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III.9. Прочтите быстро следующую информацию и объясните по-русски, какая проблема вызывает беспокойство женщины и что ей посоветовали делать.

Question: I am 40 and, like my mother and grandmother, am starting to get veins on my legs. They are not varicose veins and do not hurt, but they look awful. Is there anything that can stop them from forming or getting any worse?

(Name and address withheld)

There are two remedies that you should use: one is a topical cream and the other a supplement that combines numerous herbs that have been shown to help maintain the integrity of the blood vessels. Both contain horse chestnut and should be used together.

The cream is called Clear Vein Creme (£19.95 for 56g), which is part of the excellent American range Derma E. Formulated to help reduce bruising and spider veins, it combines horse chestnut with grape-skin extract. The active agent in horse chestnut is a substance called aescin, which has been shown to help constrict veins and decrease their permeability. Grape-skin extract contains anthocyanin pigments: antioxidant chemicals that can also help to strengthen capillaries. Apply the cream to spider veins twice a day.

Ultra Vein-Gard is a herbal supplement that includes the ayurvedic herb gotu kola, which supports microcirculation in the peripheral blood vessels and also works to strengthen the connective tissue of the circulatory system. It includes rutin, anti-inflammatory bromelain, vitamin С, St Mary's thistle and butcher's broom – all herbs and nutrients that work to support venal flow. Made by Natural Care, an American manufacturer, it costs £16.95 for 50 capsules. Both remedies are available by mail order from Victoria Health (0800 413596).

Horse chestnut can lower blood sugar levels, so diabetics should not use it without medical supervision.

For more information on natural health, visit my website: www.whatreallyworks.co.uk

If you have any questions or tips, write to What's the Alternative? Style, The Sunday Times, 1 Pennington Street, London E98 1ST. We only reply to published letters

III.10. В ответе специалиста приводится адрес сайта в Интернет и адрес рубрики в журнале, куда можно обратиться с интересующими вас вопросами. Посетите указанный сайт и поделитесь впечатлениями о полученной вами информации.

III.11. Подготовьте письменно вопрос о возникшей у вас или у ваших родственников проблеме со здоровьем, чтобы получить консультацию специалиста рубрики. Оформите его в виде письма в редакцию.

Unit eleven

Drug effects Грамматика

1. -ing- формы. § 22

2. Герундий. § 20, 21

3. Инфинитив. §23

I. Предтекстовые упражнения

I.1. Определите, какой частью речи являются ing- формы в этих предложениях: а) отглагольным существительным; б) герундием или в) причастием. Выпишите отглагольные ing- формы и пометьте их соответствующими буквенными обозначениями. Переведите эти предложения.

  1. Before dispensing a parenteral solution, pharmacy personnel should check it for impurities by swirling the solution and looking at it against light and dark backgrounds.

  2. Chelating agents can be used as antidotes for metal poisoning.

  3. The binding of a drug to its receptors usually involves only specific functional groups.

  4. Synthetic products can have chemical structures closely resembling those of active natural products (e.g., ampicillin, which resembles penicillin).

  5. Monitoring of the impact of drug therapy should be performed on a regular basis.

  6. Dosing intervals are different for children.

  7. Clarity testing is used to check sterile products for particulate matter.

  8. Review the patient profile, including drug history and patient risk factors.

  9. Water solubility depends primarily on two factors: ionic character and hydrogen-bonding capabilities.

10. Alkaloids are nitrogen-containing compounds obtained primarily from plants by extraction.

11. Heat has a drying and ageing effect on all types of skin, with the exception of oily skin.

12. Coloring shampoos have become very popular for brightening the colour of the hair.