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English book.doc
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Vocabulary Notes

to flow – витікати, виходити з

primary storage / internal storage – первинний запам’ятовуючий пристрій

intermediate ["IntW'mJdjqt] – проміжний, середній

a semiconductor – напівпровідник

available [q'veIlqbl] – доступний, наявний, корисний

to distinguish [dIs'tINgwIS] – відрізняти, розглядати

sequential [sI'kwenSlql] – послідовний

to load – грузити, загружати, вміщувати

an external storage – зовнішній запам’ятовуючий пристрій, зовнішня пам’ять

a surface ['sWfIs] – поверхня, зовнішність

an integrated circuit – інтегрована схема

an elaborate circuit – добре продумана схема

to purchase ['pWtSqs]– купувати

to share – ділитися, поділяти

"flip-flop"– тригер, тригерна схема

mercury ['mWkjurI]– ртуть, ртутний стовп

punched hole – перфораційний отвір

a loop – петля, цикл програми


1. Tell what sentences are true and what are false.

1) There are primary and secondary storage units which contain data and the instructions for processing the data. 2) Primary storage is also called main storage or secondary storage. 3) Primary storage is cheap because each bit is represented by a low-speed device. 4) Slower, less ex­pensive storage units are called secondary storage. 5) Data are stored in secondary storage in the same binary codes as in main storage. 6) Computers have three types of memory. The acronym RAM is Random Access Memory. 7) Its origin is not very old, it was used to distinguish main memory from secondary storage like tapes. 8) ROM memory is generally used to hold parts of the code of the computer's operating system. 9) Memory sizes are most commonly given in terms of bits. 10) The main memories of modern computers are made from integrated circuits.

2. Choose the right answer:

1) Primary and secondary storage units contain … .

a) data and the instructions for processing the data;

b) the instructions for processing the data;

c) only data.

2) The specific functions of internal storage are to hold: … .

a) all data and the instructions;

b) intermediate and final results of processing;

c) all data, intermediate results, final results of processing and the instructions.

3) ROM memory is generally used … parts of the code of the computer's operating system.

a) to drop;

b) to hold;

c) to show.

4) … are too small a unit of storage.

a) bits;

b) bytes;

c) megabyte.

5) One basic circuit is … .

a) complex;

b) integrated;

c) a "flip-flop".

3. Complete the sentences:

1) Primary and secondary storage units contain … and … . 2) Primary storage is also called … . 3) The specific functions of internal storage are to hold (store): … . 4) A million bytes (that is, 8 million bits) is … . 5) Secondary storage is … . 6) Computers have two types of memory … . 7) Most of the memory on a computer will be … . 8) RAM memory is used to … . 9) All storage devices require … . 10) The main memories of modern computers are made from … . 11) Most current personal computers now have around … million bytes of storage.

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