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Appendix 5 - Philosophy of Health

Larkin B Coles

1860 Edition – Subtitled “Natural Principles of Health and Cure” or “Health and Cure without Drugs” also “The Moral Bearing of Erroneous Appetites”


What 1 – Laws of Health W 1 G 2 A 1 J 1 K 2

Violating the laws of health causes ill health.

Page 140.2 – “Obedience to the laws of health should be made a matter of individual and personal duty.”

Score - Significant

Why 1 – Laws of Health 1 (What 1)

Nearly all ill health has been caused by lifestyle.

Page 174.2 – “More than nineteen twentieths, probably, of all the diseases of which complaint is made, are created, directly or indirectly, by the people who suffer from them;”

Page 174.2 – “A portion of their disease they create directly, by interference with natural law,”

Score – Verified

Why 2 – Laws of Health 2 (What 1)

Diseases caused by the bad habits of the father can be passed on for generations.

Page 88.1 – “the health of father ….. has a very important bearing upon the constitutions of their yet unborn children. If a father’s nervous system has been marred and broken by habits which are at war with nature’s laws, the generations following him will be more or less unhappily affected.” Comment – There are very few diseases that can be passed on to even one generation.

Score - Unverified

Why 3 – Laws of Health 3 (What 1)

Prior to birth, a mother can pass on lifestyle-caused diseases to her unborn child.

Page 88.1 – “If the mother’s system has been weakened by violations of law, her children, prior to birth, will be obliged to participate with her in suffering the penalty.”

Comment – Nutritional deficiencies and venereal disease can influence the developing foetus.

Score - Verified

What 2 – Drugs

W 2 G 7 (A 2) J 2 K 1

Drugs don’t aid recovery.


Page 174.2 – “Nature will recover herself better without medicines than with them.”

Score - Significant

What 3 – Tight Clothes

W 7 (R 24) G 12 A 9 J 12 K 25

We should not wear tight clothes.


Page 192.1 – “dresses are made too tight in the waist, and too much filled with whalebone. The chest should have free room to expand itself, and allow the lungs to fill with air. The breathing should need no resistance from dress.”

Score - Minor

Why 4 – Tight Clothes 1 (What 3)

Tight clothes reduce expansion of the chest.

Page 192.1 – “dresses are made too tight in the waist, and too much filled with whalebone. The chest should have free room to expand itself, and allow the lungs to fill with air.. The breathing

Don S McMahon


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