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6.3. Write an essay of 300-350 words on a healthy life-style you think is the best. Focus on either healthy eating or exercises.

FOCUS 7. Discussion

7.1. Topics for Oral Discussion

Choose one of the points given below and discuss it with your group mates. Even if you do not share the view, try to support it and debate with others providing them with all possible arguments. Instead of beginning every sentence with “I think..”, use other expressions like “I believe”, “I suppose …”, “ My belief is…”, “ I reckon..” etc. – this would make your teacher absolutely happy.

1. This girl is a health food nut. She reads every food label, tries to buy only organic and when she sees her boy-friend munching a hot dog or enjoying a coke, she is horrified. She persuades him to eat healthily, however, he does not care about all this healthy style buzz.

Divide into two groups: one group will be the boy-friend’s advocate, the other group will support the girl’s views. Give your arguments.

2. Healthy food is really very boring and bland: boiled vegetables, no doughnuts, chocolates or pizza. It is impossible to eat only celery (сельдерей) and rice crackers all your life. Those who do that must be the unhappiest people in the world.

Be the junk food supporter! Explain why you believe it really does not matter what you eat.

3. Smoking is a very private matter. If one chooses to smoke – it is his/ her own choice. New rules introduced now in many European countries which prohibit smoking in restaurants, bars and some other public places are definitely severe and violate the smokers’ rights. People can’t enjoy their outings if they are not allowed to smoke.

What side are you on: poor smokers squeezed out from every public place or those you are happy they can enjoy a smoke-free environment?

7.2. Look into the following statements and agree or disagree with them.

  1. The human body was constructed for health and happiness.

  2. Health only comes from healthful living

  3. By controlling our thoughts we can feel happy all the time

  4. A human being can not do without eating animal products.

  5. Sports and exercises should be an integral part of a person’s life.

7.3. Surf on the Web to find information on healthy eating and physical exercises. To help you we give a number of addresses to start with.

7.4. Healthy Life-Style on the Internet

  • http://www.healthandfood.com

  • http://www.healthylivingmarket.com

  • http://www.healthandfood .org

7.5. Discover your fitness personality.

What’s the best exercise for you?

Ever wondered why your enthusiasm for sporting activities suddenly goes slack or you will to pump iron melts at the prospect of curling up in front of TV with a box of chocolates? The good news is it’s probably not because you‘re a no-hoper sofa slug – it’s more likely you’re choosing the wrong kind of exercise for your personality.

Former Olympic triathlon champion Daley Thompson is convinced personality plays a big part in sporting success and that everyone can build a healthier lifestyle for themselves by identifying psychological as well as physiological traits. Once you’ve done that, finding an activity you enjoy, you’re good at and which fits effortlessly into your lifestyle is a breeze. What’s more, sticking to that regime becomes a whole lot easier.

To find our whether you‘re born to run or you’re a natural for the lotus position, simply complete this fitness personality quiz.

When it comes to your weight, do you…?

  1. Jump on and off the scales

  2. Weigh yourself once a week

  3. Have a vague idea of your weight