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English book.doc
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Vocabulary Notes

a source program – вхідна, початкова програма

a purpose – мета, ціль; the sole purpose – єдина мета

to support [sq'pLt] – підтримувати, допомагати

a compiler – компілятор, програма-компілятор; compile time – час компіляції, час роботи компілятора; to compile – вибирати інформацію, збирати матеріал, компілювати програму

to retain – тримати, акумулювати, тримати в пам’яті

а peripheral controller – периферійний контролер

considerable – значний, важливий

to revise – перевіряти, виправляти

acceptable [qk'septqbl]– допустимий

superficial ["sju:pq'fIS(q)l]– зовнішній, поверхневий

interaction – взаємодія, взаємозв’язок

syntactically [sIn'txktIklI]– синтаксично

ambiguous [xm'bIgjuqs] – двозначний, сумнівний

to make jokes – шуткувати

to deal with – мати справу з

to depend on – залежити від

a sourceджерело

to process ['preuses] обробляти

brief [brJf] короткий

a description – опис

to introduce – вводити, представляти

consequently ['kOnsIkwqntlI] – отже, отож

nested structure ['strAktSq] – гніздова (вкладена структура)


1. Tell what sentences are true and what are false.

1) Computers can deal with different kinds of problems even if they are not given the right instructions for what to do. 2) A program written in one of high-level languages is often called a source program, and it cannot be directly processed by the computer until it has been compiled. 3) A single instruction written in a high-level language, when transformed into machine code, results in one instruction. 4) FORTRAN is used for solving scientific and language problems. 5) Common Business-Oriented Language is used for commercial purposes and it does not involve a lot of mathematical calculations. 6) C is a highly portable general-purpose language and it was designed to be a language that would be suitable for writing system's software. 7) Programming languages and natural languages are different. 8) You cannot make jokes in computer languages.

2. Choose the right answer:

1) Instructions are first written in one of the … , depending on the type of problem to be solved.

a) high-level languages;

b) low-level languages;

c) mid-level languages.

2) FORTRAN was first introduced in the United States in 1954.

a) in the Great Britain in 1954;

b) in the United States in 1994;

c) in the United States in 1954.

3) COBOL deals with problems that … a lot of mathematical calculations.

a) involve;

b) do not involve;

c) does not involve.

4) Programming languages are … and therefore contain no information in themselves.

a) free;

b) data-free;

c) busy.

5) A syntactically correct statement in a programming language has only one … .

a) way;

b) meaning;

c) interpretation.

6) You … make jokes in computer languages.

a) cannot;

b) can;

c) should.

3. Complete the sentences:

1) A source program is … . 2) FORTRAN consists of … . 3) COBOL is used for … . 4) ALGOL was first introduced in … . 5) PL/I Programming language is used for … . 6) BASIC used by students … . 7) C developed in the 1970s to (why?)… . 8) The C++ language aimed to (what?) … . 9) Other such languages are APL, PASCAL, LISP and PROLOG are used (for what? )… . 10) LOGO has been used to (why?) … . 11) Programming languages are data-free and therefore contain … . 12) The information is contained in … . 13) The sole purpose of a programming language is … .

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