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Appendix 3 – Lectures on the Science of Human Life

Sylvester Graham

Comment – Calcium is the usual mineral found in hard water and it is not dangerous, but there are other contaminating minerals that may be in hard water, which should not be habitually drunk. However it is better to drink hard water than impure water.

Score – Minor

Why 92 – No Hard Water (What 96)

Hard water damages the stomach, liver and other organs causing many diseases including cancer. Page 595-1523 – “It is well known that if hard water be habitually used for washing...it (skin) soon loses its natural softness and smoothness.... can any one believe that a fluid can continually come in contact with the most delicate nervous and other tissue of the vital domain, and not injure them? The stomach, the liver, and every other gland, and every capillary vessel of the system - in short, every organ and tissue and substance of the body, necessarily suffer from the use of such water” Page 596-1523 – “Pulmonary consumption, scrofulous affections, indurations, cancers, and other diseases of the glands, and diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, are caused by it.”

Score - Unverified

What 97 – Don’t Perspire

A 52

Avoid activities that cause perspiration.


Page 591-1514 – “laboring people whose dietetic habits are not most favorable .... will perspire very profusely, and especially in hot weather, and of course they drink as freely as they perspire; ... it can be of no possible benefit”

Score – Unverified

Why 93 – Don’t Perspire (What 97)

Perspiration debilitates the body. If the diet is right even labourers will not perspire.

Page 591-1514 – “it can be of no possible benefit to his vital powers to filter several quarts of water through his body daily;.....to the decided diminution of their strength and detriment of all their powers;”

Page 591-1515 – “Copious perspiration, therefore, as a general law, is decidedly debilitating to the body,....the strength of the laboring man is always diminished by it, and he is necessarily more fatigued and exhausted at the close of a day's labor in consequence of it....

If the dietetic and other habit of man were in accordance with physiological laws of his nature, it would be very extraordinary thing for him, while in health, to perspire profusely, ...The laboring man, while actively engaged in his customary employment .... would rarely experience thirst." ....In such a case, the laboring man would go through the toils of the day with much less fatigue and exhaustion than he who drinks much and perspires much."

Score - Unverified

What 98 – Fever W 68 (R 4) C 4 (J 14) (K 90)

While feverish, water can be drunk. Also water should be applied to the skin to cool the person. Page 592-1516 – “When, by any means, a general fever is induced in the system, attended by a great thirst......In such a case,-therefore, the instinctive demands of the vital economy should always and freely be granted. Nay, -pure cold water should not only be drunk as freely as the thirst requires it, but in most cases of high fever, the free application of water to the whole external surface, till the skin feels cool and moist as in health, -is a natural and powerful and safe means of subduing the disease.”

Score – Minor

What 99 - Mineral water

J 79

Mineral water is not safe to drink.


Don S McMahon


Appendix 3 – Lectures on the Science of Human Life

Sylvester Graham

Page 596-1524 – “And many thousands have done themselves irreparable injury by the use of the mineral waters of public watering-places.”

Comment – I consider mineral water to mean water coming from a spring, thus is not contaminated. Even though mineral water sometimes contains high levels of sodium, it is usually sterile. This was of the utmost importance in the 1850s before the meaning of “pure water” was understood.

Score – Unverified

What 100 - Distilled Water

Distilled water is not safe.

Page 597-1525 – “Some take the pains to distil all the water that they use; (but it is to no avail)” Comment – By condemning distilled water, it is clear he did not understand that just boiling water totally solved the problem with water born infectious diseases.

Score – Unverified

Why 94 – Distilled Water (What 100) Distilled water still contains contamination.

Page 597-1525 – “if the water which they put into their kettles contains any vegetable or animal substances some of their properties will rise with the vapor, and qualify the water which is received from the still.”

Score – Unverified

What 101 - Cleanliness

W 70 A 166

Bedrooms and bedclothes should be clean and washed.

Page 629-1585 – “Besides thus freely airing the bed-garments and bed clothes every morning, they should be frequently changed and washed,... The floor of the bedroom should be washed frequently; and as often as twice in a year the walls should be whitewashed or cleansed with hot soap-suds.” Comment –He does not mention the washing of clothes worn during the day.

Score – Significant

What 102 – Washing

W 69 R 25 A 156 C 65 J 81 K 89

We should regularly bath.


Page 631-1589 – “few things are more indispensable than cleanliness; and hence, bathing should never be neglected.”

Score – Significant

Why 95 - Washing 1 (What 102)

The skin, like the kidneys and lungs, breathes and secretes and has to be clean to do this well. Page 197506 – “The impurities which are continually accumulating in the blood,....expelled from

the vital domain by the excretory organs... The lungs ... the kidneys ... but the external skin probably exceeds any other organ, and it has supposed to exceed all other depurating organs in the system, in quantity of matter which it eliminates”

"But it is admitted on all hands, that the skin is one of the most important depurating organs of the system, and that its healthy condition and functional integrity are of immense importance to human health and comfort."

