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4. Answer following questions.

1) When have the capabilities of a personal computer changed greatly? 2) What opportunity had people in academic or research institutions? 3) What leads to the proliferation of personal computers after 1975? 4) What were of interest mostly to hobbyists and technicians? 5) What allowed a wider range of people to use com­puters? 6) What did home computers offer? 7) What was the Apple II, introduced in 1977 by Apple Computer? 8) What did IBM en­tered the fray with? 9) What are the main characteristics of a PC? 10) What is the most distinguishing feature of a personal com­puter?

5. Find as quickly as possible and read out the sentences containing the following important information:

  • the appearance of PC in the early 1970 s;

  • the first and most popular personal computers;

  • the main characteristics of a PC.

*6. Try to tell the gist of the text.

Word Study

1. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following.

The introduction of electronic computers, academic or research institutions, in interactive mode, for extended du­rations, to lead to the proliferation of personal computers, in kit form and in limited volumes, to be aimed for office, to remain a major player in the personal computer marketplace, microprocessor-based, a single silicon chip, to range in size, local area networking, to share expensive mass storage and peripherals, regardless of the purpose.

2. Give English equivalents of the following.

Незважаючи на мету, протягом тривалого часу, поява електронних комп’ютерів, вести до збільшення персональних комп’ютерів, сягати у розмірі, у вигляді комплекту та в обмеженій кількості, інтерактивному режимі, використовувати масивну пам'ять та периферійні засоби, наукові чи дослідницькі інститути, бути призначеним для офісу, мікропроцесорний, локальна мережа, цілісний кристал з кремнію, залишатися головним постачальником на комп’ютерному ринку.

3. Match the words in A with their synonyms in B:


circuitry capability

computer of choice universal

storage circuits

to employ the best computer

general-purpose memory

eventually to use

capacity finally

4. Fill in the gaps with the words from Vocabulary Notes in the appropriate form.

General-purpose/to employ/circuitry/self-contained

1) Any modern computer use … . 2) Computers that can do many different jobs are called … computer. 3) The smallest fully functional … personal computers are notebook computers.4) Analog computers are devices that … continuously variable physical phenomena to make computations.

5. Translate sentences into English using words and word combinations from the Vocabulary Notes.

1. Комп’ютери компанії IBM стали найкращими, а поступились їм комп’ютери Apple. 2) Усі персональні комп’ютери використовують носії для виводу та вводу даних. 3) Усі друковані документи можна назвати друкованими копіями вихідних даних. 4) Ноутбуки – це є автономні, універсальні ПК. 5) CD диски, флеш карти – це автономне зберігання даних окремо від комп’ютера.

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