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Vocabulary Notes

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies факультет комп’ютерних наук та інформаційних технологій

Professional Training професійне навчання

сomputer technologies in managing and training комп’ютерні технології в управлінні та навчанні

an engineer-educator інженер-педагог

software програмне забезпечення

periodical ["pIqrI'OdIkql] періодичне видання

educational category педагогічна категорія

engineering training інженерна підготовка

psychological ["saIkq'lOGiIkql] and pedagogical knowledge психолого-педагогічна категорія

foreman майстер

industrial training виробниче навчання

social educator соціальний педагог

vocational school профтехучилище

lyceum [laI'sIqm] ліцей

training school технікум

technical training технічне навчання

complicated ['kOmplIkeItId] devices складні прилади

home devices вітчизняні прилади

sufficient quantity [sq'fISqnt 'kwOntItI]достатня кількість

fitted out обладнаний

availability наявність

to get experience набувати досвід

to succeed in мати успіх в ...

vice versa навпаки

to do one's best робити все можливе


1. Complete the following statements:

1) I am a student of … .

2) I study at … .

3) My speciality is … .

4) I’ll be … by profession.

5) An engineer-educator is trained … .

6) Thorough knowledge of foreign languages is … .

7) At present the students of the faculty have sufficient quantity of…

8) Availability of the Internet allows … .

9) Students should not forget that … .

2. Answer the following questions:

1. Where do you study?

2. What faculty do you study at?

3. What is your speciality?

4. What is an engineer-educator trained for?

5. Whom can the graduate of this speciality also work?

6. Why is thorough knowledge of foreign languages also quite necessary for an engineer-educator?

7. What have the students of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies at their disposal?

8. What do the students of the faculty use the Internet for?

9. What must students remember concerning their theoretical knowledge?

3. Do the following tasks:

1) State the most important facts from the text and write them down;

2) Write out the key words from the text

3) Put questions to the text in order to retell it;

4) Retell the text.

Unit 2

Text Study: Computer Literacy.

Additional Text: The Need for Computer Literacy in Modern Society.

Grammar: The Past Simple Tense.

Text Study

I. Pre-reading Exercises

1. Repeat the words in chorus:

Society, arithmetics, quickly, efficiently, requirements, either, existing, compile, retrieving, through, vehi­cles, throughout, irreverently, societies.

2. While reading the text you will come across a number of international words. Try to guess what Ukrainian words they remind of you:

Potential, privileged, bank credit card, clerk, detailed, packages, specification, to adapt, logical, modifying.

3. Pay attention to some grammatical points:

1) They bring with them both economic and social changes. 2) All of us are already on the way to becoming computer-literate. 3) Many actions that you have taken or observed have much in common. 4) He makes a detailed analysis of the employer's requirements. 4) He either uses standard computer packages or writes a specification for program­mers to adapt existing software or to prepare new software.

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