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Appendix 7 – Plain Facts for Old and Young

John Harvey Kellogg

Comment – It is now known that the oxygen from plants is so little compared with the leakage from outside that even in a closed room it is insufficient for any benefit.

Score – Unverified

What 36 – Clean Garden (W 15) W 15a G 24 A 60 J 27

The house and garden should be clean from decaying vegetable matter, wood, coal, or mould. Page 606 - When spring approaches, it is important to be on the lookout for possible sources of air contamination when the winter ice melted, and the conditions favorable for decomposition are

developed. Let every nook and corner of the house, the cellar, the back yard, and the entire premises be thoroughly inspected”

Page 628 - "Cellars should be kept clear of decaying vegetables, wood, wet coal, and mold. The walls should be frequently whitewashed, or washed with a strong solution of copperas."

Score – Significant

Why 27 – Decomposition (What 36)

The house and garden should be clean to stop the spread of disease germs.

Page 606 – “so as to eradicate every possible source for germs to germinate and multiply.

Score – Verified

What 37 – Air with Bad Odour

You should never breathe in bad smelling air.

Page 627 – “….it is perfectly safe to say that a foul-smelling atmosphere is a dangerous one" Comment - Bad smelling air from decaying organic material is unpleasant, but not usually dangerous.

Score – Unverified

Why 28 – Air with Bad Odour 1 (What 37)

Bad smelling air is laden with disease carrying germs.

Page 627 - "Noxious gases and disease germs are usually associated together, - a fortunate fact, as it enables us to detect the dangerous character of an infected atmosphere without the trouble of a chemical analysis. It is possible for air to be swarming with disease germs without an offensive odor's being present; but the reverse is seldom true, and it is perfectly safe to say that a foul-smelling atmosphere is a dangerous one."

Score - Unverified

Why 29 – Air with Bad Odour 2 (What 37)

Page 606 – “A few hundred years back, the streets of London were in a worse condition than the backyard referred to, (a very foul smelling back yard)-a cordial invitation for the Great Plague, which came in due time”

Comment – It is the rats that are attracted to the rubbish that spread plague and not the smell of rotting material

Score - Unverified

Why 30 – Non-dangerous Germs (What 37) There are dangerous and non-dangerous germs.

Page 627 - "Germs differ in their relation to human life. Some are innocent, some are dangerous under certain conditions, others dangerous under all circumstances."


Appendix 7 – Plain Facts for Old and Young

John Harvey Kellogg

Score - Verified

What 38 - Carpets

Floorboards or scatter rugs that can be cleaned are healthier than carpets.

Page 631 -"Hard-wood floors, covered so far as necessary or desirable, with loose rugs which can be daily removed and shaken, are far more conducive to health than carpets."

Score - Minor

What 39 – Sleeping room

Page 628 – "Never sleep in a room which has been for weeks unused, unaired, unwarmed, and secluded from sunlight, until the bedding has been thoroughly aired and dried, and the air of the room thoroughly changed by ventilation."

Comment – This is only true if there is any danger of dampness.

Score – Minor


What 40 - Sunlight W 16 A 61 J 33

Sunlight is good for health.

Page 634 - "Sunshine, is one of nature's most potent remedies."

Page 306 – “It (the bedroom) should be located in a position to admit the sunshine during the morning." Page 628 - "Sleeping-rooms should be aired and sunned every day.

Score – Significant



What 41 – Tobacco

W 18 R 19 G 27 (A 70) (C 17) J 36

We should not smoke.


Page 303 – “Tobacco, another stimulant,..... should be totally abandoned at once.”

Score – Significant

Why 31 – Tobacco (What 41) Smoking causes passion and lust.

Page 180 – “ Few are aware of the influence upon morals exerted by the filthy habit, tobacco-using. When acquired early, it excites the undeveloped organs, arouses the passions, and in a few years converts the once chaste and pure youth into a veritable volcano of lust,…”

Score – Unverified

Why 32 – Tobacco (What 41) Nicotine is addictive.

Page 602 – “Because it is a necessity to him, not because it's a pleasure. How a necessity? - Because if he could not smoke, he would be in great torment.”

Score - Verified

What 42 – Alcohol

W 19 R 8 G 26 (A 67) (C 16) J 34

Alcoholic drinks should not be drunk.



