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Курс английского языка.docx
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I.4. Замените эти простые предложения с инверсионным порядком слов соответствующими сложноподчиненными предложениями.

  1. Should any liquid enter the pharyngeal cavity, slight throat irritation may result.

  2. Had the patient been compliant, serious damage to his health could have been avoided.

  3. Should adverse reactions to the drug be recorded, they must be reported to the local or regional Boards of Pharmacy.

  4. Should rash appear, the cream should be discontinued.

  5. Should any side effects occur, the dosage will have to be reduced.

  6. Had the drug been tested on large groups of population, its safety would cause fewer doubts.

I.5. Прослушайте текст, в котором говорится о канцерогенезе, обусловленном действием химических веществ и дайте ответы на следующие вопросы.

  1. What kinds of tumors can carcinogens produce?

  2. What factors can play a role in carcinogenesis?

  3. What human carcinogens were named in the text?

  4. What is the current theory on the mechanism of chemically induced tumors?

I.6. Прочтите следующие вопросы и дайте ответы на них.

  1. What does the word «kinetics» mean? How do you interpret the term «pharmacokinetics»?

  2. What processes are embraced by the term?

  3. What does the drug “do” when it is absorbed?

  4. What factors affect distribution of the drug throughout the body?

  5. Where does metabolism, or biotransformation of the drug occur in the body?

  6. Which is more active: a parent drug or its metabolites?

  7. What kinds of biochemical reactions occur in metabolism?

  8. What can drug metabolism be influenced by?

  9. What routes of drug excretion do you know? Which is the major route?

10. What does the term «clearance» mean? Why is it important? What organs in the body perform drug clearance?

II. Работа с текстом.

II.1. Ознакомьтесь со словами к тексту а.

distribution, dissemination

[dIstrI΄bjuS(@)n], [dI semI΄neIS(@)n]


the target site [΄ta:gIt]

участок–мишень, нужный участок

excretion [Iks΄kri:S@n]

выделение, выведение (из организма)

a metabolite [mI΄t{b@laIt]

метаболит, продукт обмена

cellular barriers [΄seljul@ ΄b{rI@z]

клеточные барьеры

the walls [wO:lz]


the brain [΄breIn]

головной мозг

a renal tubule [΄ri:n@l ΄tjubjul]

почечная трубочка

to constitute [΄kOnstItju:t]


restrictions [rI΄strIkS(@)nz]


hence [hens]

следовательно, поэтому

to be reabsorbed [,ri:@b΄sO:bd]


to behave [bI΄heIv]

вести себя

to escape [Is΄keIp]


the urine [΄ju:rIn]


permeability [,p@:mI@΄bIlItI]


the glomerulus [gl@΄merul@s],


клубочек (почечный)

glial cells [΄glaI@l ΄selz]

глиальные клетки

a blood–brain barrier [΄b{rI@]

гематоэнцефалический барьер

to accumulate [@΄kju:mjuleIt]

накапливаться, депонировать

as a result

в результате

adipose tissues [΄{dIpous]

жировые ткани

partitioning of the drug


разделение лекарства

the fraction [fr{kSn]

фракция, доля

to provide a reservoir [΄rez@vua:]

создавать резервуар (депо)

to maintain [m@n΄teIn]


a steady–state concentration

[΄stedI ΄steIt]

равновесная концентрация

a loading dose [΄loudIÎ ΄dous]

ударная доза

a bolus dose [΄boul@s]

большая доза

an intermittent infusion

вливание с перерывами