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5 . Translate sentences into English using words and word combinations from the Vocabulary Notes.

1) Базовими елементами комп’ютера є апаратне забезпечення, програмне забезпечення та вбудовані програми. 2) Комп’ютер виконує алгоритм завдяки системному та прикладному програмному забезпеченню. 3) Системний програміст є обов’язковим членом команди розробників. 4) На парі студенти познайомилися з основними функціями комп’ютера, а саме: вводу, виводу, обробки інформації, зберігання та управління. 5) Базовий мікрокомп’ютер потребує постійної пам’яті для зберігання програм та команд.

Grammar in Use

. The Present Perfect Tense

1. Put the Infinitive in brackets in the Present Perfect Tense.

1) Recently the computer (to be) the greatest technological invention of the twentieth century. 2) A computer already (to solve) many problems electronically. 3) Many electronics students already (to go on) to work as engineers. 4) Today’s computers (to be) technologically far superior to those used a few years ago. 5) Lately an electronic pen (to be) an example of an input device. 6) Scientists (to produce) many mechanical calculating machines since Pascal, the French mathematician, made his in 1642, but the 1940s when the first electronic computer was made. 7) The history of the multi-billion dollar PC industry (to be) one of mistakes. 8) Most people already (to choose) an online service because of the price or the number of available files.

2. Put these sentences into interrogative and negative form.

1) The history of the multi-billion dollar PC industry has been one of mistakes. 2) Xerox Corporation has already funded the initial research on personal computers in their Palo Alto laboratory in California. 3) However, the company has failed to capitalize on this work 4) Digital Research have continued to develop their operating system, DR/DOS. 5) However, without an endorsement from IBM, it has become a minor player in the market. 6) Analog transmission has been in use for many years as the basis of telephone technology and is very effective for this purpose. 6) The computer has changed the production of copy in the newspaper industry.

3. Replace the infinitive in brackets by the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite.

1) Babbage (to be) born in 1791. 2) He (to work) out plans for several calculating machines which he (to call) ‘engines’. 2) But he never (to finish) any of them. 3) Recently, however, the Science Museum in London (to finish) building an engine based on one of Babbage’s designs. 4) It (to take) for six years to complete and more than four thousand parts have been specially made. 5) Whether it (to work) or not, the machine (to be) on show at a special exhibition in the Science Museum to remind people of Babbage’s work. 6) Computers certainly (to revolutionize) police work by providing access to millions of items of information with the least possible delay and speeding up the process of apprehending suspicious-looking characters. 7) Today the Unix operating system (to spread) beyond the university and laboratory to find a home in global corporations and small Internet serves. 8) The first computers (to take) up most of the building and (not to have) much more computing power than the first PCs.

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