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Appendix 6 – Laws of Life

James Caleb Jackson

surface, thus producing the congestion which are termed diphtheria.” (Also - Feb. 17, 1863 -

Adventist Review and Sabbath Herald.)

Score - Unverified

What 9 – Adult Dress

Long dresses with many petticoats impede movement and are thus a health hazard.

1863 Vol. 6 page 40.3 – ‘The prevailing long-skirted, crinoline, beflounced, Paris cut woman's dress does this” (impedes and interferes with muscular movement).

Page 116.1 The object of the dress reform movement is to establish, for woman, a style of costume,

.... healthful. The dress, known ..... as the American Costume ... short dress with pants.

Page 117.1 – “The style of dress, which we advocate here today, is as desirable for ladies who are in good health as for those have had their health marred. It is better, inasmuch as prevention is better than cure.”

Comment – As long as there is sufficient exercise there is no health problem.

Score - Unverified

What 10 - Hoopskirts

Dress hoops are a health hazard.

1863 Vol. 6 page 93.3 - “No woman having any care for her health, should ever wear hoopskirts under any circumstances.”

Score - Unverified

What 11 – Pants

Women should wear pants.

1863 Vol. 6 page 104.3 – “Now I know that in forming women after the fashion in which He saw fit to form them, the creator meant that they should wear pantaloons. This evident, because in no other way can the legs be properly protected against the changes of temperature of the atmosphere.” Comment – A long dress and or stockings are also protective to the legs.

Score – Unverified

Why 8 – Dress 1 (What 11) Wearing pants induces better health.

1863 Vol. 6 page 105.1 - “I am sure that God approves of the American Costume far more than of the common style of dress, because thousands of women who, wearing the latter, were sick all the time, have upon adopting the former, begun immediately to improve in health, and have continued to do so, some of them for years up to the present time.”

Score - Unverified

Why 9 – Dress 2 (What 11)

It takes four times the energy to walk in a long dress than pants.

1862 Vol. 5 page 11.2 – “I am satisfied that women who wear long skirts expend four times the nervous energy and muscular energy, in performing any duty which involves the exercise of the organs of locomotion, than men expend;”

Score – Unverified

Why 10 – Dress 3 (What 11)

Getting moisture on the hem of a dress is dangerous.

Don S McMahon


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