, in leaving off his wickedness, cannot be idle. He must be active in some way. As he has ceased to do evil, it is to be presumed he will now do good. His prospect of long life is therefore greatly increased."

Page 36-190 - "I do not think it can be shown that malevolence itself, when acted out, ever made its possessors more healthy. But that benevolence produces such effects, under all circumstances, is undeniable."

Comment – There is a lot about living a good life which leads to having a clear conscience and high self-esteem.

Score – Significant

Why 179 – Doing Good 1 (What 168) Doing good stops us being introspective.

Page 35-189 - "Doing good keeps our mind from preying upon ourselves; which is an important advantage.”

Score – Verified

Why 180 – Doing Good 2 (What 168) Doing good helps the centrifugal tendencies.

Page 35-189 - "Observe, also, that it (doing good) causes a determination of the fluids of the body to the surface; which in moderation, is always healthful."

Scope - Unverified

What 169 – Obey your Parents

Obedience to your parents improves longevity.

Page 11-57 - "long life is promised to obedience to Parents."

Comment –The belonging to a strong family unit is good for the health of the individuals.

Score - Minor

What 170 – Cheerfulness

W 76 R 47 C 70 J 96 K 102

Cheerfulness brings good health.


Page 198-1029 - "As certainly as "Laugh and be fat," means laugh and be healthy," and is true, just so certainly is it true that a want of cheerfulness leads to that opposite feeling which is so often accompanied by emaciation."

Score – Significant

Why 181 – Cheerfulness (What 170) Cheerfulness restores the centrifugal tendencies.

Page 64-332 - "There are several ways and means of doing this. (Restore the centrifugal tendencies that are indispensable for life and health) ….Another is by being cheerful.

Score - Unverified

Don S McMahon


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