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Vocabulary Notes

Hypertext ['haIpq"tFkst] гіпертекст (текст для перегляду на комп'ютері, який містить зв'язки з іншими документами («гіперзв'язки» чи «гіперпосилання»))

growth [grquT] зростання

to ensue [In'sjH] виникати, відбуватися

to incorporate [In'kLpqreIt] об’єднувати, приєднувати

computer host [hqust] ведучий комп’ютер

electronic [Ilek'trOnIk] mailbox електронна поштова скринька

to facilitate [fq'sIlIteIt] полегшити

to execute ['eksIkjHt] commands виконувати команди

binary ['baInqrI] files бінарні файли

Telnet Protocol мережевий протокол для реалізації текстового інтерфейсу по мережі

Usenet (Network News Transfer Protocol or NNTP) — протокол передачі новин у інтернет-мережі

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) — протокол передачі файлів

E-mail (Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) — протокол передачі електронної пошти

HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) — протокол передачі гіпертексту

Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) — голосовий інтернет-протокол

to be conversant [kqn'vWs(q)nt] бути обізнаним, бути поінформованим


1. Tell what sentences are true and what are false.

1) The World Wide Web was developed in 1998 in Sсotland. 2) The Web can incorporate graphics, video, and sound. 3) All types of protocols available on the Internet are accessible on the Web. 4) VOIP allows users to perform on-line communication over the Web. 5) The web divides all the protocols into several separate systems. 6) The World Wide Web is the fastest-growing component of a computer.

2. Choose the right answer:

1) Who developed the World Wide Web?

a) Bill Gates;

b) J.Eckert and J.Maushly;

c) Tim Berners-Lee.

2) Why do we use networked hypertext?

a) to facilitate surfing a net;

b) to facilitate communication;

c) to facilitate searching information.

3) What are Internet protocols?

a) sets of rules;

b) programming languages;

c) binary files.

4)What is the function of E-mail?

a) incorporation of graphics;

b) distribution of electronic messages;

c) intermachine communication.

5) What is Usenet?

a) Simple Mail Transport Protocol;

b) File Transfer Protocol;

c) Network News Transfer Protocol.

5)What does HTTP transmit?

a) Internet protocols;

b) hypertext;

c) mass communication.

3. Complete the sentences:

1) The World Wide Web was developed in … . 2) Internet protocols are … . 3) Simple Mail Transport Protocol distributes … . 4) Telnet Protocol facilitates … . 5) NNTP distributes … . 6) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol transmits … . 7) Voice over Internet Protocol allows … . 8) The World Wide Web provides a single … . 9) The World Wide Web is the fastest … .

4. Answer the questions:

1) What are the abilities of the World Wide Web? 2) Why has the use of the Web now reached global proportions? 3) What are Internet protocols? 4) What protocols are accessible on the Web? 5) Why does The World Wide Web provide a single interface? 6) What is the fastest-growing component of the Internet and why?

5. Find as quickly as possible and read out the sentences containing the following important information:

  • major protocols of the Web;

  • a single interface of The World Wide Web.

*6. Try to tell the gist of the text.

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