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Appendix 5 - Philosophy of Health

Larkin B Coles

Page 31.3 – “By a mental calculation - by thinking and desiring - by intending to have the bowels move about that (after breakfast) hour, very much may be done by way of facilitating such result.” Comment – There is not that much mental control of when you open the bowels.

Score – Unverified

Why 78 – Constipation 1 (What 41) The bile aids the passage of faeces.

Page 24.2 – “but its (bile) more important office, doubtless, is to aid the passage of the refuse, or the feces by evacuation.”

Page 192.2 – “The bile, which is the appropriate stimulant for the bowels, becomes deficient; the bowels become sluggish and costive;”

Score – Unverified

Why 79 – Constipation 2 (What 41) Constipation can cause nutrient deficiencies.

Page 30.1 – “When the bowels are sluggish, the process of absorption of chyle is retarded, and What chyle is absorbed is less pure and healthy; so the quantity of the blood is impaired.”

Comment – Constipation is a problem with the large bowel, while absorption is in the small bowel.

Score – Unverified

Why 80 – Constipation 3 (What 41)

Constipation causes high blood pressure and depression.

Page 30.2 – “a costive state of bowels often cause a pressure of blood on the brain; also deranging the nervous system - excitability of the nerves; nervous headache; depression of the spirit; depression of the spirit; and the long catalogue of suffering, too numerous for detail.”

Score – Unverified

Why 81 – Constipation 4 (What 41)

Constipation interferes with the action of the stomach.

Page 30.2 – “Habitual costiveness impairs the tone of stomach, and prevents its healthy action.”

Score – Unverified

Why 82 – Constipation 5 (What 41) Constipation can cause haemorrhoids.

Page 30.2 –“Piles, also, with various degrees of severity, are often caused, directly or indirectly, by constipated bowels.”

Score – Verified

What 42 – Enemas

J 71 (K 11)

It may be necessary to have an occasional enema.

Page 198.1 – “The bowels may be moved with large injections of cold or warm water,” Comment – With a proper diet, fluid intake and exercise there should be no need for laxatives or enemas.

Score - Unverified

What 43 - Emetics

There are times when vomiting should be induced.

Page 198.1 – “Vomiting may sometimes be indicated.”

Don S McMahon


Appendix 5 - Philosophy of Health

Larkin B Coles

Comment - Vomiting is valid after imbibing a poison, but in the mid-19th century it was used to “balance the humours”.

Score - Unverified

What 44 - Regularity of Eating

W 55 R 26 G 82 A 139 J 69 K 69

We should eat at regular intervals.


Page 33.1 – “If persons intend to have health, their meals should be regularly timed and distanced.”

Score – Minor

What 45 – Eating before Bed W 58 R 23 G 78 A 131 J 70 K 70

No food should be eaten for two or three hour before bed.

Page 34.1 – “no food should be previously taken in all ordinary cases within the space of two or three hours. (of going to bed)

Page 117.1 – “Sleep, to be quiet and refreshing, should be on an empty stomach.”

Page 117.1 – “The better way is not to take anything, even the mildest fruit, after supper.” Comments – A full meal before bed may have some validity, but not no food.

Score – Minor

Why 83 – Eating before Bed (What 45) There is no digestion when sleeping

Page 34.1- “when we are asleep, the whole system is in a quiescent state; the nerves which are called into action in the process of digestion, are, during health sleep, inactive. …. There is an effort on the part of the nerves to be quiet, while the burdened stomach makes an effort to call them into action, and between these two contending efforts, there is disturbance – sort – of gastric riot – during the whole night.”

Score – Unverified

What 46 – Three Meals a Day W 56 G77 A 134 J 68 K 68

No one under any circumstances should eat more than three meals a day.

Page 36.1 – “Three meals a day are sufficient for all classes of persons, under all circumstances, and all ages. …. But no individual, Whatever may be his age, his occupation, or his health, should take solid food more than three times in one day.”

99.2 – “They should rigidly and scrupulously confine themselves to three - if not to two - meals a day;”

Comment – As long as there is no excess food eaten and the quality is good, it does not matter how many meals are eaten in a day. The National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia consider that you should eat at least three meals a day.

Score – Unverified

Why 84 – Three Meals a Day 1 (What 46)

It takes five hours for food to be digested, and if more food is eaten, digestion will be incomplete and nutrition reduced.

Page 39.1 – “no two meals or luncheons should be allowed to come nearer to each other than a distance of at least FIVE HOURS.”

