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Appendix 6 – Laws of Life

James Caleb Jackson

Intellectual activity uses up nervous energies.

1862 Vol. 5 page 151.1 – “It is as bad to use up nervous energy from an over-exercise of the intellectual faculties, and thereby drain the system of its sustaining power, as it is to overtax the physical frame by excessive muscular labourer.”

Score - Unverified


What 51 – Best Diet (W 26) (R 29) (G 52) A 105 (C 29) (K 79)

The best diet consists of grains and fruit alone.

1862 Vol. 5 page 55.2 – “Vegetables may be eaten, if desired. They are not necessary.”

1863 Vol. 6 page 10.1 – “Without further argument the question, that a fruit and farinaceous (flour) diet is the original food of man, that which is most congenial to his nature, most conductive to his right development, his greatest immunity from disease and most extended longevity.”

Page 23.1 – “eat largely of grains and fruits for food,”

Page 188.1 – “to make your food almost entirely of preparations of unbolted wheat meal, in the form of unleavened bread and pudding, with a moderate use of sub-acid fruits.”

Comment – Without vegetables this would be a dangerous diet.

Score – Unverified

Why 41 – Best Diet (What 51)

The best diet improves the immune system.

1863 Vol. 6 page 10.1 – “Without further argument the question, that a fruit and farinaceous (flour) diet is the original food of man, that which is most congenial to his nature, most conductive to his right development, his greatest immunity from disease and most extended longevity”

Comment – The principle is correct, but leaving out vegetables (including legumes) is not.

Score – Verified

Why 42 – Fruit (What 51)

Eating fruit stops inflammatory disease.

1862 Vol. 5 page 20.2 – “Now if instead of eating pork, and lard, flesh meats and large quantities of butter, persons would live upon fruits, .... no chance for any inflammatory disease,”

Comment - The antioxidants in fruit will help with infection, but so do the essential fatty acids in fat. So a balanced diet is the best.

Score - Unverified

What 52 – Single Foods

(W29) (G 71) (A130) (C 55)

Bread can be eaten alone.


1862 Vol. 5 page 55.2 – “It is not the best practice to live entirely upon fruit, though one can do it, and be healthy; but unleavened bread, or food prepared in some form from Graham flour, without fermentation, constitutes the best food in the world. This should be the staple eaten; fruit should be its accompaniment”

1863 Vol. 6 page 37.3 – “I do believe that in our climate wheat is the best article of food which can be used, and that persons could live upon it exclusively and maintain perfect health,”

Comment – It is unlikely that one can live on bread or fruit alone for a prolonged time and remain in health.

Score - Unverified

What 53 – Simple Cooking

W 25 R 40 G 45 A 132 C 31 K 81

Food should be simply cooked.


Don S McMahon


Appendix 6 – Laws of Life

James Caleb Jackson

1863 Vol.6 page 187.3 – “should live largely upon grains simply cooked,”

Score - Minor

What 54 – Wholemeal Flour W 28 G 43 A 129 C 32 K 77

Wholemeal flour is better than white flour.

1863 Vol. 6 page 37.3 – “Bread made from flour from which no part of the wheat has been separated, is much more healthful and nutritious than that which is made from superfine flour.”

Score - Significant

Why 43 – Wholemeal Flour 1 (What 54)

We need non-digestible food in our diet for health.

1863 Vol. 6 page 38.1 – “ No creature can live but a short time unless its aliment is made up, in some proportion, of elements which cannot be assimilated”

Score – Verified

Why 44 – Wholemeal Flour 2 (What 54) Constipation is helped by fibre.

1862 Vol. 5 page 151.2 – “not bolt the meal .... is to furnish one of the very best means for proper regulation of the bowels that can possibly be had.”

1863 Vol. 6 page 38.2 – “Every individuals who suffers from irregularity of the bowels, should live largely upon wheat meal”

Score - Verified

Why 45 – Wholemeal Flour 3 (What 54) Diarrhea is helped by fibre.

1863 Vol. 6 page 38.2 – “It is no less beneficial in chronic diarrhea, than in chronic constipation.”

Score - Unverified

What 55 – Yeast & Baking Powder

W 53 G 44 A 124

Leavened bread is not healthy.


1862 Vol. 5 page 71.3

– “Neither (saleratus or milk yeast) are as good as unleavened bread.”

1863 Vol. 6 page 38.2

– “But the sweetest and best bread that can be made .... is unleavened bread.”

Score - Unverified



Why 46 – Yeast (What 55)


Fermentation of bread produces poison.


1863 Vol. 6 page 38.2

– “The process of fermentation is a chemical one which changes the nature

or quality of the elements of the flour, .... gives rise to infinitesimally minute vegetable growths which are poisonous when bought into contact with the mucous lining of the stomach and intestines, causing irritation; so that many persons of very delicate digestive organs cannot eat very light yeast bread without intense suffering.”

Score - Unverified

What 56 - Potatoes

Potatoes are not good food for children.

1863 Vol. 6 page 74.1 – “Unleavened bread and fruit are unquestionably better articles of food for children than potatoes.”

Score - Unverified

What 57 – Overeating

W 46 R 9 G 89 A 140 (C 58) K 67

Don S McMahon


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