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Appendix 3 – Lectures on the Science of Human Life

Sylvester Graham

Why 5 – Hot Skin (What 5)

Hot air on the skin causes indigestion and lung disease.

Page 106-299 – “the continual action of excessive heat on the external skin debilitates the stomach and other internal organs, and always tends to cause indigestion, pulmonary disease, etc.”

Score – Unverified

What 6 – Heating

R 34 A 53

We should rarely heat our houses.


Page 640-1617 – “the physiological interests of our body require that we should, as far as possible, keep, them warm by their own healthy and vigorous calorific function, and only use fire as a necessary evil,”

Score – Unverified

What 7 – Drugs W 2 (A 2) C 2 J 2 K 1

All drugs are dangerous and should not be taken.

Page 425-1068 – “It ought, furthermore, to be well understood that all medicine, as such, is in itself an evil; that its own direct effect on the living body is in all cases, without exception, unfriendly to life;”

Score – Significant

Why 6 – Drugs (What 7)

All drugs interfere with the functions of the body and do more harm than good.

Page 438-1092 – “almost all articles of medicine, not excepting those called tonics, are either directly or indirectly irritating or debilitating in their effects on the living body, and therefore should be avoided as far as possible.”

Page 618-1555 – “Employment as medicines, these substances (tea, coffee, tobacco, opium, alcohol) often do great mischief and it is certain that as a general fact, the medical use of them has been incalculable more injurious than beneficial to the human family.”

Comment – This was a fairly true statement with the drugs known in the 1840s.

Score - Verified

What 8 – Patent medicines

W 3 A 5

All patent medicines are harmful.


Page 596-1524 - “Thousands of human beings have seriously impaired their digestive organs, and otherwise injured their constitution, by an ill-advised dosing with salts, and other mineral substances, under the mistaken notion that by so doing they were, purifying their blood”

Score – Significant

What 9 – Phrenology (W 5a) C 5 J 22

Phrenology may not be fully true, but there is a lot of truth in it and it should not be discarded. Page 213-542 – “The phrenological theory of Dr. Gall, I have said, claims to be purely inductive; and it is apparently supported by innumerable facts and coincidences, and it is now too extensively received and too ably advocated and defended to be treated with ridicule or neglect. Every honest mind, therefore, which is thoroughly imbued with the spirit of truth, will endeavor to examine it with candor and integrity, and neither seek to support nor to demolish it by any unfair means.”

Score – Unverified

What 10 – Bleeding

(A 6)

Bleeding as a therapy does more harm than good.

Don S McMahon


Appendix 3 – Lectures on the Science of Human Life

Sylvester Graham

Page 437-1089 - “a physician is called to a patient laboring under violent delirium; without inquiring carefully after the cause, he treats the case according to his view of the symptoms, and bleeds copiously, and rapidly reduces the patient, without mitigating the symptoms in the least.”

Score - Minor

What 11 – Dress

Clothes impair body shape and should be worn as little as possible.

Page 373-944 – “fashion takes to make us artificially beautiful according to her ever changing standards, are directly calculated to destroy the natural symmetry and comeliness of our bodies, and to make us ugly and deformed. …. (because of fashion) there is little real bodily symmetry and comeliness to be found among the present generation of the human race; and what little there is found amongst those tribes which are not considered as within the pale of civilization and refinement,”

Score - Unverified

Why 7 – Dress – 1 (What 11)

The shape of the body influences moral and physical health, even affecting strength and longevity. Page 372-941 – “it is our natural and moral and civil and religious duty to cultivate .... the bodily symmetry and beauty of our species....... bodily symmetry and comeliness, are also most favorable to all the vital interests of our bodies, and to produce the highest intellectual, and moral, and social, and civil, and religious welfare.”

Page 372-942 – “perfect bodily symmetry and comeliness, and would be most favorable to bodily health, strength, and longevity.”

Score – Unverified

Why 8 – Dress – 2 (What 11)

Uncomely people should not get married and have children.

Page 374-946 – “The artificial symmetry and comeliness of civic life may enable us to hide our natural deformity and deceive others till we get married, but they do not fit us to become the parents of symmetrical and comely and healthy offspring,”

Score – Unverified

What 12 – Tight Clothes

W 7 (R 24) A 9 C 3 J 12 K 25

Tight clothes should be avoided.


Page 639-1615 – “corsets, stays, garters, and every kind of ligature or compression, and all kinds of tight dresses, should be avoided,”

Score - Minor

What 13 - Nakedness

For health we should go naked.

Page 637-1610 – “It is entirely certain that no kind of clothing is strictly natural to man;”

Score - Unverified

Why 9 – Nakedness (What 13)

Nakedness improves physical and mental abilities.

