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Appendix 6 – Laws of Life

James Caleb Jackson

Score - Unverified

Why 16 – Chair (What 19)

A sloping chair is better for the back.

1862 Vol. 5 page 24.2 – “it will greatly relieve the fatigue of sitting, and keep your spine in much better shape”

Score - Unverified

What 20 – Masturbation

C 10 K 5

Do not masturbate.



Vol. 5 page 41.2 – “to fall into secret …. habits of gratification; is dangerous”

Score – Unverified


What 21 – Sexual Activity

(C 8) K 7

Marital sexual activity is dangerous to health.


Vol. 5 page 41.2 – “to fall into …. open habits of gratification; is dangerous”


Vol. 5 page 114.1 – “Over indulgence of the sexual organism (is dangerous). Continence in

this respect therefore, or great care, is necessary ... (in) married persons” Comment - The context is monogamous sex and not licentious sex.

Score – Unverified

Why 17 – Sexual Activity (What 21)

Masturbation and sexual activity cause physical disease.

1862 Vol. 5 page 41.2 – “to fall into open habits of gratification (sexual); which must necessarily end in the establishment of greatly diseased conditions of this special function, and, not uncommonly, of the general system.”

Comment – Only licentious sexual activity, through sexually transmitted diseases, has physical risk. In fact safe sexual activity improves the immune system.

Score – Unverified

What 22 – Phrenology

(W 5a) G 9 C 5

Phrenology is scientific.


1862 Vol. 5 page 71.2 – “We believe in Phrenology, think it the only true mental philosophy”

Score – Unverified

What 23 – Bright Light

A 65

A kerosene light can be too bright for the eyes.

1862 Vol. 5 page 71.3 – “If …. the light is not too strong, the use of kerosene oil is not detrimental.”

Comment – A kerosene light is never too light for safety.

Score – Unverified



What 24 – Breathing Pure Air

W 11 R 21 G 20 A 33

We need to breathe pure air for health.


1863 Vol. 6 page 19.2 – “breathing …. in pure air”

Score - Significant

Don S McMahon


Appendix 6 – Laws of Life

James Caleb Jackson

Why 18 – Pure Air 1 (What 24)

We need pure air to dispose of carbon dioxide and obtain oxygen.

1862 Vol. 5 page 1.2 – “while one breathes pure air in sufficient quantities into his lungs, and this is brought into contact with the blood, its direct effect is to so change its quality as to relieve it of whatever waste matter or effete substances are mingled with it, while at the same time, it becomes vitalized by the oxygen which is in the atmosphere taken into the lungs; so that two great results ensue, one that the blood is relieved of carbonaceous or useless material, and the other is that the blood is actually invigorated by the oxygen of the atmosphere which mingles with it.”

Score - Verified

Why 19 – Pure Air 2 (What 24) The air can transmit diseases.

1862 Vol. 5 page 2.1 – “Diseases which are contagious are communicated in this way. The poisonous particles that have been exhaled from the body, lodge in the clothing of persons who are sick, or pass off to float in the air of the room which persons breathe, and they thus become infected.”

Score – Verified

What 25 – Bathing in Pure Air

We need to bathe in pure air for health. 1863 Vol. 6 page 19.2 – “bathing in pure air”

Score - Unverified

What 26 – Paint Fumes

A 154

Don’t breathe paint dust.


1862 Vol. 5 page 2.1- “Painters loose their health the same way, by inhaling the impalpable particles of lead”

Comment – Up until the mid 20th century lead poisoning was a major health hazard especially for children.

Score - Significant

Why 20 – Paint Fumes (What 26) Lead is a poison.

1862 Vol. 5 page 2.1- “Painters loose their health the same way, by inhaling the impalpable particles of lead”

Comment – Swallowing small amounts of lead paint over a long time caused lead poisoning.

Score - Verified

What 27 – Composting

(W 15) W 15a G 24 A 60 K 36

Composting is a health hazard.


1862 Vol. 5 page 1.3 – (Things) “that are undergoing chemical decomposition” (are dangerous)

Score – Significant

Why 21 – Composting (What 27) Composting causes impurity of the air.

1862 Vol. 5 page 1.3 – “Persons may be poisoned by breathing air which is impregnated with impurities that spring up from substances that are undergoing chemical decomposition”

Score – Unverified

Don S McMahon


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