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Vocabulary Notes

Axis ['xksIs] — вісь

shoulder ['SqVldq] — плече

maintain [meIn'ten] — утримувати, обслуговувати, ремонтувати

detailed — детальний

servo-control ['sWvqV kqn'trqVl] — сервоуправління

pneumatic [njH'mxtIk] — пневматичний

extension [Ik'stenS(q)n] — розширення

elevation ["elI'veIS(qn] — піднесення

programmable control device — керувальний пристрій, якому можна задавати програму

NC machine tool — верстат з числовим програмним управлінням, (ЧПУ)

servo-drive — сервопривід

to draw upon — черпати, брати

positioning — позиціонування

dc (direct current) drive — привід постійного струму

stepping motor [stpIN 'mqVtq] — крокуючий двигун

gripper-unit — затискуючий привід

nuclear machining ['njHklIq] — механічна обробка радіоактивних матеріалів

remote machining [rI'mqVt] — механічна обробка за допомогою дистанційного управління

automatic tool changer — пристрій для автоматичної зміни інструменту


1. Tell what sentences are true and what are false.

1) A device that has a lot of axes with servo-control, capable of being programmed for independent operation is called an industrial robot. 2) The form of an industrial robot is strictly defined. 3) The mechanical configurations of a robot depend upon the tasks it performs. 4) The term "robot" itself is rather clair and distinct. 5) According to the international standards an industrial robot is an automated machine with a manipulator and programmable control device for substituting similar human functions. 6) The machine tool itself cannot adopt the technology from other previous developments. 7) Pneumatic systems are characterised by very high accuracy of movement and very high cost. 8) Hydraulic drives provide high forces and good control of speed and positioning. 9) Gripper units have been used in the nuclear machining lately for distant machining dangerous materials. 10) the high levels of reliability obtained in the practical application of robots proves that the technology of industrial robots has changed greatly. 11) The electronic brain of a robot differs it from an ordinary machine. 12) A microcomputer can’t be programmed to do an assigned task repeatedly, with definite pace and accuracy.

2. Complete the sentences:

1) An industrial robot may be defined as … . 2) Robots are unique products for … . 3) Some engineers insisted that every robot must… . 4) Many features of NC machine tools can be compared directly with … . 5) The minicomputer controller, and memory of tape programming are all established features of … . 6) The servo-drives for the axes may be … . 7) Gripper units were designed to … . 8) Simple gripper units have been developed for … . 9) In the nearest future industrial robots will be able to … .

3. Choose the right answer:

1) What is an industrial robot?

a) a device with two axes, capable to perform loading and unloading operations;

b) a device, capable to substitute similar human functions;

c) a device with five or more axes with servo-control, capable of being programmed for independent operation.

2) What is the standard of an industrial robot adopted in many countries?

a) it is an automated machine capable of doing any job;

b) it is an automated machine combining a manipulator and programmable control device;

c) it is an automated machine characterized by very high accuracy of movement and very high cost.

3) What is programmable control device designed to?

a) it is designed to perform movement and control functions;

b) it is designed to substitute similar functions of mechanical tools;

c) it is designed to adopt the existing technology from other previous developments.

4) What are the established features of existing machine-tool technology?

a) they are: pneumatic, hydraulic, or electric servo-drives for the axes;

b) they are the features of NC machine tools;

c) they are: the servo-systems for controlling the axes, the minicomputer controller, and memory of tape programming.

5) What are the possible servo-drives for the axes?

a) they may be developed for handling tooling as part of automatic tool changers;

b) they may be like people, and be capable of doing any job;

c) they may be pneumatic, hydraulic, or electric, or any combination of these methods.

6) What is the difference between the design of an industrial robot and a machine tool?

a) industrial robots usually have a hand or wrist incorporating some form of gripper unit;

b) industrial robots usually have memory of tape programming;

c) industrial robots usually have definite mechanical configurations.

7) What are gripper units used for in the nuclear machining?

a) for controlling the axes;

b) for independent operation;

c) for the remote machining of radioactive or toxic materials.

8) What is the electronic brain of an industrial robot?

a) it is a microcomputer that can be programmed to do an assigned task repeatedly, at the same pace and with the same accuracy;

b) it is a a hand or wrist incorporating some form of gripper unit;

c) it is a manipulating device of a robot.

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