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Порядок слов в английском утвердительном предложении





косвенное без глагола


косвенное с глаголом






The teacher



all the explanations



practical classes

in the laboratory

on Friday

My younger brother


to school

every day

Professor Ivanov



in chemistry

to medical students

Упражнение 4. Составьте предложения из следующих слов. Место наречия в предложении – перед глаголом–сказуемым (в случае, когда нет вспомогательных глаголов), или после первого вспомогательного глагола (когда он есть в предложении).

1. pharmaceutical, usually, classes, laboratory, chemical, the, have, of, the, in, students, the, faculty, chemistry.

2. consists, rooms, of, the, several, chemical, laboratory.

3. large, are, the, and, rooms, light.

4. requires, the, chemical, cleanliness, in, the, work, laboratory.

5. work, before, students, always, on, put, gowns, white.

Смысловой центр предложения

Каждое английское предложение должно иметь подлежащее и сказуемое. Они составляют основу того или иного высказывания. Все остальные слова любого предложения зависят от главных членов предложения. Они поясняют или дополняют подлежащее и сказуемое. К второстепенным членам предложения можно отнести дополнение, обстоятельство и определение.

Особая роль в английском предложении принадлежит глаголу–сказуемому. Глагол всегда стоит после подлежащего или после его правого определения. Именно глагол превращает существительное в живое выражение мысли, передаёт динамику действия, о котором сообщается в высказывании.

Упражнение 5. Подчеркните смысловое ядро (подлежащее и сказуемое) в каждом из следующих предложений. Переведите эти предложения.

1. Many herbs have been used since ancient times. 2. Each herb is used for a different ailment. 3. One way to prepare herbs is to make an infusion, or a sort of tea. 4. Many herbs can be bought dried and packaged in “teabags”. 5. Medicinal herbs include chamomile, hyssop, fever-few and tansy. 6. All herbs can be used fresh or dried. 7. Most people think of herbs as plants with aromatic leaves used for cooking and preserving food, and also as medicines. 8. Preservatives destroy or inhibit the development of microorganisms. 9. Aspirin – type drugs can cause internal bleeding.

Упражнение 6. Прочтите текст и переведите его. Подчеркните сказуемые в каждом предложении и определите время и залог каждого из глаголов сказуемых (см. §8-14 грамматического справочника).


According to some sources, soap was invented by the Phoenicians about 2,300 years ago. The value of soap in those days was more than cosmetic: skin infections and other illnesses ran rampant when soap was scarce. Now the concern is whether it will clean without irritating or drying your skin.

Old-fashioned classic soap is still made with the same original recipe combining an alkali, a fat and water. Ivory is one example of traditional soap, but many of the 'soaps' on the shop shelves today are technically detergents.

Detergents are often associated with household cleansers, and it is assumed that they are harsher than soap. Although this can be true, when it comes to facial cleansers, many companies add emollients, making them gentle to the skin. Dove is a familiar 'soap' that's really a detergent bar - and known for its mildness.

An advantage of using a detergent in a 'soap' is that it makes it easier to control the pH. The pH of a substance refers to whether it is acidic, alkaline or neutral. A pH of 7 is neutral, above 7 is alkaline, and below 7 is acidic.

Because true soaps are made with alkalis, it's not surprising that they tend to have a higher index. Using an alkaline soap actually changes the pH of your skin, which can leave it feeling 'tight', especially if it is dry. The effect is temporary: healthy skin quickly returns to its usual pH.

If you see the phrase 'pH balanced', it is likely that the cleanser is non-alkaline and should be less irritating. There are also super-fatted and glycerin cleansers, deodorant bars, as well as liquid and medicated cleansers.