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178 Chapter 5: RIP, IGRP, and Static Route Concepts and Configuration

Foundation Summary

The “Foundation Summary” section lists the most important facts from the chapter. Although this section does not list everything that will be on the exam, a well-prepared CCNA candidate should at a minimum know all the details in each Foundation Summary before taking the exam.

All routing protocols have several general goals:

To dynamically learn and fill the routing table with a route to all subnets in the network.

If more than one route to a subnet is available, to place the best route in the routing table.

To notice when routes in the table are no longer valid and to remove them from the routing table.

If a route is removed from the routing table and another route through another neighboring router is available, to add the route to the routing table. (Many people view this goal and the preceding one as a single goal.)

To add new routes, or to replace lost routes with the currently-best available route, as quickly as possible. The time between losing the route and finding a working replacement route is called convergence time.

To prevent routing loops.

Table 5-15 summarizes the key routing protocol terms you need to know for the CCNA exam.

Table 5-15

Routing Protocol Terminology









Routing protocol

A protocol whose purpose is to learn the available routes, place the best



routes in the routing table, and remove routes when they are no longer valid.



Exterior routing protocol

A routing protocol designed for use between two different organizations.



These are typically used between ISPs or between a company and an ISP. For



example, a company would run BGP, an exterior routing protocol, between



one of its routers and a router inside an ISP.



Interior routing protocol

A routing protocol designed for use within a single organization. For



example, an entire company might choose the IGRP routing protocol, which



is an interior routing protocol.



Distance vector

The logic behind the behavior of some interior routing protocols, such as RIP



and IGRP.




Link state


The logic behind the behavior of some interior routing protocols, such as






Balanced hybrid

The logic behind the behavior of EIGRP, which is more like distance vector



than link state but is different from these two types of routing protocols.






Foundation Summary 179

Table 5-15

Routing Protocol Terminology (Continued)









Dijkstra Shortest Path First

Magic math used by link-state protocols, such as OSPF, when the routing

(SPF) algorithm

table is calculated.



Diffusing Update Algorithm

The process by which EIGRP routers collectively calculate the routes to place



in the routing tables.






The time required for routers to react to changes in the network, removing



bad routes and adding new, better routes so that the currently-best routes are



in all the routers’ routing tables.






The numeric value that describes how good a particular route is. The lower



the value, the better the route.




Distance vector protocols need several mechanisms to prevent loops. Table 5-16 summarizes these issues and lists the solutions.

Table 5-16 Issues Related to Distance Vector Routing Protocols in Networks with Multiple Paths





Multiple routes to the same

Implementation options involve either using the first route learned or putting

subnet have equal metrics

multiple routes to the same subnet in the routing table.



Routing loops occur

Split horizon—The routing protocol advertises routes out an interface only if

because updates pass each

they were not learned from updates entering that interface.

other over a single link



Split horizon with poison reverse—The routing protocol uses split-horizon


rules unless a route fails. In that case, the route is advertised out all interfaces,


including the interface in which the route was learned, but with an infinite-


distance metric.



Routing loops occur

Route poisoning—When a route to a subnet fails, the subnet is advertised

because of routing

with an infinite-distance metric. This term specifically applies to routes that

information looping

are advertised when the route is valid, whereas poison reverse refers to routes

through alternative paths

that are not normally advertised because of split horizon but that are


advertised with an infinite metric when the route fails.



Counting to infinity

Hold-down timer—After finding out that a route to a subnet has failed, a


router waits a certain period of time before believing any other routing


information about that subnet.


Triggered updates—When a route fails, an update is sent immediately rather than


waiting on the update timer to expire. Used in conjunction with route poisoning,


this ensures that all routers know of failed routes before any hold-down timers can





180 Chapter 5: RIP, IGRP, and Static Route Concepts and Configuration

Table 5-17 outlines some of the key comparison points between RIP and IGRP.

Table 5-17 RIP and IGRP Feature Comparison


RIP (Default)

IGRP (Default)




Update timer

30 seconds

90 seconds





Hop count

Function of bandwidth and delay (the default).



Can include reliability, load, and MTU.




Hold-down timer






Flash (triggered) updates






Mask sent in update






Infinite-metric value






Q&A 181


As mentioned in the introduction, you have two choices for review questions. The following questions give you a bigger challenge than the exam because they are open-ended. By reviewing with this more-difficult question format, you can exercise your memory better and prove your conceptual and factual knowledge of the topics covered in this chapter. The answers to these questions are found in Appendix A.

For more practice with exam-like question formats, including multiple-choice questions and those using a router simulator, use the exam engine on the CD.

1.What type of routing protocol algorithm uses a hold-down timer? What is its purpose?

2.Define what split horizon means to the contents of a routing update. Does this apply to both the distance vector algorithm and the link-state algorithm?

3.What steps would you take to migrate from RIP to IGRP in a router whose current RIP configuration includes only router rip followed by a network command?

4.How does the Cisco IOS software designate a subnet in the routing table as a directly connected network? What about a route learned with IGRP or RIP?

5.Create a configuration for IGRP on a router with these interfaces and addresses: e0 using, e1 using, s0 using, and s1 using Use process ID 5.

6.Create a configuration for IGRP on a router with these interfaces and addresses: to0 using, e0 using, s0 using, and s1 using

7.From a router’s user mode, without using debugs or privileged mode, how can you determine what routers are sending you routing updates?

8.Imagine that a router has an interface E0 with IP address and E1 with IP address If the commands router rip and network, with no other network commands, are configured in the router, does RIP send updates out Ethernet0?

9.Imagine that a router has an interface E0 with IP address and E1 with IP address If the commands router igrp 1 and network are configured in the router, does IGRP advertise

10.If the commands router igrp 1 and network are configured in a router that has an Ethernet0 interface with IP address, mask, does this router have a route to

11.Must IGRP metrics for multiple routes to the same subnet be equal for the multiple routes to be added to the routing table? If not, how close in value do the metrics have to be?

182Chapter 5: RIP, IGRP, and Static Route Concepts and Configuration

12.When you’re using RIP, what configuration command controls the number of equal-cost routes that can be added to the routing table at the same time? What is the maximum number of equal-cost routes to the same destination that can be included in the IP routing table at once?

13.When you’re using IGRP, what configuration command controls the number of equalcost routes that can be added to the routing table at the same time? What is the maximum number of equal-cost routes to the same destination that can be included in the IP routing table at once?

14.Which command lists all the IP routes learned via RIP?

15.Which command or commands list all IP routes in network

16.True or false: Distance vector routing protocols learn routes by transmitting routing updates.

17.Assume that a router is configured to allow only one route in the routing table to each destination network. If more than one route to a particular subnet is learned, and if each route has the same metric value, which route is placed in the routing table if the routing protocol uses distance vector logic?

18.Describe the purpose and meaning of route poisoning.

19.Describe the meaning and purpose of triggered updates.

20.What term describes the underlying logic behind the OSPF routing protocol?

21.Router1 has a serial interface S0 connected via a point-to-point link to Router2. Router2 has an Ethernet interface address of, mask Write down the single variation of the ip route command for which you now have enough information to configure a complete, syntactically correct command.

This chapter covers the following subjects:

Link-State Routing Protocol and OSPF Concepts

Balanced Hybrid Routing Protocol and EIGRP Concepts

OSPF Configuration

EIGRP Configuration