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English book.doc
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1. Tell what sentences are true and what are false.

1) The necessity of robot construction appeared due to different hasardous enterprises. 2) Nowadays robot is a curiosity in our life. 3) It is very simple for robots to make inroads in industrial production worldwide. 4) The most important question is to design robotical complexes available for the manufacture of ever new kinds of products. 5) Single-handed robots are the "cleverest" and most skilful ones. 6) Robots cannot substitute men in unskilled and dangerous work.

2. Complete the sentences:

1) Robot usage has been expanding for … . 2) Today, robotic systems, lines and modules are already operating at … . 3) Robotics is just beginning to make … . 4) The robot by itself does nothing – … . 5) The problem is not to design individual robots but … . 6) Even many robots are not effective piecemeal, unless … . 7) As to robotization, the utmost economic and social effect will be brought about by … .

3. Choose the right answer:

1) Why did the necessity of some form of automated handling processes become obvious?

a) because it is very cheap and convenient;

b) because at great amount of enterprises the work becomes highly dangerous for a man's life;

c) because it helps to prrotect environment.

2) Where are robotic systems, lines and modules operating today?

a) at light industry enterprises;

b) at different educational establishments;

c) at the leading plants of the motor, electrical engineering, machine-tool industries.

3) Why can the robot by itself do nothing?– it must be constructively designed together with the machine tools

a) because our industry receives annually thousands of robots of different types and purposes;

b) because individual robots are easily modifiable for the manufacture of ever new kinds of products;

c) because it must be logically incorporated within the system of machines, machine tools and other units.

4) What are specialized enterprises oriented to?

a) they are reoriented from the production of industrial robots by piece, toward the manufacture of complete systems and robotized complex instruments;

b) they are oriented to the production of new kinds of products;

c) they are oriented to the robots which press, stamp and shape the raw material into a wide variety of things.

5) How will the utmost economic and social effect be brought about?

a) by systems capable of taking over a technological chain;

b) by systems capable of taking over the hasardous working conditions for a human operator;

c) by systems capable of taking over all the routine stages of designing, design support and the production of output.

1) Why do robots release workers from monotonous and very hard work?

a) because this work requires unskilled labour in production with hazardous working conditions.

b) because because this work is very difficult and unpleasant;

c) because because this work requires new technologies.

4. Answer the questions:

1) What are the real working conditions for a human operator by removal of hot metal die castings or plastics injection? 2) How can you characterize this kind of job? 3) What is the necessity of industrial automated handling caused by? 4) What can robots do at big enterprises? 5) What is the main problem of the development of robotics in industry? 6) What are specialized enterprises reoriented toward? 7) What do robots release workers from?

5. Find as quickly as possible and read out the sentences containing the following important information:

  • working conditions for robots

  • robots of different types and purposes

  • designing robotical complexes

*6. Try to tell the gist of the text.

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