Page 631-1589 – “When we consider that the whole external skin is in some measure a breathing organ; that it is continually discharging impurities from the body; that it is the medium through which a large portion of the effete or worn-out matter of the system passes off; and that in its anatomical structure and functional character it holds very near and powerful relations to the lungs, stomach, and other internal organs, we must feel convinced of the great importance of preserving its

Don S McMahon


Appendix 3 – Lectures on the Science of Human Life

Sylvester Graham

healthy condition..... In order to this, few things are more indispensable than cleanliness; and hence, bathing should never be neglected.”

Score – Unverified

Why 96 – Washing 2 (What 102)

If the excretory function of the skin is interrupted, there is a risk of diabetes, tuberculosis, kidney failure and lung disease.

Page 198-507- “In this manner, sudden suppression of the functions of the skin often lead to diabetes and pulmonary consumption, by causing undue determinations to the kidney and lungs, and inducing inflammation and permanent disease in those organs.”

Score - Unverified

What 103 – Temperature of Bath

R 33 A 162 C 66 (J 85) (K 91)

Baths and showers should be cool.


Page 632-1594 – “The cold shower bath is exceedingly invigorating to every one who is able to bear it,”

Page 632-1595 – “The tepid bath, vary from eighty to ninety-five degrees, Fah., according to age, vigor, etc., of those who use it, may, under proper regulations, be employed with great advantage by all classes of people.”

Comment – There are no health risks in having a warm bath.

Score – Unverified

What 104 – Time to Bath

A 163 J 84 K 92

The best time to bath is at 11 am.


Page 623-1595 - “the best time for taking the tepid bath to be about eleven o’clock in the forenoon.”

Score - Unverified

What 105 – Bath after a Meal

J 86 K 95

We should not bath up to three hours after a meal.

Page 632-1595 – “But at whatever time any bath is taken by any person, it ought always to be remembered that no one should bathe soon after eating; three hours at least should elapse after a hearty meal, before a bath is taken, when it will be found most invigorating."

Score – Unverified

What 106 – Swimming

(A 97)

Boys should avoid swimming.


Page 633-1596 – “But boys who are allowed to indulge in this kind of bathing (swimming) at pleasure, ..... are exceedingly apt to go into the water too frequently, and to remain in quite too long, (for their health)”

Comment - It is assumed that girls don’t go swimming.

Score - Unverified

Why 97 – Swimming (What 106)

Swimming impairs health and even causes death.

Page 633-1596 – “(Boys swimming) and thereby very much impair their health, and often bring on violent disease, which soon terminates in death.”

Comment – By context this does not mean drowning, but disease.

Score – Unverified

Contents Home Page

Don S McMahon


Appendix 4 - The Laws of Health

William A Alcott

Published 1860




What 1 – Laws of Health

W 1 G 2 C 1 J 1 K 2

Obeying the laws of health influences our health and longevity.

Page 12-63 – “The way to secure long life, then, is a plain way..... We must but obey the laws of God. (66) – “the laws of exercise” (67) – “Then the laws of digestion. To attain to a long and healthy life, we must eat and drink;..... according to law;” (68) – “and the law which relates to the subject of pure air and ventilation” (69) – “numerous things concerning dress, medicine, taking cold, and other diseases; ..... Prevention, as far as it can be practiced, is better than cure.”

Score – Significant

Why 1 – Inherited Diseases (What 1)

Inherited diseases can be delayed or prevented by lifestyle.

Page 13-71 – “Few persons are so much affected by inheritance as to render their condition necessarily one of misery. Would we obey the whole physical and moral code,..... Our inherited diseases would not kill us, at least, immediately.”

Comment – It is true that some inherited tendencies to disease can be altered by lifestyle, but many are not.

Score – Verified

Why 2 – Vital Forces 1 (What 1)

Vital forces when used up cause disease and finally death.

Page 1-4 - "They (people) are influenced by a powerful force which we will call vitality, of the vital force."

Page 17-95 - "should it be asked how,- or in what manner death could take place, my answer would be, ..... I suppose a definite quantity of oil is furnished to nature's lamp, and, when that is exhausted, life will, of course, be extinguished."

Score – Unverified

Why 3 – Vital Forces 2 (What 1)

Vital forces are made in the brain and are transmitted by the nerves.

Page 375-1965 - "(Nerves) carries out the vital or nervous energy, as it is called, which the brain manufactures,"

Score – Unverified

Why 4 – Growth Rate (What 1)

If we hasten growth by over-nutrition, we shorten life expectancy.

Page 2-8 – “In our climate he (man in comparison with animals) is, at present, about twenty-five years in reaching physical maturity. He ought, therefore, to last from one hundred to one hundred and twenty-five years. If, however, he is hurried on to maturity by hot-house effect, at twenty or eighteen, we lessen his probable duration in about the same proportion.”

Comment – If mice or rats have restricted nutrition, they mature later and live longer than other rodents. In humans there is a similar but lesser effect. Vegetarians also mature slightly later and live longer than non-vegetarians. It is unlikely that 125 years could be achieved.

Score – Verified

Don S McMahon


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