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Appendix 6 – Laws of Life

James Caleb Jackson

Don’t overeat.

1863 Vol. 6 page 3.1 – “Such persons, eat gross …. and are therefore liable to take on …. diseases” (Also - Feb. 17, 1863 - Adventist Review and Sabbath Herald.)

Score – Significant

Why 47 – Overeating 1 (What 57) Overeating reduces the immunity.

1863 Vol. 6 page 3.1 – “Such persons, more likely than not, are high livers; eat gross …. and are therefore liable to take on inflammatory diseases,” (Also - Feb. 17, 1863 - Adventist Review and Sabbath Herald.)

Page 39.3 – “colds are produced, oftener than otherwise, by over-eating.”

Score – Unverified

Why 48 – Overeating 1 (What 57) Overeating exhausts the vital forces.

1862 Vol. 5 page 113.1 – “Gluttony .... greatly fatigue the nutritive organs in disposing of it, ....- a highly stimulating foods, so far from giving tone to the stomach, are directly productive of exhaustion of its energies, .... in order to their disposal, more than usual exhibition of force. ..... the Vital Forces have to exhibit extraordinary action, to that degree sooner or later will fatigue or exhaustion or a feeling of depression come to show itself.”

Score - Unverified

What 58 – Fasting

(W 47) R 10 (K 83)

Fast someone with a fever.


1863 Vol. 6 page 3.3 – “Whether infant, child, or adult, male or female, I never allow a particle of food to be taken .... three days, in others four days, .... drink freely of …. water” (Also - Feb. 17, 1863 - Adventist Review and Sabbath Herald.)

Page 20.1 – “Where a patient shows a disease such as indicates inflammatory conditions, his food should be given at long intervals, and then in moderate quantities only.”

Score - Unverified

Why 49 – Fasting (What 58)

A fever is caused by a high blood sugar. Fasting can lower it.

1862 Vol. 5 page 183.2 – “The majority of instances colds are the result of congestion induced by a superabundant quantity of carbon in the blood, and this exists in consequence of repletion from eating.”

Score - Unverified

What 59 – Flesh Meat W 32 G 55 (A 108) C 34 K 65

Be a vegetarian.

1863 Vol. 6 page 23.1 – “avoiding the use of flesh meats.”

Score - Significant

Why 50 – Meat 1 (What 59) Eating meat causes tooth decay.

1963 Vol. 6 page 107.2 – “Proper diet would have very much to do in arresting decay of the teeth,

.... While I was a flesh eater …., my teeth decayed rapidly. Since I have abandoned the use of stimulating food, the decay has been arrested.

Score - Unverified

Don S McMahon


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