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4.2.1. Comprehension Questions

1. What are the aims of the Directive mentioned? Do you happen to know anything about the legislation concerning product safety in Russia? Is there any?

2. What are the obligations of producers and distributors? What about Russian producers and distributors?

3. What is the major bottle neck? What do you think it is caused by?

4. What is the main source of human exposure to chemicals? Why do you think is it so?

4.2.2. Key Vocabulary




comply v

подчиняться (правилам, законам);


  • comply with – подчиняться чему-л. / соглашаться сделать что-л.

  • You are legally obliged to comply fully with any investigations

consume v

потреблять, расходовать; съедать, поглощать

  • be consumed by / with sth – быть охваченным каким-л. чувством

  • consumption – потребление

  • consumer – потребитель

  • I was consumed with curiosity about my new neighbour.

  • The new light bulbs consume less electricity

exposure n

выставление (на солнце, дождь и т.д.);

подвергание (риску, опасности)

  • exposure to – подвергание действию чего-л.

  • There is much information on how prolonged exposure to the sun affects your skin

directive n


  • The General Product Safety Directive aims at ensuring the only safe consumer products are sold in the EU

applicable adj

применимый, пригодный, подходящий

  • applicable to – применимый, пригодный для чего-то

  • This section of the law is applicable only to business

complement v

дополнять, служить дополнением;




  • This project is intended to complement, not replace, local authority programmes

provision n

pl провизия, запасы;

положение, условие (контракта, договора)

  • provision for sth – положение о чем-то

  • This contract includes a provision for salary increases over time

generic adj

родовой, характерный для определенного

класса , вида; общий

  • generic term/word/name – обобщенный, общий термин/слово/название

edible adj

съедобный, годный в пищу

  • The food in the canteen is barely edible

precise adj

точный, аккуратный;

четкий, ясный

  • The precise date and place of his birth are unknown

FOCUS 5. Vocabulary Exercises

5.1.1. Match the words and phrases with their equivalents (focus 2).

1. GE plants and animals

a. natural process of mating and producing young animals

2. resistance to sth

b. the process in which green plants use energy light to produce their food

3. to assess

c. the ability not to be affected or harmed by something

4. enzyme

d. without a particular method, pattern, or purpose

5. to decay

e. to consider something when you are trying to make a decision

6. traditional breeding methods

f. to interrupt something and prevent it from continuing by creating a problem

7. to disrupt

g. transgenic plants and animals

8. at random

h. particular use of something not in a laboratory

9. to take into account

i. to be gradually destroyed as a result of a natural process of change

10. clinical application

j. directly connected with and important to what is being discussed or considered

11. relevant

k. to carefully consider a situation, a person, or a problem in order to make a judgment

12. photosynthesis

l. a natural chemical produced by animal and plant cells that helps reactions and other processes to start