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5. Translate sentences into English using words and word combinations from the Vocabulary Notes.

1) Кожна команда програми точно визначає крок маніпулювання даними або контрольну дію. 2) Команди дозволяють програмі виконувати різні дії, наприклад перескакувати певний крок обробки, якщо він не вимагається цими даними. 3) Кожен центральний процесор характеризується своєю системою команд, які мають короткі назви, щоб нагадувати про своє призначення. 4) Різна побудова центрального процесора має різні набори команд та особливі команди, які характерні тільки йому. 5) Команди представлені системою бітів, мінімальних одиниць інформації. 6) Деякі центральні процесори мають фіксований розмір команд. Це означає, що кожна команда становить 16 бітів чи наприклад 32 біти і т.п. 7) Кілька перших бітів команди утворюють операційний код. 8) Деякі команди не потребують жодних даних.

Grammar in Use The Participle

1. Translate the sentences containing Participle I and Participle II in the function of adverbial modifier:

1. When entering the Internet, I always find a lot of inter­esting information.

2. Though never built Babbage's analytical engine was the basis for designing today's computers.

3. When written in a symbolic language programs require the translation into the machine language.

4. While operating on the basis of analogy analog computers simulate physical systems.

5. When used voltage represents other physical quantities in analog com­puters.

6. Being discrete events commercial transactions are in a natural form for a digital computer.

7. As contrasted with the analyst, the computer system architect designs computers for many different applications.

8. While dealing with discrete quan­tities digital computers count rather than measure.

9. When using a microcomputer you are constantly making choice — to open a file, to close a file, and so on.

10. As known all comput­er systems perform the functions of inputting, storing, processing, controlling, and outputting.

2. Open the brackets using Perfect Participle Active or Perfect Participle Passive. Translate sentences into Ukrainian.

1. (to finish) the research the scientists made the anal­ysis of the data obtained.

2. The designer left the office (to look through) all the documents.

3. (to discuss) the func­tions of storage units we passed on to the consideration of con­trol processing unit.

4. (to limit) the information capacity of a single bit to two alternatives the computer designers expressed data by a combination of bits.

5. (to translate) the program into machine language the computer architect put the program into the machine.

6. (to be coded) the instruction was transmitted to the central processing unit.

7. (to be transmitted) to the central processing unit the instruction made arithmetic-logical unit perform some computations.

8. (to be regulated) by the operator the equipment operated well.

9. Data (to be entered) correctly into the computer com­ponent of a data processing system, the need for further manip­ulation by humans is eliminated.

10. (to be well prepared) for the examination the pupils could answer all the questions the teacher asked them.

11. Electromechanical memories depend upon (to move) me­chanical parts for their operation.

12. The time (to require) for the computer to locate and transfer data to and from a storage me­dium is called the access time.

13. (to be) not visible software makes possible the effective operation of computer system.

14. (to invent) magnetic tapes the Germans used them as the secondary storage medium.

15. When properly (to program) computers don't make computational errors.

16. (to be in­troduced) in the early 1960s magnetic disc storage has replaced magnetic tape storage.

17. The control unit ( to interpret) instruc­tions is one of the important parts of any computer system.

18. Data ( to record) in the form of magnetized dots can be arranged to represent coded patterns of bits.

19. As (to contrast) with mag­netic tapes magnetic discs can perform both sequential and ran­dom processing.

20. While (to have) no moving mechanical parts electronic memories can transfer data at very high speed.

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