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4. Answer the questions:

1) What can computers deal with? 2) What are instructions first written in? 3) What programming languages are there? 4) What do they depend on? 5) What is a source program? 6) What does FORTRAN consist of? 7) What is COBOL used for? 8) What is ALGOL used for? 9) What is PL/I Programming language used for? 10) What is BASIC? 11) Why did C develop? 12) What did C++ language aim? 13) Do programming languages have grammatical rules that need to be learnt, just as natural languages do? Why? 14) What is the sole purpose of a programming language?

5. Find as quickly as possible and read out the sentences containing the following important information:


  • C++ language

  • programming languages and natural languages are similar.

*6. Try to tell the gist of the text.

Word Study

1. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following.

To deal with different kinds of problems, the right instructions, the high-level languages, problem to be solved, a brief description, scientific and mathematical problems, commercial purposes, to be first introduced, to combine features, scientific applications, a general-purpose language, to be designed, to be suitable for smth, to retain the nested program structures, similar languages, to achieve three things, programming errors, artificial intelligence, a superficial level, to be data-free, to contain no information, the sole purpose of a programming language, to be executed, a syntactically correct statement, not to be ambiguous, to make jokes in computer languages.

2. Give English equivalents of the following.

Жартувати в комп’ютерній мові, правильні команди, проблеми, які слід розв’язати, мати справу з завданнями різного роду, мови високого рівня, єдина мета мови програмування, не бути двозначним, бути виконаним, синтаксично правильне речення, короткий опис, комерційні цілі, наукові та математичні завдання, наукові застосуванні, поєднувати риси, бути представленим уперше, бути створеним, бути придатним для чогось, універсальна мова програмування, підтримувати гніздову структуру програми, досягати трьох речей, схожі мови, програмні помилки, поверхневий рівень, не вміщувати жодної інформації, штучний інтелект, бути без даних.

3. Match the words in a with their synonyms in b:

А purpose В to hold

ambiguous aim

superficial worthy

to revise to pile up

to compile to check

to retain surface

considerable doubtful

4. Fill in the gaps with the words from Vocabulary Notes in the appropriate form.

general-purpose / high-level / to aim / compiler / to support / source / to depend / to deal with / applications / purpose / data-free / superficial

1) A computers … different kinds of problems. 2) Instructions … on the type of problem to be solved. 3) A program written in one of the … languages is often called a … program. 4) COBOL is used for commercial … . 5) Programming language I is used for data processing as well as scientific … . 6) C is a highly portable … language. 7) The code generated by the … had to be very efficient. 8) The C++ language … to be better than C, … "abstract data types", to permit the use of a programming technique. 9) At a … level, programming languages and natural languages are similar. 10) Programming languages are … and therefore contain no information in themselves.

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