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Vocabulary Notes

a matter of common knowledge ['nOlIG] — загальновідома справа;

to consist in — полягати (в чому-небудь)

in the early ['WlI] forties — на початку сорокових (років);

emphasis ['emfqsIs] should be made — необхідно наголосити (підкреслити);

integral ['IntIgrql] part of automation ["Ltq'meISqn] — невід'ємна частина автоматизації;

with the advent ['xdvent] of automation — з появою автоматизації;

(machines) discharge [dIs'CRG] functions — (машини) виконують функції;

comprehensively mechanized ["kOmprI'hensIvlI 'mekqnaIzd] and automated (enterprise) — повністю механізоване та автоматизоване (підприємство);

to go into operation — починати діяти (працювати);

needless to say... — зайве казати, не кажучи;

material input — матеріальний внесок (витрати);

flexiblе technology ['fleksqbl tek'nOlqGI] — гнучка технологія;

to make up (for) — компенсувати, надолужувати (упущене);

release [rI'lJs] of "living labour" ['leIbq] — вивільнення робочої сили;

flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) — гнучкі автоматизовані системи

advanced technical know-how ['nqVhaV]— високий технічний досвід.


1. Tell what sentences are true and what are false.

1). Soon automatic assembly line was recognized throughout the world to be a new, progressive, independent branch of science and engineering. 2). In fact, automation is the integration of two mingled compounds which have been linked together into a single process. 3). Emphasis should be made that automation is a mere extension of mechanization. 4). With the advent of automation these functions were transferred to the mechanical device. 5). Now machines discharge only physiological functions. 6) The mechanized and automated production lines replace or lighten the work of a tremendous number of workers. 7) Modern means of automation make it possible to link up in a single complex the whole technological chain: machine manufacturing, equipment and rigging, organizing of a technological process, control of the whole production. 8) Thus, now the main trend in automation is developing merely automatic machines and automated processes and systems whose functioning includes the direct involvement of men. 9. They consider the FMS to be the future of the automated factory, or at least the minimally manned factory.

2. Choose the right answer:

1) When did the words “automation”, “automatic control” appear on the pages of the press or scientific publications?

a) yesterday;

b) last year;

c) some decades ago;

d) in the Middle Ages.

2) Where did man remain the principal agent of the technological process?

a) in automation;

b) in science;

c) in manufacturing;

d) in mechanization.

3) What plants in the country have been completely automated?

a) car-building plants;

b) hydro-power plants;

c) metallurgical plants;

d) ship- building plants.

4) What makes it possible to link up in a single complex the whole technological chain?

a) means of transportation;

b) means of engineering;

c) means of automation;

d) means of communication.

5) What does comprehensive automation call for?

a) intensification of production;

b) technological process;

c) automated processes;

d) material inputs and time.

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