Page 39.1 – “the process with the first meal is interrupted; the organs are obliged to stop their course and begin a new process with the second meal: there will be probably a struggle between the two processes, and both be imperfectly performed. By this course, the organs are weakened, and the amount of nutrition from a given quantity of food is much reduced.”

Don S McMahon


Appendix 5 - Philosophy of Health

Larkin B Coles

Comment - Even with graze feeding digestion is able to cope.

Score – Unverified

Why 85 – Three Meals a Day 2 (What 46)

Damage to the stomach will cause damage to all organs.

Page 110.2 – “by eating too often …. A sympathetic injury to the whole system, there is a sort of negative injury done to the entire system by the interruption to the process of nutrition.”

Score – Unverified

What 47 – Hungry

G 42

Don’t eat when hungry.


Page 35.1 – “but to eat, as they say, "when they are hungry"; ..... They think their own stomachs are

sufficient guides,”


Page 36.1 - “yielding to any demand from the later, is wrong in principle, and bad in economy.”

Score - Unverified


What 48 – Nursing

G 84

Nursing babies should have only three feeds a day.

Page 61.2

– “Babes should be nursed but three times a day.”

Page 94.2

– “Its meals should be about the time of regular meals for adults.”

Score - Unverified

Why 86 – Nursing 1 (What 48)

It takes five hours for a baby to digest milk.

Page 91.1 – “It requires about as much time for their organs to digest food as it requires for grown person. And, if the digestive process be hurried and confused, their food does not nourish them as well, and they cannot grow as strong and robust.”

Page 92.2 – “It requires about the same length of time for the infant to digest its meal as it does the man of ripe age to digest his;”

Score – Unverified

Why 87 – Nursing 2 (What 48)

There will be less vomiting, colic and fits if a baby is fed three times a day.

Page 92.2 – “As infants are usually treated (fed more than three times a day), they are subject to repeated vomiting, colic, and, not infrequently, fits, and the cause is obvious: the stomach has been overloaded.”

Score – Unverified

What 49 – Nursing at Night

A 135

Babies should not be nursed at night.

94.1 – “and never be nursed during the night.”

Score – Unverified

What 50 – Children

After weaning children should only eat three meals a day.

Page 96.2 – “When children are old enough to take solid food, they should have only three meals a day.”

Score – Unverified

Don S McMahon


Appendix 5 - Philosophy of Health

Larkin B Coles

Why 88 - Children 1 (What 50)

More meals a day causes less nutrition.

Page 96.2 – “if they eat oftener, their stomachs will be deranged, and their food will not so well nourish them.”

Score - Unverified

Why 89 – Children 2 (What 50)

Children eating less often will prevent worms, cholera and many other diseases.

Page 96.2 – “While other children have been afflicted with worms, colic, cholera-morbus, and a host of other ailments common to children generally, they (those who eat three meals a day) have escaped.”

Score – Unverified

Why 90 – Children 3 (What 50)

If fed only three meals a day, children will be less hungry.

Page 98.1 – “The almost continual hankering for food which many children seem to have, arises wholly from a habit of constant eating.”

Score - Unverified

What 51 – Exercise

W 57 R 27 G 80 K 59

You should have no exercise for one hour after eating.

Page 47.2

– “after dinner sit a while,”


Page 43.2

– “Their principle physical exercise should be taken on an empty stomach, i.e., just

preceding a meal. Just after a meal, they should be at leisure, or amusement which requires no mental or physical exertion.”

Score – Unverified

What 52 – Mental Activity

W 60 G 81 K 84

Mental activity within one hour after meals is dangerous.

Page 45.1 – “No man should put himself to close study immediately after a full meal, neither to close counting room labor, or teaching, or public speaking.”

Page 50.2 – “Mental labor should never be attempted within one hour after a meal is finished.” Page 99.2 – “They (students) should never apply their minds to study or reading at least for one hour after their meal is finished:”

Score - Unverified

Why 91 - Physical or Mental Activity 1 (What 51) Mental or physical activity after eating stops digestion.

Page 45.1 – “Hence, when body or mind is taxed considerably immediately after eating, the process of digestion is much disturbed and interrupted.”

Page 45.2 – “This is the reason; while the food is being mixed with and broken up by gastric juices, which process generally occupies, in the case of a dinner, full one hour, the nervous energies - electric forces - of the whole system are drawn into sympathy with the stomach, ..... nothing should be allowed to interrupt this natural arrangement. But if we allow ourselves to make much bodily or mental exercise during the hour mentioned.... the process of digestion is much disturbed and interrupted.”

Comment – Physical exercise, but not mental activity can slow digestion, but this does no harm.

Score – Unverified

Don S McMahon


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