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English book.doc
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Vocabulary Notes

a manufacturer ["mxnju'fxktS(q)rq] – фабрикант, підприємець, виробник

to schedule ['SedjHl] jobs – назначати (планувати роботу)

an utility [ju(:)'tIlItI] program – програма, яка обслуговує

a source program – початкова програма

an object program – кінцева (об’єктна) програма

an assembler [q'semblq] – асемблер ( програма, яка транслює програму на мові асемблера в машинний код )

a compiler [kqm'paIlq] – компілятор, компілярна програма

an interpreter [in'tWprItq] – інтерпретатор, тлумач

bug [bAg] – n. вірус; v. встановлювати таємно апаратуру для підслуховування

an error – помилка

a desired result – бажаний результат

to avoid – запобігти, анулювати

responsibility – відповідальність

thoroughly ['TArqlI] – ретельно, досконало

to verify ['verIfaI] – перевіряти, контролювати, підтверджувати

to debug – настроювати (машину, програму), анулювати неполадки

a printout – роздруківка, вивід даних через друкарський пристрій

a debug package – пакет програм, який відповідає за несправності

sort/merge program – програма (зовнішнього) сортування методом розбиття/злиття

to monitor – контролювати, перевіряти якість програми; спостерігати, слідкувати

an editor – редактор, програма редактування

specifications ["spesqfI'keISns] – технічні умови


1. Tell what sentences are true and what are false.

1) The operating system is a collection of programs provided by the computer's manufacturer. 2) The control program (often called the supervisor, monitor, or executive) is a secondary-storage-resident program. 3) The language processors are programs that translate source programs into object programs. 4) There are two types of language processors: assemblers and interpreters. 5) The service programs are programs that are commonly used in all data processing centers. 6) There are several kinds of errors or bugs with which programmers must deal. 7) Logic errors can be avoided through careful planning of the program logic.

2. Choose the right answer:

1) The programs of the operating system are called … .

a) utility programs;

b) control programs, language programs and utility programs;

c) control programs and language programs.

2) The control program is a … program.

a) main-storage-resident;

b) secondary-storage-resident;

c) resident.

3) The language processors are programs that translate … .

a) programs;

b) source programs into subject programs;

c) source programs into object programs.

4) The service programs have functions that … by everyone using a computer.

a) are required;

b) are not required;

c) are desired.

5) As for testing of the computer program , there are … kinds of errors or bugs with which programmers must deal.

a) many;

b) three;

c) two.

6) The tools provided to the programmer to help in debugging the program logic are called … .

a) debug packages or tracing routines;

b) debug packages;

c) tracing routines.

3. Complete the sentences:

1) The operating system is … . The programs are called … . 3) The control program is … . 4) The language processors are … . 5) There are three types of language processors: … . 6) The service programs are … . 7) There are two kinds of errors or bugs with which programmers must deal: … . 8) Logic errors can be avoided through … . 9) There are many tools provided to the programmer (why?)… . 10) These tools are called … .

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