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Liquid dosage forms Грамматика

1. Причастие 1 и 2. § 17, 18

2. Придаточные предложения условия и времени. § 18, 15

3. Неопределенно–личные предложения. § 37

I. Предтекстовые упражнения

I.1. Раскройте скобки и согласуйте видо–временные формы глагола внутри этого текста.

Sterility (to mean) the absence of living microorganisms. The term sterile products (to include) products like parenteral preparations, irrigation solutions, and ophthalmic preparations. Parenteral preparations (to be) pharmaceutical dosage forms that (to inject) through one or more layers of the skin.

Sterilization (to perform) to destroy or remove all microorganisms from the product. Sterilization can (to achieve) through thermal, chemical, radioactive, or mechanical methоds. Though thermal and mechanical sterilization (to use) the longest, they (to improve) recently with the introduction of new types of filters and autoclaves. While thermal sterilization (to involve) the use of either moist or dry heat for destruction of microorganisms by cellular protein coagulation, mechanical sterilization (to remove) microorganisms and (to eliminate) particulate matter.

If a pharmacy involved in preparing sterile products not (to have) a special area called a clean room, laminar flow hoods (to be) vital to ensure aseptic preparation. Before vertical laminar flow hoods (to introduce), horizontal laminar flow hoods (to use) in pharmacies for the preparation of sterile products. According to regulations, clean rooms and laminar flow hoods (to inspect) and (to certify) when they first (to install) and at least 6–12 months thereafter.

I.2. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола, подходящего по смыслу, обращая внимание на видо–временную форму глагола в главном предложении. (Глаголы можно выбрать из списка внизу).

  1. An autoclave will be used if moist heat sterilization ... .

  2. Less exposure time will be required when a higher temperature ... .

  3. The laminar flow hood will not be certified unless it ... all the necessary requirements.

  4. The pharmacy will be inspected again after 12 months ... .

  5. This product will be damaged if it .... to heat.

  6. If other sterilization methods ... to be unacceptable, gas sterilization of the product will be used.

(to prove, to require, to use, to meet, to pass, to expose)

I.3. Переведите следующие вводные фразы, начинающие неопределенно–личные предложения.

Установлено, что (to determine)

Доказано, что (to prove)

Обнаружено, что (to find)

Замечено, что (to note)

Известно, что (to know)

Подсчитано, что (to estimate)

Считается, что (to believe)

Продемонстрировано, что (to demonstrate)

I.4. Переведите следующие неопределенно–личные предложения на русский язык.

  1. In 1935 it was discovered that sulfanilamide stopped the growth of bacteria.

  2. It is known that adult drug dosages cannot be extrapolated to children.

  3. It is proved that one Zovirax 800 mg tablet is bioequivalent to four Zovirax 200 mg capsules.

  4. It is noted that dosage requirements may vary with age, sex, and the patient’s condition.

  5. It is established that glucose can be replaced with either sucrose or rice powder which are cheaper.

  6. You can find herbs and herbal combinations in tablet, capsule, powdered, and dried form.

  7. You should consult a physician if you suffer from any health problem.

  8. One can mix the dried herb or herbs with a little water or use a paste with flour or bran.

  9. One must be careful when using ophthalmic agents.

10. It is known that sodium is necessary for maintaining the proper water balance and blood pH.

11. What you can safely mix adaptogens with is other adaptogens.