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Scaling the IP Address Space for the Internet 257

Foundation Topics

Scaling the IP Address Space for the Internet

The original design for the Internet required every organization to ask for, and receive, one or more registered IP network numbers. The people administering the program ensured that none of the IP networks were reused. As long as every organization used only IP addresses inside its own registered network numbers, IP addresses would never be duplicated, and IP routing could work well.

Connecting to the Internet using only a registered network number, or several registered network numbers, worked very well for a while. In the early to mid-1990s, it became apparent that the Internet was growing so fast that all IP network numbers would be assigned by the mid-1990s! Concern arose that the available networks would be completely assigned, and some organizations would not be able to connect to the Internet.

One solution to the IP network scalability problem was to increase the size of the IP address. This one fact was the most compelling reason for the advent of IP Version 6 (IPv6). (This book discusses Version 4 [IPv4]. Version 5 was defined for experimental reasons and was never deployed.) IPv6 calls for a much larger address structure so that the convention of all organizations using unique groupings (networks) of IP addresses would still be reasonable. The numbers of IPv6-style networks would reach into the trillions and beyond. That solution is still technically viable and possibly one day will be used, because IPv6 is still evolving in the marketplace. (The same kind of problem has even happened with telephone numbers in North America. The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has been working toward moving from ten-digit phone numbers to 12-digit phone numbers for the last few years.)

Three other IP functions have been used to reduce the need for IPv4 registered network numbers. Network Address Translation (NAT), along with a feature called private addressing, allows organizations to use unregistered IP network numbers internally and still communicate well with the Internet. Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR) allows Internet service providers (ISPs) to reduce the wasting of IP addresses by assigning a company a subset of a network number rather than the entire network. CIDR also can allow ISPs to summarize routes such that multiple Class A, B, or C networks match a single route, which helps reduce the size of Internet routing tables.

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CIDR is a convention defined in RFC 1817 (www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1817.txt) that calls for aggregating multiple network numbers into a single routing entity. CIDR was created to help the scalability of Internet routers. Imagine a router in the Internet with a route to every Class A, B, and C network on the planet! There are more than 2 million Class C networks alone! By aggregating the routes, fewer routes would need to exist in the routing table.

Figure 8-1 shows a typical case of how CIDR might be used to consolidate routes to multiple Class C networks into a single route.

Figure 8-1 Typical Use of CIDR

Route to Mask

ISP #2 Points to ISP #1






Customer #1

Route to Mask


ISP #1

ISP #3 - Points to ISP #1




Customer #2

Route to Mask

ISP #4 Points to ISP #1



Customer #3

Imagine that ISP #1 owns Class C networks through (these might look funny, but they are valid Class C network numbers). Without CIDR, all other ISPs’ routing tables would have a separate route to each of the 216 Class C networks that begin with 198. With CIDR, as shown in the figure, the other ISPs’ routers have a single route to—in other words, a route to all hosts whose IP address begins with 198. More than two million Class C networks alone exist, but CIDR has helped Internet routers reduce their routing tables to a more manageable size—in the range of 120,000 routes by mid-2003.

By using a routing protocol that exchanges the mask as well as the subnet/network number, a classless view of the number can be attained. In other words, treat the grouping as a math problem, ignoring the Class A, B, and C rules. For instance, (, mask defines a set of addresses whose first 8 bits are equal to decimal 198. ISP #1 advertises this route to the other ISPs, who need a route only to In its routers,

ISP #1 knows which Class C networks are at which customer sites. This is how CIDR gives

Internet routers a much more scalable routing table—by reducing the number of entries in the tables.

Scaling the IP Address Space for the Internet 259

For CIDR to work as shown in Figure 8-1, ISPs need to be in control of consecutive network numbers. Today, IP networks are allocated by administrative authorities for various regions of the world. The regions in turn allocate consecutive ranges of network numbers to particular ISPs in those regions. This allows summarization of multiple networks into a single route, as shown in Figure 8-1.

CIDR also helps reduce the chance of our running out of IP addresses for new companies connecting to the Internet. Furthermore, CIDR allows an ISP to allocate a subset of a Class A, B, or C network to a single customer. For instance, imagine that ISP #1’s Customer #1 needs only ten IP addresses and that Customer #3 needs 25 IP addresses. ISP #1 does something like this: It assigns IP subnet, with assignable addresses 198.8.17 to 198.8.30, to Customer #1. For Customer #3, ISP #1 suggests, with 30 assignable addresses ( to (Feel free to check the math with the IP addressing algorithms discussed in Chapter 4, “IP Addressing and Subnetting.”)

CIDR helps prevent the wasting of IP addresses, thereby reducing the need for registered IP network numbers. Instead of two customers consuming two whole Class C networks, each consumes a small portion of a single Class C network. At the same time, CIDR, along with the intelligent administration of consecutive network numbers to each ISP, allows the Internet routing table to support a much smaller routing table in Internet routers than would otherwise be required.

Private Addressing

Some computers will never be connected to the Internet. These computers’ IP addresses could be duplicates of registered IP addresses in the Internet. When designing the IP addressing convention for such a network, an organization could pick and use any network number(s) it wanted, and all would be well. For instance, you can buy a few routers, connect them in your office, and configure IP addresses in network, and it would work. The IP addresses you use might be duplicates of real IP addresses in the Internet, but if all you want to do is learn on the lab in your office, everything will be fine.

When building a private network that will have no Internet connectivity, you can use IP network numbers called private internets, as defined in RFC 1918, “Address Allocation for Private Internets” (www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1918.txt). This RFC defines a set of networks that will never be assigned to any organization as a registered network number. Instead of using someone else’s registered network numbers, you can use numbers in a range that are not used by anyone else in the public Internet. Table 8-2 shows the private address space defined by RFC 1918.