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5.1.3. Match the words and phrases with their definitions.

1. scrutiny

a. a military action against people who are fighting against the government of their own country

2. to suspend

b. to make someone or something seem not important or relevant

3. counterinsurgency

c. something unpleasant done to punish or take revenge on an enemy or opponent because of something they have done

4. cannon fodder

d. to officially stop something for a short time

5. waiver

e. believing something that is not true

6. to harness

f. careful examination of someone or something

7. deluded

g. a group of companies or people with similar interests or aims who have agreed to work together

8. reprisals

h. to get control of something in order to use it for a particular purpose

9. consortium

i. an official statement or document that says a right, claim, or law can be officially ignored or given up

10. to marginalize

j. ordinary soldiers whose lives are not considered important during war

5.2.1. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from texts (focus 2).

1. controversial idea

2. international conflict

3. huge capabilities

4. world order

5. to crashland

6. use of violence

7. physical destructiveness

8. psychological impact

9. to create fear

10. to communicate a message

11. to challenge governments

12. to kill large numbers of people

13. a suicide attack

14. to attain goals

15. to intimidate the public

16. to advance a political, religious, or ideological cause

17. to come into office

18. to defend the population

19. a weapon of the weak

20. to drive out invaders

5.2.2. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from texts (focus 3 - 3.1).

1. major power

2. to overthrow regimes

3. training camps

4. centrifugal force

5. like-minded rejects

6. a center of the threat

7. to feel alienated (from)

8. sense of righteous outrage

9. to represent a direct threat (to)

10. to conduct surveillance

11. to arouse a great deal of suspicion

12. to keep a low profile

13. to shift tactics

14. to produce a giant death toll

15. cannon fodder

16. law-abiding communities

17. to lure new recruits

18. to be a security risk

19. to pay a visit (to)

20. to guard against subway bombings

5.2.3. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the texts (focus 3 - 3.4).

1. to combat terrorism

2. collapse of communism

3. political identity

4. military exertion

5. to live a moral and virtuous life

6. to fight injustice and oppression

7. to replace the existing international system

8. to deal with the threat

9. preservation of basic freedoms

10. to protect civilian populations

11. sources of funding and support

12. welfare of nations

13. unending cycle of violence

14. law-enforcement methods

15. to maintain the high moral ground

16. to preserve democratic principles

17. to prevent the establishment of martial law

18. to locate and identify terrorists

19. to map the network of organizations

20. to commit horrific acts of violence