Appendix 7 – Plain Facts for Old and Young

John Harvey Kellogg

Page 303 – “Stimulating drinks should be abstained from …. Wine, beer, ….should be taken under no circumstances.”

Score – Significant

Why 33 – Alcohol (What 42)

Alcohol is a stimulant that excites the passions.

Page 372 – “The use of beer, wine, hard cider,…. Is especially dangerous…. These stimulants excite the passions, and produce a clamoring for sensual gratification….”

Comment – Alcohol is a sedative, not a stimulant. Despite this the principle is true, but the major health problems come from other reasons.

Score – Verified

What 43 Tea & Coffee

W 17 R 18 G 29 A 71 C 19 J 38

Tea and coffee should not be drunk.


Page 303 – “Stimulating drinks should be abstained from …tea, and coffee should be taken under no circumstances.”

Score - Minor

Why 34 Coffee (What 43)

Coffee stimulates the genital organs.

Page 303 – “The influence of coffee in stimulating the genital organs is notorious.”

Score - Unverified

Why 35 – Tea and Coffee 1 (What 43)

Tannin in tea and coffee cause dyspepsia from congestion, constricts the blood vessels and stimulates the nervous system and the muscles.

Page 619 – “Coffee and tea, when taken in excess, are a frequent cause of dyspepsia; from the anaemic condition of the mucous membrane's being periodically renewed, a permanent state of congestion is at last produced, which constitutes dyspepsia. Coffee exerts both local a local and a general action, operating locally by means of its tannin, by diminishing the caliber of the vessels, but acting on the general economy by exciting the nervous centers and the muscular system.”

Comment – Caffeine stimulates the nerves and muscles, but there is no congestion.

Score – Unverified

Why 36 – Tea and Coffee 2 (What 43)

Tea and coffee are as bad as opium, alcohol and tobacco.

Page 619 – “The evidence against the use of tea and coffee is accumulating so rapidly that there can no longer be any doubt as to the propriety of using these articles as common beverages. They must be put in the same category with opium, alcohol, tobacco, and other harmful drugs.”

Comment – There is still debate on the dangers of tea and coffee. Caffeine is not in the same danger category as opium, alcohol, or tobacco.

Score - Unverified

Why 37 – Tea (What 43)

Drinking tea causes bad temper.


Appendix 7 – Plain Facts for Old and Young

John Harvey Kellogg

Page 623 – “Tea and “temper” are so often found associated as to afford good grounds for believing that they are closely related.”

Score - Unverified

What 44 – Chocolate

(G 69) (C 20)

Chocolate should not be eaten.


Page 303 – “Chocolate should be discarded also.”

Comment – The main form of caffeine in chocolate is far less potent on the nervous system than normal caffeine. (Caffeine and Health, Jack E James, page 10)

Score – Unverified

Why 38 – Chocolate (What 44)

The poison of chocolate is nearly the same as caffeine.

Page 303 – “It (chocolate) contains a poison practically identical with that of tea and coffee.” Comment – Chocolate contains Theobromine which is a form of caffeine that is not very highly stimulating. The true caffeine level in chocolate is fairly low. (Caffeine and Health, Jack E James, page 11).

Score – Verified



What 45 – Sleep

W 21 R 44 G 34 A 72 C 21 (J 39)

We need seven to nine hours sleep.


Page 304 - "From seven to nine hours sleep are required by all persons."

Score – Significant

What 46 Sleeping

To aid sleep, don’t eat before bed, do nothing exciting, retire early and soak feet in warm water. Page 629 – “If troubled with sleeplessness, eat an early and light supper of easily digested food; or, better, eat no supper at all. Do not engage in exciting conversation or amusements during the evening. At an early hour, prepare to retire determining to sleep. Just before going to bed, soak the feet for ten minutes in a pail of hot water, cooling it a little at the close.”

Comment - In fact it is better to have a hot drink. The rest are only partially true.

Score – Minor

What 47 – Getting Up

Don’t stay in bed if awake.

Page 304- "Arise immediately upon waking in the morning,”

Score – Unverified

Why 39 - Getting Up (What 47)

Going back to sleep does not refresh and causes emissions.

Page 304- "a second nap is generally unrefreshing, and is dangerous, for emissions most frequently occur at this time."

Score – Unverified


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