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3.5.1. Comprehension Questions

  1. Which technologies allow terrorist patterns to be identified prior to attacks?

  2. What is the nature of the threat? What approach should be taken to deal with the current form of global terrorist violence?

  3. Why is linking terrorism with globalization so difficult to do theoretically?

  4. In what ways are the technologies and processes associated with globalization more beneficial to states or terrorists?

  5. What is the role that technology plays in terrorism and will it change how terrorists operate in the future? If so, how?

  6. What are the dilemmas that terrorist groups face with respect to weapons of mass destruction?

  7. What do you know about the “terrorism list”?

  8. What countries are currently on the “terrorism list”?

  9. Who maintains a “terrorism list”?

  10. What measures are being taken against the countries on the list?

  11. What international organizations are fighting against terrorism?

  12. What is the UN role in combating terrorism?

  13. What documents have been adopted to counter terrorism?

3.5.2. Key Vocabulary




combat terrorism

бороться с терроризмом

Many initiatives have been launched at national and international level to boost resources to combat terrorism effectively

mitigate v

уменьшать; смягчать

While the causes of climate change can be mitigated, some of its impacts are unavoidable – at least in the short term

retaliate v

отплачивать, отвечать тем же самым;


History and recent experience in various parts of the world have shown that acts of terrorism – whether by groups or State forces – sow the seeds of hatred and the seeds of desires or plans to retaliate with further acts of terrorism, leading to an ever increasing spiral of violence

forestall v



World must act now to forestall staggering threat from global warming

endanger v

подвергать опасности

Terrorism involves causing serious economic loss or seriously destructing an infrastructure facility in a way likely to endanger human life

expediency n

целесообразность выгодность

The fight against terrorism needs an ideological commitment far beyond the political expediency that currently dominates our polity, as also the policies of most other countries

obtain power

захватить власть

Political parties are made of people who come together out of a desire to obtain political power and influence public policy

nexus n

звено; связь; узы

The nexus between crime and terrorism remains a continuing threat

irregular warfare

нерегулярные военные действия

Irregular warfare is warfare employing the tactics commonly used by irregular military organizations

inflict casualties

нанести потери

The possibility that terrorist organizations would gain access to such weapons and use them to inflict mass casualties has been of increasing concern in the past few years

abrogate v



One cannot expect a people to suffer oppression forever, to abrogate their own human rights in favor of those of others

uphold the rule of law

поддерживать правопорядок

In prosecuting the alleged perpetrators, governments must themselves uphold the rule of law, including their international human rights commitments, many of which remain absolute even in times of the greatest national emergency

law enforcement

правоохранительная деятельность

The dynamics of domestic and international terrorism necessitate law enforcement officers maintain proactive vigilance to predict and interdict terrorist events

sanctuary n


  • to seek sanctuary

  • Regions in conflict offer sanctuary and recruits for terrorism, and fuel the broader terrorist movement

martial law

военное положение

Martial law is what the government of a country would impose to combat terrorism

subvert v




Terrorism is designed to subvert existing political atmospheres, often with the aid of the mass media's influence

pursue terrorists

преследовать террористов

Pentagon says US is going to pursue terrorists wherever they operate, plan their operations, try to seek safe harbor

incite terrorists

подстрекать террористов

The G-8 and Outreach countries expressed their readiness to undertake all necessary measures to bring to justice those who incite terrorists

isolate terrorists (from)

изолировать террористов

The only way to put an end to a terrorist campaign is to isolate terrorists

adversary n




Terrorism and deterrence shade into one another, because both rely on creating fear in an adversary