Page 637-1610 – “It is entirely certain that no kind of clothing is strictly natural to man; or, in other words, if man, inhabited that climate to which his constitution is most perfectly adapted, his body would be more symmetrically and completely developed, and more elastic, agile, and vigorous, and more perfectly and uniformly healthy,-his life would be longer, his intellectual faculties would be more active and powerful, and his moral character would be more pure and virtuous”

Don S McMahon


Appendix 3 – Lectures on the Science of Human Life

Sylvester Graham

Score - Unverified

What 14 – Woolen Undergarments

Wool should not be worn against the skin.

Page 639-1616 – “I lay it down as a general rule, with reference to the permanent interests of the human constitution, that it is better not to wear woolen next to the skin, when cotton, linen, or silk under garments can be had.”

Comment – Coarse woolen garments can irritate, but fine wool is usually comfortable.

Score - Unverified

Why 10 – Woolen Undergarments (What 14)

Wool debilitates the skin and this affects all internal functions.

Page 639-1616 – “Yet it is certain that woolen serves to excite, relax, and debilitate the skin, and through it the whole system, and thereby to increase the very evils which it is worn to prevent, more than cotton, linen, and silk.”

Score - Unverified

What 15 - Shaving

It is better not to shave.

Page 634-1601 – “Shaving of the beard is one of the evils which civic life has subjected man to;”

Score - Unverified

Why 11 – Shaving (What 15)

Shaving reduces the physiological powers and shortens life expectancy.

Page 634-1601 – “no physiologist can doubt that the habitual shaving of the beard serves in some measure to diminish the physiological powers of man, and to abbreviate the period of his existence.”

Score – Unverified

What 16 – Cutting the Hair

J 18

The hair should not be cut.


Page 634-1602 – “What I have said about the beard is unquestionably true of the hair of the head.”

Score – Unverified

What 17 – Hair Styling

Females should not style their hair.

Page 634-1602 – “there can be no question but that many of the artificial modes in which females dress their hair are …. injurious”

Score – Unverified

Why 12 – Hair Styling (What 17)

Cutting and styling the hair debilitates and shortens life expectancy.

Page 634-1602 – “This effect (cutting the hair), is probably small, both in regard to the hair and the beard, when compared with most other concerned in debilitating the human body and shortening the life of man; and there can be no question but that many of the artificial modes in which females dress their hair are far more injurious than frequent cutting of it.”

Score – Unverified

What 18 – Hair Oil

Do not put oil on the hair.

Don S McMahon


Appendix 3 – Lectures on the Science of Human Life

Sylvester Graham

Page 635-1602 – “All kinds of oil …. for the hair should be avoided.”

Score – Unverified

Why 13 – Hair Cream (What 18) Hair oil will make the hair dry.

Page 635-1602 – “the application of any other oil to it always serves to suppress the natural secretion, and to leave the hair drier in the end.”

Score – Unverified

What 19 – Perfume

A 8

Perfumes should not be used.


Page 618-1555 – “Even …. cologne bottles are far more frequently the sources of evil than of good to those who employ them;”

Page 635-1602 - "All kinds of …. perfumery for the hair should be avoided.”

Score - Unverified


What 20 - Pure Air W 11 R 21 A 33 J 24

Day and night pure air should have free access to the whole body.

Page 630-1586 – “Indeed it should always be understood and remembered, that both when we are sleeping and when awake, the pure air cannot have too free an access”

Comment – We need pure air to breathe, but Graham means that we should not put on clothes to any great extent, as we need our skin exposed to the air.

Score – Significant

What 21 – Expose Body

J 31

We should expose our bodies to the air.


Page 630-1586 – “Indeed it should always be understood and remembered, that both when we are sleeping and when awake, the pure air cannot have too free an access to our whole bodies,”

Page 636-1606 – “Every morning and evening the whole body should be exposed freely to the air,” Comment – This completely overstates the need of air to the skin. In fact, Graham favours nakedness.

Score - Unverified

Why 14 – Pure Air to the whole body (What 21) The skin is an organ of respiration and needs pure air.

Page 291-720 – “As an organ of respiration, the human skin is of much importance.... its action on the atmosphere is very similar to that of the lungs”

Page 629-1582 - "From what I have said concerning the function of the external skin, it must be evident that an impure atmosphere is continually formed around the surface of the body"

Score - Unverified

What 22 – Avoid Strong Smells

A 32

We should avoid strong smells even pleasant smells such as flowers.

Page 274-691 - “every odorous property of the atmosphere which is unfriendly to life; and being thus informed of the presence of an unwholesome atmosphere, is able to suspend respiration for a short period of time, and to hasten from the offending cause.”

Don S McMahon


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