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English book.doc
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3. Complete the sentences.

1) The input, storage, processing and control devices are … . 2) The set of computer programs, proce­dures, and associated documentation that make possible the effective operation of the computer system is called … . 3) Systems software are the programs designed … . 4) Applications software are the programs written … . 5) Firmware often refers to … .

4. Answer the questions:

1) What functions do all computer systems perform? 2) What devices are hardware? 3) How many types are software programs? What are they? 4) What is the system software? 5) What is the application software? 6) What does the word program refer to? 7) Where are systems software stored? 8) When might the computer system architect decide not to use special electronic circuits (hardware) to multiply two numbers?

5. Find as quickly as possible and read out the sentences containing the following important information:

  • basic elements of the hardware

  • basic elements of the software

  • about system software

  • about application software

  • about firmware

*6. Try to tell the gist of the text.

Word Study

1. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following.

The functions of inputting (storing, processing, controlling, and outputting), to get acquainted with the computer system units, storage, processing, control devices, hardware, the information in the form of data and programs, the set of computer programs and proce­dures, associated documentation, systems software, applications software, to control the operation of a computer system, to solve specific problems, to move data into and out of a computer, protected programs, a sequence of instructions that is substituted for hardware, in an instance, cost is more important than performance, instructions to cause the machine to accomplish the same function.

2. Give English equivalents of the following.

Команди, які заставляють комп’ютер виконувати ті ж самі функції; апаратне забезпечення; керувати операціями комп’ютерної системи; послідовність команд, які є замінними (замінниками) для апаратного забезпечення; познайомитися з елементами (блоками) комп’ютерної системи; набір комп’ютерних програм та алгоритмів; ціна є важливішою, ніж якісні характеристики; захищені програми; функції вводу (зберігання, управління та виводу); пам’ять; прикладне програмне забезпечення; пристрій обробки інформації; розв’язувати специфічні задачі; пристрій (блок) управління; інформація у вигляді даних та програм; відповідна документація; у випадку; переміщати дані у комп’ютер та з комп’ютера.

3. Match the words in a with their synonyms in b:


to execute special

to get acquainted to replace

a procedure a case

data a designer

to substitute to accomplish

architect a method

an instance information

to cause to meet

to assist to make

specific to help

4. Fill in the gaps with the words from Vocabulary Notes in the appropriate form.

To execute / hardware/software/ROM/input/output/application software/system software/

1) Physical parts that make up a computer system is called … . 2) Programs which can be used on a particular computer system is called … . 3) The computer … a sequential set of instructions. 4) By itself, a typical microprocessor IC does not contain the memories and … and … functions. 5) The purpose of … … is to get the computer operating. 6) The purpose … … is to get the computer to do a specific job. 7) Another kind of program that needs no work on your part is the kind that is built into your computer as … .

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