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4. Answer the questions to the text:

1) What is processing? 2) What is data processing? 3) What does the term of data processing system mean? 4) How many types are there? 5) What do people provide? 6) What are consumed in great quantity? 7) What are required to house the equipment, people and materials? 8) What basic operations does a data processing system include? 9) What is inputting / storing / outputting / controlling? 10 )How did ancient Egyptians convert facts into useful information? 11) When were mechanical aids for computation developed? 12) What does data storage hierarchy mean? 13) What are characters/data elements/records/files? 14) What is a data base?

5. Find as quickly as possible and read out the sentences containing the following important information:

  • the resourc­es that are used to accomplish the processing of data;

  • five basic operations of data process­ing systems;

  • the general group­ings of any data storage hierarchy.

*6. Try to tell the gist of the text.

Word Study

1. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following.

Written language symbol, initial processing, additional processing, a phenomenon of modem life, the definition of data process­ing, to accomplish the processing of data, printer rib­bons, to predict yearly crop yields, to convert data into useful in­formation, to record the ebb and flow, data processing system, series of actions, to provide input to computer, data elements, inputting; storing, outputting, data base, a set of related files, field, to house the computer equipment, to include the resourc­es, prehistory, mechanical aids to computation, visual display, printed report.

2. Give English equivalents of the following.

Система обробки інформації; визначення (термі­ну) обробки даних; сукупність даних; послідовність дій; перетворення даних в корисну інформацію; включати ресурси; здійснювати обробку даних; забезпечувати введення інформації у комп’ютер; стрічки принтера; обладнання; явища сучасного життя; протягом доісторичного періоду; реєструвати відпливи та припливи; прогнозувати врожай зернових культур; механічні засоби обчислення; введення даних; збереження даних; початкова обробка даних; первинна обробка; додаткова обробка; видача інформації; група розрядів (поле); записані символи мови; елементи інформації; база даних; набір взаємопов’язаних файлів, візуальне відображення, надруковане повідомлення.

3. Match the words in a with their synonyms in b:


to convert to keep

to house to carry out

to control to input

to store to locate

to enter to direct

to accomplish to change

related series

sequence connected

facilities consecutively

successively installation

4. Fill in the gaps with the words from Vocabulary Notes in the appropriate form.

To accomplish/to store/sequence/to convert/processing/facilities/controlling

1) Motherboards usually contain one or more CPUs, main memory and … for initial setup of the computer. 2) Large-scale computers are necessary to do the complex … . 3) When a multiplicity of operations must be … simultaneously the only answer is a macro computer. 4) Each instruction has a unique code specifying a particular operation and has been placed in specific … by the computer programmer.5) A basic microcomputer requires a read-only memory … the computer program or instructions, a random-access memory … temporary. 6) The electronic machine can also be used for … automatic production. 7) A computer can also be used to make translation from one language into another by … words into figures and vice versa.

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