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5.1.1. Match the words and phrases with their definitions.

1. addiction

a. to extend one’s hand to get something

2. culprit

b. the kind and amount of food prescribed to a person for some special reasons

3. to reach for something

c. food which natural qualities were changed when being prepared

4. to complain of smth

d. exceeding expected normal or proper weight

5.politically correct

e. food which is regarded unhealthy and lacking nutrients

6. overweight

f. becoming physiologically dependent on something

7. junk food

g. a structural unit of any living matter

8. processed food

h. a person to be blamed for something

9. diet

i. avoiding direct naming of certain aspects of life


Compounds of sugars and starches

11. carbohydrates

j. to express discontent

5.1.2.Match the words and phrases with their definitions.

1. nutrient

a. to pass or omit something

2. to be aware of smth

b. to be persuaded into doing something


c. to make full

4. lulled into

d. promoting health or well-being, containing useful ingredients

5. to skip

e. to know

6. to fill up

f. a nutritive substance or ingredient

7. wholesome

g. a long duration of individual life

5.1.3. Match the words and phrases with their definitions.

1. to hyperventilate

a. disorder , untidy surroundings

2. physique

b. to run at a slow pace

3. to prioritize

c. to feel tension

4. mess

d. to reduce consumption of something

5. benefit

e. a type of physical exercise

6. to cut back on smth

f. to extend limbs of one’s body

7. jogging

g. lack of certain information

8. sit –up

h. to set priorities

9. communication breakdown

i. to breathe heavily

10. to be knotted up

j. useful aid, something promoting well-being

11. to stretch

k. to feel unwell

12. to feel under par

l. the form or structure of a person’s body

5.2.1. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from texts (focus 2).

  1. processed food

  2. obese

  3. overweight

  4. adolescent

  5. to diet

  6. cell

  7. to complain of smth

  8. to reach for smth

  9. DNA

  10. addiction

  11. to be addicted to smth

  12. carbohydrates

  13. blood vessels

  14. to be hooked on smth

5.2.2. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from texts (FOCUS 3).

    1. to skip one’s lunch

    2. wholesome

    3. food consumption

    4. nutrient

    5. to be aware of smth

    6. gym

    7. to eat out

    8. recipe

    9. to crave for smth

    10. low-fat

    11. cuisine

    12. workout

    13. to fill up

    14. longevity

5.2.3. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the texts (FOCUS 4).

  1. benefit

  2. to prioritize

  3. communication breakdown

  4. stretching

  5. mess

  6. push-up

  7. physique

  8. to feel under par

  9. to cut back on something

  10. rope jumping

  11. jogging

  12. to hyperventilate

  13. tension

  14. sit-up

5.3.1. Find the English equivalents in texts (FOCUS 2) for the following Russian words and phrases.

  1. клетка (тела)

  2. жаловаться на что-либо

  3. пища, подвергшаяся промышленной обработке, переработанная

  4. кровеносный сосуд

  5. полный, с избыточным весом

  6. юношеский, подростковый

  7. холестерин

  8. ДНК

  9. потянуться за чем-либо

5.3.2. Find English equivalents in texts (FOCUS 3) for the following Russian words and phrases.

  1. знать, осознавать что-то

  2. есть вне дома, в ресторанах или кафе

  3. спортзал, гимнастический зал

  4. тренажеры

  5. с низким содержанием жира

  6. рецепт (блюда)

  7. страстно желать, хотеть чего-либо

  8. долголетие

  9. пропускать завтрак

  10. кутнуть, дать себе волю

  11. питательное вещество

  12. голодный, изголодавшийся

5.3.2. Find the English equivalents in the texts (FOCUS 4) for the following Russian words and phrases.

  1. бег трусцой

  2. расставлять приоритеты

  3. сократить потребление чего-либо

  4. путаница, беспорядок

  5. чувствовать напряжение, быть на взводе

  6. недостаток информации, отсутствие какой-либо информации

  7. напряжение

  8. телосложение

  9. чувствовать себя не очень хорошо

  10. приседания

5.4.1. Paraphrase the following into English, using the key vocabulary of the module (FOCUS 2).

  1. Her teenage daughter has brought her a lot of troubles recently.

  2. Jimmy has developed a bad habit of drinking several glasses of wine before going to bed.

  3. Who is to blame for this broken window?

  4. Food like pizza, hamburgers and coke contain a lot of empty calories and has very few nutrients.

  5. Being a person with excess weight, he never tried to cut back on fatty food, pies and pastries.

  6. They always express their concern about their noisy neighbors living above.

  7. The construction of a new building in front of our house made our life quite uncomfortable.

  8. His bad habit of smoking made him spend a lot of money on doctors.