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Appendix 3 – Lectures on the Science of Human Life

Sylvester Graham

Score – Unverified


What 78 – Eating before Bed

W 58 R 23 A 131 C 45 J 70 K 70

You should not eat before going to bed.


Page 564-1434 – “It is also equally certain .... that we cannot habitually take food at a very late hour in the day without encroaching upon our proper sleeping hours, and thereby inevitably impairing the soundness of our sleep and depriving its refreshing and invigorating effect”

Page 623-1567 – “As a general rule, the digestive organs of human beings, and most especially in civic life, should have little to do during the hours of sleep; and this applies to people of all ages and circumstances, and particularly to the young and old, and feeble and infirmed. And hence, it were unquestionably better for every one in civic life, as a general rule, to take no food nearer than four hour or at least three hours before retiring to rest;”

Score – Minor

Why 85 – Eating before Bed (What 78)

As our digestive organs tire, we should not eat late in the day.

Page 568-1448 – “the digestive organs partake in a considerable measure of the general fatigue and weariness of the body, and have less functional vigor in the latter part of the day”

Score – Unverified

What 79 – After Dinner Nap

A 77

Do not have a nap in the daytime.


Page 623-1567 – “as a general rule also, every one, diseased or well, should avoid sleeping immediately after a meal in the day-time;”

Score - Unverified

What 80 – Physical Work

W 57 R 27 C 51 K 59

Don’t eat while working.


Page 665-1436 - “compelling the digestive organs, the voluntary muscles, …. to perform their function at the same time (will cause ill health),”

Score – Unverified

Why 86 – Don’t Eat while Working (What 80)

Our muscle, brain and digestion cannot work all at the same time.

Page 665-1436 - “This regulation is far more conductive to health and longevity than modern custom of crowding everything together, and compelling the digestive organs, the voluntary muscles, and the brain, all to perform their function at the same time, and thus embarrass and worry each, and prematurely break down the whole.”

Comment – A big meal does reduce the capacity for vigorous exercise and can make one feel drowsy, but there is no health risk to brain, muscles or digestive system.

Score – Unverified

What 81 – Mental Work

W 60 C 52 K 84

Don’t eat while working.


Page 665-1436 - “compelling the digestive organs, …. and the brain, all to perform their function at the same time,”

Score - Unverified

What 82 – Regularity

W 55 R 26 A 139 C 44 J 69 K 69

We should eat our meals at regular times.


Don S McMahon


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