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Appendix 7 – Plain Facts for Old and Young

John Harvey Kellogg

Page 596 – (Avoid) “any kind of exercise in which there will be strife.” Comment - This is not a health hazard. In fact, exercise reduces tension.

Score – Unverified

Why 54 – Tension (What 60)

Exercise when under tension will cause excess exercise to occur.

Page 596 – “will be likely to excite to excess.”

Score - Unverified

What 61 – Good Exercise

W 24 G 39 A 96 (C 26) J 49

Walking is the best form of exercise. Gymnastics and rowing are also good.

Page 595 – “For most persons, there is no more admirable and advantageous form of exercise than walking;”

Page 301 – “No single form of exercise is so excellent as walking. Four to five miles a day are none to many to secure a proper amount of muscular exercise. Gymnastics, the "health-lift," "dumb-bell," rowing, and other forms of exercise are all good; but none of them should be carried too excess.”

Score - Minor

What 62 – Horse Riding

Horse riding is good.

Page 596 – “Horseback-riding,...may be of great benefit”

Comment – Horse riding, not being an aerobic exercise, is not as good for general health as many other forms of exercises, but any activity is good.

Score – Minor

Why 55 – Horse Riding (What 62)

Horse riding is good for digestion and relieving constipation.

Page 596 & 627 – “Horseback-riding is an excellent aid to digestion, and often effectually relieving habitual constipation of the bowels.”

Score - Unverified

What 63 – Bad Exercise

A 100

Skating, rowing, racing, ball games, dancing, trapeze, boxing are not good to do.

Page 596 – “Skating, rowing, racing, base-ball, foot-ball, dancing, and most other exercise of the sort, are more often harmful than otherwise…. Performances upon the trapeze, boxing, and pugilistic training, are open to the same objection,”

Comment – Only boxing could be condemned as a health hazard. All others are good for the health. Rowing was regarded as good in What 61.

Score – Unverified

Why 56 – Bad Exercise (What 63)

Bad exercises are carried to excess and associated with bad characters.

Page 596 – “because they are carried to excess, and are associated with other evils of pernicious characters.”

Comment – Any exercise that motivates to participate is an advantage.


Appendix 7 – Plain Facts for Old and Young

John Harvey Kellogg

Score – Unverified

What 64 – Weight Training

Muscular development is to be avoided.

Page 599 - "excessive development of the muscular system is not only not advantageous, but absolutely harmful.”

Comment – Maintaining muscle bulk has a part in maintaining health.

Score – Unverified

Why 57 – Weight Training (What 64)

Muscular development leads to weakening of other body parts and early death.

Page 599 - "The result of over training, or excessive development of the muscular system, is the weakening of other vital parts of the body..... Let the nerves and the muscles be developed together and equally..."

“Trainers are not long-lived."

Score - Unverified



What 65 – Meat

W 32 G 55 (A 108) C 34 J 59

We should not eat more than a minimum of meat. Page 178 – “…injury is done…., (by) flesh…”

Page 303 – “Flesh food in any but moderate quantities..... many will even discard them entirely”

Score – Significant

What 66 – Eggs

(W 37) (G 67)

We should not eat eggs.

Page 178 – “….injury is done…., (by) eggs…”

Comment - Eggs are high in animal fat and cholesterol so should not be eaten in excess, but for vegetarians they are a source of vitamin B12.

Score – Unverified

What 67 – Gluttony

W 46 R 9 G 89 A 140 (C 58) J 57

Do not overeat.


Page 302 – “Never over eat”


Score – Significant


Why 58 – Gluttony (What 67)

Overeating causes sexual activity and emissions.

Page 302 – “Gluttony is fatal to chastity; and overeating will be certain to cause emissions, with other evils,”

Score – Unverified

Why 59 – Nourishment 1 (What 67)

If the body does not need nutriment it does not digest the food we eat.

Page 623 – “It is not what one eats that nourishes him, but what he digests.”


Appendix 7 – Plain Facts for Old and Young

John Harvey Kellogg

Page 624 - "Nature makes no provision for digesting more than her proper wants demand." Comment – Unless having an absorption problem all that is able to be is digested is absorbed. Only indigestible material such as fibre is passed straight through.

