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МакМахон "Знание приобретенное или дарованное свыше (англ).pdf
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Contents and links

What 75 - Porous Beds

What 76 - Feather Beds What 77 - Short Nap What 78 - Blankets What 79 - Pillows

What 80 - Sleep Position What 81 - Sleep on Right Side What 82 - Airing Clothes What 83 - Cool at Night What 84 - Double beds 1 What 85 - Double Beds 2 What 86 - Heating Bedroom What 87 - Cool Sick Room What 88 - Light Bedroom What 89 - Dark Bedroom What 90 - Dreams

What 91 - Reading at Night VI. EXERCISE

What 92 - Exercise

What 93 - Amount of Exercise What 94 - When to exercise

What 95 - When to Mentally Exercise What 96 - Type of Exercise

What 97 - Swimming

What 98 - Employment What 99 - Sport

What 100 - Gymnastics and Dancing What 101 - Bad Exercises

What 102 - Excessive Exercise What 103 - Excess Mental Activity


What 104 - Mastication What 105 - Foods to Eat What 106 - Vegetables What 107 - Fried Food What 108 - Meat

What 109 - Liquid or Soft Foods What 110 - Fluid with Meals What 111 - Milk - Adults

What 112 - Milk - Drinking

What 113 - Cooked Eggs What 114 - Cheese

What 115 - Fruit and Children What 116 - When to Eat Fruit What 117 - Unripe Fruit What 118 - Mixing Fruit What 119 - Nuts

What 120 - Rice

What 121 - Clean and Unclean Food. What 122 - Wild Animals

Don S McMahon


Contents and links

What 123 - Cooking

What 124 - Baking Powder

What 125 - Preserved Foods What 126 - Proper Preservation What 127 - Spices

What 128 - Sugar

What 129 - Refined Foods

What 130 - Mixing Foods

What 131 - Large Suppers What 132 - Plain Food What 133 - Unhealthy Foods

What 134 - How Many Meals

What 135 - Demand Feeding What 136 - Solid Foods What 137 - Over Feeding What 138 - Adjusting

What 139 - Regularity

What 140 - Overeating

What 141 - Overweight

What 142 - Under Eat

What 143 - Labourers

What 144 - Breakfast

What 145 - Different Seasons What 146 - Temperament What 147 - Cold Food

What 148 - Hot Foods and Drink VIII. USE OF WATER

What 149 - Thirst

What 150 - Water from Food What 151 - Drinking

What 152 - Rate of Drinking What 153 - Hard water What 154 - Lead Paint

What 155 - Copper Poisoning What 156 - Daily bathing What 157 - Soap

What 158 - Dirt

What 159 - People needing to Bath What 160 - Rough Clothing

What 161 - Cold Baths before Bed What 162 - Cold Baths

What 163 - Morning Bath What 164 - Hot or Fatigued What 165 - Clean Clothes What 166 - Clean House

IX. SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS What 167 - Clear conscience What 168 - Doing Good

Don S McMahon


Contents and links

What 169 - Obey your Parents

What 170 - Cheerfulness

What 171 - Emotions and Health

What 172 - Boredom

What 173 - Chicken Hearted

Appendix 5 - Larkin B Coles – Philosophy of Health (1860) I. GENERAL PRINCIPLES

What 1 - Laws of Health What 2 - Drugs

What 3 - Tight Clothes

What 4 - Hydrotherapy

What 5 - Phrenology 1

What 6 - Children’s Phrenology What 7 - Electrotherapy

What 8 - Monogamous Sex What 9 - Licentious Sex What 10 - Masturbation

What 11 - Rhythm Contraception What 12 - Spitting

What 13 - Cradle II. FRESH AIR

What 14 - Ventilation What 15 - Deep Breathing

IV. ABSTEMIOUSNESS What 16 - Alcohol What 17 - Tobacco What 18 - Opium

What 19 - Coffee & Tea What 20 - Chocolate


What 21 - Sleep

What 22 - Early to Bed What 23 - Feather Bed What 24 - Relaxation


What 25 - Exercise

What 26 - Type of Exercise

What 27 - Boring Exercise What 28 - Excessive Exercise


What 29 - Healthy Foods What 30 - Vegetable What 31 - Simple Diet

What 32 - Whole meal Bread What 33 - Hot Bread

What 34 - Meat

Don S McMahon


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