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Appendix 5 - Philosophy of Health

Larkin B Coles

Page 119.2 – “A warm bath perhaps when the action of the system is feeble, …. But where the system is more vigorous, …. A cold bath may be preferable.”

Page 121.2 – “When children are washed for cleanliness, cold water should generally be used;”

Score – Unverified

Why 107 – Cold Bath (What 66) Warm water weakens the system.

Page 82.1 – “The cold itself is a tonic to the skin, and through the skin, to the entire system: while the general tendency of warm water upon the surface is weakening.”

Score – Unverified

What 67 – Warm Bathing

Warm bathing helps inflammation.

Page 120.1 – “When a limb is inflamed, we bathe it freely in warm water to reduce its action; i.e., to weaken the present excited action of its vessels.”

Comment – Warm bathing alone is not recommended with inflammation.

Score – Unverified

Why 108 – Warm Bathing (What 67)

Warm bathing weakens the excited blood vessels.

Page 120.1 – “When a limb is inflamed, we bathe it freely in warm water to reduce its action; i.e., to weaken the present excited action of its vessels.”

Comment – Warm bathing alone increases blood flow.

Score – Unverified

What 68 – Seawater

It is better to bathe in seawater.

Page 119.3 – “The kind of bath to be used is of some consequence. Sea water may be the best …. For any whose surface is too cold, lax, and flaccid, throwing off perspiration too profusely, or that which is clammy and morbid. …. A fresh water bath is unquestionably best where a fever, or a tendency to fever, exists.”

Comment – Soap will not lather in seawater so it will not clean as well as fresh.

Score – Unverified

What 69 – Over Washing

There is no need to bathe more than once or twice a week.

Page 121.1 – “A person must be very filthy to need a bath every day. …. once or twice a week” Page 121.2 – “but even that (bathing) should not be applied to the whole body so often as every day, if the strength and health of the child be an object.”

Score – Unverified

Why 109 – Over Washing (What 69)

Daily bathing will cause loss chemicals through the open pores of the skin and weaken the system. Page 21.1 – “There should be needful bathing, but not excessive: the pores kept open, but stimulated beyond their due action:”

Page 121.2 – “frequent bathing does injury by stimulating the pores of the skin too much. …. But if the skin is made too active, it throws off too much – more than is required, and more than the system can afford to spare: hence the system is gradually weakened.”

Don S McMahon


Appendix 5 - Philosophy of Health

Larkin B Coles

Page 123.1 – “There can be little doubt but that the fascinating luxury of bathing has sometimes led to such undue use of it, as gradually to waste the physical energies, and induce premature old age.”

Score – Unverified


What 70 – Cheerfulness W 76 R 47 A 170 J 96 K 102

Positive emotions encourage health.

Page 127.2 – “A cheerful and happy mind gives (health).”

Score – Significant

Why 110 – Cheerfulness 1 (What 70) Positive emotions increase the vital energies.

Page 127.2 – “A cheerful and happy mind gives a free and easy circulation in the nervous system; it aids in the circulation in the nervous systems it aids in the circulation of animal electricity or nervous fluid, which gives support to the vital energies of the whole body.”

Score – Unverified

Why 111 – Cheerfulness 2 (What 70) Cheerfulness helps in blood formation.

Page 127.2 – “Cheerfulness, by its effect on the nervous system, contributes much toward a healthy and free circulation of the blood. It has to do, indeed, with the formation of the blood, by virtue of its influence on the process of digestion.”

Score - Unverified

Why 112 – Mind and Body 1 (What 70) The mind and body are linked.

Page 127.1 – “The sympathetic existing between the mind and the body is so great, that when one is affected, both are affected.”

Score – Verified

Why 113 - Mind and Body 2 (What 70) The placebo effect does occur.

Page 127.1 – “simple bread pills have sometimes performed great cures; and on this principle, doubtless, depends, to a very considerable extent, the success of any practitioner.”

Score – Verified

What 71 – Negative Emotions

W 77 (A 171) J 95

Negative emotions are dangerous to health.


Page 129.1

– “Melancholy” (is a health hazard).

Page 132.1

– “The spirit of revenge …. The whole physical organization feels its unnatural action,

and becomes partaker of its unnatural depravity.”

Score - Significant

Why 114 – Negative Emotions 1 (What 71) Negative emotions interfere with nutrition.

Page 127.2 – “Because grief hinders the process of nutrition. It does it in two ways; it hinders the thorough digestion of the food, so that nutrition cannot as well be extracted from it, and it retards the action of the absorbent vessels themselves, which takes up the nutritive part of the food, and convey it into the blood.”

Don S McMahon


Appendix 5 - Philosophy of Health

Larkin B Coles

Score – Unverified

Why 115 – Negative Emotions 2 (What 71)

Negative emotions deaden the circulation of the blood and dries up the fluids.

Page 129.1 – “Melancholy deadens the circulation in the blood-vessels and nerves; and also retards the action of the liver. It retards the process of digestion and of nutrition, and tends to dry up the fluids of the whole system.”

Score - Unverified

What 72 – Sympathy

W 78 A 168 J 97

Sympathy aids health.


Page 130.1 – “Human sympathy ..... and good-will, give a glow of health to the whole mental and animal system.”

Score – Significant

Why 116 – Sympathy (What 73)

Sympathy aids both the giver and the receiver.

Page 131.1 –“He who wills good to his fellow-beings, …. Is not only relieving the ills of human life in others, but is at the same time contributing largely to his own health of soul and body.”

Score – Verified

What 73 – Mothers Character

The character and feelings of a pregnant mother influences the character of the child.

Page 88.1 – “the feelings and immediate character of his mother during the period of her pregnancy (must be pleasant)”

Comment – The mother’s character can influence her offspring’s character from genetics, or post birth influences, but this does not relate to her character during pregnancy.

Score – Unverified

Why 117 – Mothers Character 1 (What 73)

The mother passes her character to the unborn child during the pregnancy.

Page 88.1 – “in the same way, previously to birth, children are affected in their disposition. A child, after birth, and more or less through life, will give a living illustration of the feelings and immediate character of his mother during the period of her pregnancy.”

Page 88.2 – “If a mother, during that period, especially the later part of it, (pregnancy), indulge a gloomy, evil-foreboding sate of mind, ..... If she indulges a peevish, or fretful, or crying disposition, her child will give he ample testimony to the fact after birth.”

Score – Unverified

Why 118 – Mothers Character 2 (What 73)

An emotional shock during pregnancy can produce physical deformity in her offspring. Page 162.2 – “(a fright at six months pregnancy caused a deformed baby) proof of the great sympathy between the maternal reproductive system and the maternal mind.”

Score – Unverified

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Don S McMahon


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