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English book.doc
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4. Answer the questions:

1) What does the operating system allow us? 2) How are the control program often called? 3) What is the function of the language processors? 4) What are types of language processors? 5) Does each language have its own language processor? 6) What are the functions of the service programs? 7) What types of errors or bugs with which programmers must deal are there? 8) How can logic errors be avoided? 9) Are there many tools provided to the programmer to help in debugging the program logic? 10) How are these tools called? 11) What do these tools do?

5. Find as quickly as possible and read out the sentences containing the following important information:

  • the control program

  • the service programs

  • testing of the computer program

*6. Try to tell the gist of the text.

Word Study

1. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following.

A collection of programs, the computer's manufacturer, to translate source programs into object programs, to sort data stored on secondary storage devices, to copy data from any input device, to monitor the execution of programs, to be commonly used, to transfer data from device to device, the coding error, syntax errors, to identify the nature and the location of the error, the logic error, the desired results, to be avoided through careful planning of the program logic, the programmer's responsibility, to test thoroughly all of the program's functions, to verify that the program performs according to specifications.

2. Give English equivalents of the following.

Відповідальність програміста, класифікувати дані, які збережені на вторинних зберігаючих пристроях, синтаксичні помилки, широко використовуватись, виробник команд, копіювати дані з будь-якого пристрою вводу, створювач програм, перетворити початкову програму в кінцеву (об’єктну), контролювати виконання програм, логічна помилка, переміщати дані з пристрою на пристрій, кодована помилка, визначати природу та місце розташування помилки, бажані результати, перешкоджатися через ретельне планування логіки програми, робити перевірку через усі функції програми, контролювати, що програма працює згідно всіх технічних умов

3. Match the words in a with their synonyms in b:


manufacturer completely

interpreter insect

bug commentator

to verify fault

to avoid obligation

responsibility to escape

thoroughly to examine

error factory-owner

4. Fill in the gaps with the words from Vocabulary Notes in the appropriate form.

object programs / errors / to monitor / logic / manufacturer / coding / to identify / responsibility / to avoid / debugging

1) The operating system is a collection of programs provided by the computer's … .2) The control program … the execution of our programs. 3) The language processors are programs that translate source programs into … . 4) There are two kinds of … with which programmers must deal. They are the … error and the … error. 5) The language processor … the nature and the location of the error on the source program listing. 6) Logic errors can … through careful planning of the program logic. 7) It is the programmer's … to test thoroughly all of the program's functions. 8) There are many tools provided to the programmer to help in … the program logic.

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