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English book.doc
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3. Complete the sentences.

1) In 1980 Microsoft focuses on a new operating system which they name … . 2) Windows 1.0 ships with several programs, including … . 3) With improved graphics support in Windows 2.0., you can … . 4) Windows 3.1 has significantly better … . 5) Windows NT 3.1 supports … . 6) Windows 95 also offers … . 7) Windows 98 is the last version … . 8) Windows Me was the last Microsoft operating system to be based … . 9) Windows 2000 adds major improvements in … . 10) Windows XP Home Edition offers such enhancements as … . 11) Windows Vista also features enhancements to … . 12) Windows Live—free programs and services for … .

4. Answer the questions to the text:

1) What serves to bridge the gap between the computer hardware and programs? 2) What are there in Windows 1.0.? 3) What can you overlap in Windows 2.0.? 4) What helps software developers to focus more on writing programs and less on writing device drivers? 5) What kind of OS is Windows NT 3.1.? 6) For what are upgrade versions available? 7) When is the first version of Internet Explore released? 8) Where are PC common in 1998? 9) What kind of awareness increases? And by what are fears calmed to a certain extent? 10) What does Windows XP Professional include? 11) What helps to prevent potentially harmful software from making changes to your computer? 12) What no longer have a slot? And what do they have?

5. Find as quickly as possible and read out the sentences containing the following important information:

  • about MS-DOS

  • Windows 1.0

  • Windows 3.0

  • Windows 95

  • Windows Me

  • Windows Touch

*6. Try to tell the gist of the text.

Word Study

1. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following.

Drop-down menu, scroll bar, icon, desktop icon, dialog boxes, graphics support, advanced graphics, to control the screen layout, keyboard shortcuts, performance, Program Manager, File Manager, Print Manager, Windows Writer, Notepad, card file, heavy instruction manuals, high-end program, dial-up networking, Network Setup Wizard, Movie Maker, remote desktop support, user account, Windows Touch, to flip through photos.

2. Give English equivalents of the following.

"Випадаюче меню" (меню, яке висвітлюється при виборі користувачем певного пункту панелі меню); піктограма (значок); комутаційна мережа; значок робочого столу; управляти розміщенням зображення на екрані; покращена графіка; диспетчер файлів; диспетчер програм; адміністратор друку; редактор Windows; картотека; програма професійного класу (з повним набором функціональних можливостей); майстер налаштування мережі; дистанційна підтримка робочого столу; обліковий запис користувача (бюджет користувача); полистати фото; смуга прокрутки (зображення у вікні); діалогове вікно; робоча характеристика; клавіши швидкого набору команд; графічна підтримка; блокнот; складна технологічна інструкція; редактор фільмів; Windows з сенсорним управлінням.

3. Match the words in a with their synonyms in b:


significantly steady

built-in improvement

enhancement for the moment

to vie to renovate

stable extensively

awareness fixed

to restore to compete

meanwhile knowledge

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