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English book.doc
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Vocabulary Notes

to implement ['ImplImqnt] виконувати, забезпечувати виконання, здійснювати, утілюватись в життя.

to engrave [In'greIv] утримувати на собі, гравірувати

wiring ['waiqrIN] монтаж, проводка, монтажна схема

pin штекер, вивід; контакт

RIM read-in mode режим вводу

supply – постачати

subpart – підчастина

to define – давати визначення

to determine [dI'tWmIn] – визначати, встановлювати

to feed – надавати інформацію

manipulation – маніпулювання, обробка

to require [rI'kwaiq] – вимагати

addition and multiplication – додавання і множення

comparison [kqm'pxrIsn] – порівняння

to permit ['pWmit] – дозволяти

values ['vxljHs] – величини

current ['kAr(q)nt] – сучасний

register ['reGistq] – регістр

calculation – обчислення

reserve [rI'zWv] – резерв, зберігати


1. Tell what sentences are true and what are false.

1) The CPU of a modern small computer is physically implemented as double silicon "chip". 2) The CPU's circuits are the million or more transistors and the interconnecting wiring. 3) The CPU is logically made up from a number of subparts, there are five most important, which will be present in every CPU. 4) The timing and control circuits are the heart of the system. 5) A controlling circuit defines the computer's basic processing cycle: repeat and fetch next instruction from memory. 6) The arithmetic logic unit contains the circuits that manipulate data. 7) Most current CPUs have registers that each store 32 bits of data. 8) Data values have to be fetched from the CPU and stored temporarily in CPU registers.

2. Choose the right answer:

1) The chip will have … .

a) one thousand or more pins;

b) one hundred or more pins around its rim;

c) million pins.

2) … circuits are the heart of the system.

a) the timing;

b) the control;

c) the timing and control.

3) The arithmetic logic unit contains the circuits that … .

a) manipulate data;

b) hide data;

c) show data.

4) While most data are kept in memory, CPUs hold a … amount of data in "registers" (data stores) in the CPU itself.

a) huge;

b) great;

c) small.

5) Data values have to be fetched from memory and stored temporarily in … .

a) CPU registers;

b) the ALU;

c) controllers.

3. Complete the sentences:

1) A controlling circuit defines the computer's basic processing cycle: … 2) Along with the controlling "fetch-decode-execute" circuit, the timing and control component of the CPU contains … . 3) The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) contains different circuits for example … . 4) A CPU register will hold as many bits as … . 5) The circuits in the ALU often are organized so that … . 6) Data values have to be fetched from memory and stored temporarily in … . 7) Commonly the CPU will have … "data" registers and another … "address" registers.

4. Answer the questions:

1) How is the CPU of a modern small computer physically implemented? 2) What will this chip engrave on it? 3) Is the CPU logically made up from a number of subparts? 4) What basic processing cycle does a controlling circuit define? 5) What circuits does the timing and control component of the CPU contain? 6) What does the arithmetic logic unit contain? 7) How many bits will a CPU register hold? 8) What registers have current CPUs? 9) Do data values have to be fetched from memory and stored temporarily in CPU registers? Why?

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