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Vocabulary Notes

to engage in – бути залученим у щось

commonplace – банальний, звичайний, неоригінальний

widespread – розповсюджений, широко поширений

а research [rI'sq:tS]– дослідження

to improve – покращувати

to maintain records – вести облік

deposits [dI'pOzIts] and withdrawal [wiD'drL(q)l]– вклади та вилучення

an inquiry [In'kwaiqrI]– довідка, запит

guidance ['gaid(q)ns]– управління; керівництво

an environment [In'vaIqr(q)nmqnt]– середовище

freight [freIt] / cargo ['kQ:gqu]– вантаж, вартість перевезення

sophisticated – мудрий

an employee ["emplOi'J]– робітник, службовець

to assign [q'saIn]– назначати, встановлювати

a society [sq'saiqtI]– суспільство

countless [kauntlIs] – багаточисленний, незчисленний

to verify ['verIfaI]– перевіряти, контролювати


1. Tell what sentences are true and what are false.

1) Computers have become commonplace in homes, offices, stores, schools, research insti­tutes, plants. 2) Computer-controlled robots are not able to improve the quality of manufactured products and to increase the productivity of industry. 3) Space exploration can not depend on computers for guidance, on-board environment and re­search.4) The computer has changed the production of copy in the newspaper industry. There are ten steps involved in the process. 5) Almost every medium-sized or large company will use computers to help run the office.

2. Choose the right answer:

1) The use of computers in business, industry and communi­cation services is … today.

a) seldom;

b) widespread;

c) interesting.

2) Computers … control the work of power stations, plants and docks.

a) can;

b) can not;

c) could.

3) In … , computers are used for financial planning, accounting and specific calculations.

a) home;

b) farm;

c) business.

4) … are used to fully describe countless factors.

a) macro computers;

b) minicomputers;

c) desk computers.

5) … use large computer systems to control ticket reservations

a) institutions;

b) universities;

c) rrailway companies.

6) ... is impossible without computer application.

a) air traffic control;

b) air control;

c) water control.

3. Complete the sentences.

1) At present a great deal of the work force of most coun­tries is engaged in … . 2) Computers have become commonplace in … .3) The work of banks depends upon … . 4) There are three steps involved in the process of copy in the newspaper industry: … . 5) People use computers in different branches: …. 6) Students spend more time with … .

4. Answer the questions:

1) Where have computers become commonplace? 2) How do computers help in business? 3) What does the work of banks depend upon? 4) Do computers form a part of many military systems? In what way? 5) How are computers used in medicine? 6) Why do Railway companies use a computer? 7) Can police departments work without using sophisticated devices? Why? 8) How do we use a computer in everyday life?

5. Find as quickly as possible and read out the sentences containing the following important information:

  • application of a computer in medicine

  • application of a computer in business

  • application of a computer in day-to-day duties

*6. Try to tell the gist of the text.

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