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2.1.1. Key Vocabulary




overweight adj


с избыточным весом, весящий больше нормы

You often find that teenage girls who are just slightly overweight see themselves as massively obese

Still shy and overweight , she was developing into a popular character

obese adj

Полный, толстый

By 17 years of age children of obese parents are 3 times more likely to be obese than children of thin parents

Roughly one on 10 people surveyed were obese

obesity n

ожирение, тучность, чрезмерная полнота

In developing countries obesity is usually a mark of prosperity

Obesity is one of them most common important and avoidable causes of ill-health

politically correct term

политически корректный термин

NOTE: это словосочетание часто используется в виде аббревиатуры PC .

  • It’s not PC to say…

  • It’s not PC to write about…

Politically correct language was the order of the day at the conference as the debates centered on gender issues

I presumed it was politically correct

Indeed, publishers told us, they were under pressure from local authorities to be politically correct

adolescent adj

юношеский, подростковый

Adolescent boys are out on the streets and more likely to join gangs

When I was an adolescent boy, I saw a similar scene in a movie

Leon gazed at the line of adolescent faces

junk food

вредная для здоровья еда, «мусорная» еда, неполноценная, жирная, трудно перевариваемая еда

Of course, the foods suggested within the diet are very wholesome with very little junk food

This sets a bad example for teenagers , many of whom are overweight and eat too much junk food

Nothing wrong with junk food once a week, but living on it is a recipe for disaster

culprit n

Виновник, виновный

Chemical compound benomyl, used by farmers has been indicated as a possible culprit

Everyone in the class started laughing , and the teacher began searching for the culprit

processed food

пища, подвергшаяся технологической переработке, прошедшая промышленную обработку; бакалея

Processed food not only tends to be deficient in essential nutrients, but also contains an array of toxic chemicals

The stabilizers, additives, colorings and flavorings on processed food are chemically produced in factories

preservative n


The preservative, sorbic acid is reported to cause allergies

Salt is often used as a preservative

stuff v

набивать желудок, жадно есть, объедаться

Whenever we ate out , he always stuffed himself with crisps, fried winds and other kinds of food

greasy adj

жирный, с большим количеством масла или жира

Greasy sausages , shepherd’s pies and mashed potatoes won’t do much for your waistline

I notice a greasy smear on my glass

cholesterol n


A diet high in saturated fatty acids tends to raise the cholesterol level

We all know that there are two types of cholesterol : good and bad cholesterol

diet v

быть на диете, сесть на диету

She finally agreed to diet: go easy on fatty foods and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables

inconvenience v

причинять неудобство

This factor inconvenienced a sufficient number of people