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Appendix 2 - Advent Review and Sabbath Herald

Editor - James White

What 6 – Socially Isolate the Sick

J 16

Limit the number of people attending the sick.

Feb 17, 1863 – “Out of the family, therefore, two or three persons must be chosen to have the entire care of the case, until all danger is past, and no other members of the family must, on any pretence whatever, enter the room,”

Comment – This may apply to the very ill, but social contact is beneficial to recovery.

Score – Unverified

What 7 – Ventilation

W 12 G 23 A 42 C 14 J 28 K 34

Good ventilation is required for health


Feb 17, 1863 “confinement in school rooms, where the occupants are compelled for hours to sit upon benches study while the air which they breath is quite impure,”

July 7, 1863 - “no ventilation is permitted” (is bad for health).

August 4, 1863 page 75 – “Sleeping and sitting in well-ventilated rooms” Dr. Dio Lewis

Score - Significant

What 8 – Alcohol

W 19 G 26 (A 67) (C 16) J 34 K 42

Don’t drink alcohol.


Feb 17, 1863 - “together with narcotic beverages,….under circumstances unfavorable to health to take on diseases of the mucous membrane.”

Comment – Jackson regarded alcohol as a narcotic. This what is also found in Ellen White’s summary of her heath vision, written on June 6, 1863

Score – Significant

What 9 – Overeating

W 46 G 89 A 140 (C 58) J 57 K 67

Don’t overeat.


Feb 17, 1863 – “Such persons, eat gross …. and are therefore liable to take on …. diseases” Comment - This what is also found in Ellen White’s summary of her heath vision, written on June 6, 1863

Score – Significant

What 10 – Fasting

(W 47) J 58 (K 83)

Fast someone with a fever.


Feb 17, 1863 – “Whether infant, child, or adult, male or female, I never allow a particle of food to be taken .... three days, in others four days, .... drink freely of …. water”

August 11, 1863, page 86 - "Nine-tenths of the acute diseases might be prevented, by a few days starvation, when the first indications appear." Dr. Dio Lewis

August 11 1863, page 86 - When a young man, who has been surfeited, in season and out of season, until exhausted nature gives way, and fever is coming on, .... The stomach is exhausted and no more needs stimulating, or food than a jaded horse needs the whip." Dr. Dio Lewis

Comment – Fasting does not help most acute diseases. It may help diseases of overnutrition. This is a much harsher suggestion than made by Ellen White in What 47.

Score - Unverified

What 11 – Pig W 33 A 121 C 35 J 60 K 76

Don’t eat pig.

Feb 17, 1863 – “A scrofulous child, permitted to eat pork,”

Don S McMahon


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