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1. Перекладіть:

1. We should be thankful if you sent the latest data of your experiment.

2. If there were no difference of potential between two points of a conductor, electrons would not continiue to flow.

3. If helium were obtained only from the air, it would be a rare gas.

4. So that an electric current may flow through the circuit, it is necessary that there be an electro-motive force acting in the circuit.

5. They could have done it if they had obtained the necessary equipment.

6. Whatever you should say, I would insist on greater voltage to be used in this case.

7. Whenever valve be removed from the cylinder, the interior should be thoroughly inspected.

8. It would have been impossible to cope with these difficulties if it had not been for the preparatory work, carried out by our scientists.

9. Were the molecules separated slightly, the force between them would be attractive.

10. It is required that all measurments be done beforehand.

11. It is necessary that a force be applied to the moving body to maintain motion.

12. They recommended that laboratory tests be conducted before the system be installed in the plane.

13. Put down the rule lest you should forget it.

14. I wish the data were more exact. We could figure out all the possible variants.

15. The engineer ordered that all spare parts be inspected carefully.

16. He wished he had made such solution – the reaction could have been quite different.

17. It is unlikely that they should use this alloy.

18. Had the piezo electric effect not been discovered, we could not have improved the operation.

19. Were the vegetation restored, the soil itself would be able to begin a cycle of regeneration, but this constructive process would require centuries.

20. But for the luminosity of this substance it would be difficult to detect its properties.

2. Перекладіть:

1. Він запропонував,щоб цей факт було використано під час перепговорів.

2. При таких умовах ця речовина поводиться так, ніби вона нагріта.

3. Якби срібло не було таким дорогим, воно могло б використовуватися як провідник.

4. Ми могли б зарядити обект через індукцію, при уиові що тримали б заряджене тіло біля обекту, який треба зарядити.

5. Земля поводиться, ніб величезний магніт.

6. Я б хотів, щоб всі оцінили цей проект.

7. Без сили тяжіння в рідині не було б тиску.

8. Кілька десятків років тому сама ідея штучного місяця, який обертався б навколо Землі, прозвучала б фантастично.

9. Запишіть це правило, щоб ви його не забули.

10.Якби всі люди світу все ж взялися підрахувати атоми в краплині води, вони б не змогли закінчити свою роботу навіть через десять тисяч років.

Part II

Примітка: Зразок виконання контрольної роботи приведено в APPENDIX II


Варіант № 1

I.Підкресліть в кожному реченні присудок та вкажіть його форму. Речення перекладіть.

1. We shall see the picture on the screen 0.1 of a second after it has actually disappeared.

2. We had studied the properties of this material before we began to use it.

3. Before the charged rod touches the electroscope the leaves of the electroscope will have diverged.

4. By 6 o’clock we shall have been testing the system for 3 hours.

5. Two members of the group had been designing a machine to enable the blind to read.

II. Перекладіть, звертаючи увагу на правила узгодження часів.

1. Я знав, що він напише листа завтра.

2. Вона запитала, що я читаю.

3. Він сказав нам, що він учителюватиме вже 15 років, коли ви переїдете до Києва.

4. Ми спитали, чи знає він нашу сестру.

5. Повідомили, що погода зміниться на краще.

III. a) Підкресліть присудок, визначте його видо-часову форму та стан. Речення перекладіть.

1. Modern architecture is characterized by simplicity of line, austerity of design, neatness of appearance..

2. Little was known about subsequent negotiations except that no agreement was reached.

3. Unfortunately before we make the experiment their work will have been published.

b) Напишіть речення у пасивному стані.

1. They have arrested her for shoplifting.

2. People in Chile speak Spanish.

3. They have been investigating the problem for two years.

IV. Підкресліть інфінітив, визначте його функцію. Речення перекладіть.

  1. To design plans of new buildings is the work of an architect.

  2. Our purpose has been to determine the effect of X-rays on the substance under test.

  3. We don’t know the firm well enough to conclude a long-term contract with them.

  4. This device enables accurate measurements to be carried out with ease.

  5. There are many examples to illustrate the rule.

V. Підкресліть інфінітивні звороти, визначте їх тип:

  1. For with the Infinitive Construction,

  2. Objective with the Infinitive Construction,

  3. Nominative with the Infinitive Construction,

  4. Absolute Infinitive Construction.

Речення перекладіть.

  1. There is no reason for us to change the term of payment.

  2. The future is expected to bring a great many of new applications for semiconductors.

  3. We waited for them to begin the conversation.

  4. We requested the sellers to keep us informed about the state of work, the communication to be addressed to our agents in London.

  5. We saw a small crystal of ice added to the super-cooled water cause the appearance of ice.