Score - Unverified

Why 60 – Nourishment 2 (What 67)

If food can’t be digested it is of no nutritional value.

Page 625 - "The nourishing quality of any food depends upon its digestibility as much as upon its nutritive elements."

Score - Verified

Why 61 – Liver Disease (What 67)

A “brassy” taste means the need for dietetic reform.

Page 626 - "A "brassy" taste in the mouth indicates a torpid liver, and suggests a reform in diet."

Score - Unverified

What 68 – Number of Meals

W 56 G 77 A 134 C 46 J 68

There should be two meals and maybe a light third.

Page 178

– (Avoid) “eating between meals”.


Page 302

- "Eat but twice a day, or, if supper is eaten let it be very light...."

Score – Unverified

Why 62 – Eating Between Meals (What 68) Eating between meals causes dyspepsia.

Page 625 - "Eating between meals is a gross breach of the requirements of good digestion. The habit many have of eating fruit, confectionery, nuts, sweetmeats, etc, between meals, is a certain cause of dyspepsia."

Score – Unverified

What 69 - Regularity of Eating

W 55 R 26 G 82 A 139 C 44 J 69

We should eat on a regular basis.


Page 625 -"Every individual should consider the hour for meals a sacred one, not to be intruded upon under any ordinary circumstances. The habit of regularity in eating ought to be cultivated early in life."

Score - Minor

What 70 – Eating before Bed

W 58 R 23 G 78 A 131 C 45 J 70

We should not eat before bed.


Page 178

– (Avoid) “late suppers”


Page 302

– “Nothing should be eaten within four or five hours of bed-time.”

Score – Minor

Why 63 – Eating before Bed (What 70)

Sleeping with a full stomach causes dreams and emissions.

Page 302- “If the stomach contains undigested food, the sleep will be disturbed, dreams will be more abundant, and emission's will be frequent. A most imperative rule of life should be, "Never go to bed with a loaded stomach"”


Appendix 7 – Plain Facts for Old and Young

John Harvey Kellogg

Score – Unverified


What 71 Eating Rapidly

W 62 R 31 G 51 A 104 C 39

We should not eat rapidly.


Page 178 – (Avoid) “hasty eating”.


Score – Minor


What 72 Hard to Digest Food

C 63

We should not eat hard to digest foods.


Page 178 – (Avoid) “eating indigestible articles of food.”

Comment - High fat foods are not good to eat, but high fibre foods, which are also hard to digest, are good for health.

Score – Unverified

What 73 – Ice or Ice-cream

We should not eat ice or ice confection.

Page 178 – (Avoid) “ices”.

Score – Unverified

What 74 – Hot drinks

W 54

R 36

G 76

A 148

C 61

J 80

We should not drink hot drinks.







Page 303 - "Hot drinks of all kinds should be avoided."





Score - Unverified







What 75 – Spices

W 51

R 15

G 47

A 127

C 56

J 67

We should not eat spiced foods.







Page 303 - "Under this heading must be included spices, pepper, ginger, mustard, cinnamon, cloves, essences, all condiments, pickles, etc …. (are to eaten) in any but moderate quantities..... many will even discard them entirely; but it would be better for them to do so, nevertheless.”

Score – Minor

Why 64 – Irritating and Stimulating Foods (What 75)

Flesh, spices, eggs, tea, coffee, chocolate, stimulate and excite the blood and sexually excite. Page 163 - "Irritating food will produce irritating blood. Stimulating foods or drinks will surely

produce a corresponding quality of blood. Irritating, stimulating blood will irritate and stimulate the nervous system, and especially the delicate nerves of the reproductive system. .... "only the most simple and wholesome food should be eaten, and that only in such moderate quantities as are required to replenish the tissues. The custom of making the food pungent and stimulating with condiments, is the greatest hindrance to virtue. ..... The devises of modern cookery are most powerful allies of unchastity and licentiousness".

Page 178 - "Exciting stimulants and condiments weaken and irritate his nerves, and derange the circulation. Thus, indirectly, they affect the sexual system, which suffers through sympathy with the other organs. But a more direct injury is done. Flesh, condiments, eggs, tea, coffee, chocolate, and all stimulants have a powerful influence directly upon the reproductive organs. They increase the local supply of blood; and through nervous sympathy with the brain, the passions are aroused.


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